• 金生发现昭仪的母亲叫黄爱玲后,坚持要雇用

    Jinsheng insists on employing Zhaoyi as he discovers that her mother's name is Huang Ailing.


  • 但是最新研究再次证实此前的一些研究结果坚持锻炼有助于预防乳腺癌发生。

    But the latest study confirmed that previous studies result that insist to take exercise can help prevent breast cancer.


  • 提高贫困人口安全保障与实现减少国家贫困人口目标,就必需即坚持他们基本消费保护他们的资产并给予基本扶持

    To increase the security of poor people, national poverty reduction strategies must support their immediate consumption needs and protect their assets by ensuring access to basic services.


  • 受影响行业坚持以前野生动植物政策根据经济价值单个物种进行评估。

    Affected industries clung to the former wildlife policy of valuing individual species according to their economic usefulness.


  • 一些开发者坚持认为属性信息应该元数据关于数据的信息,不是数据本身。

    Some developers insist that attribute information should be metadata, namely information about the data, and not the data itself.


  • 我们软件服务中服务部分利害相关意见达成了一致,还有顾客公司体验决定他们坚持还是换别的想法。

    We have reached the point where the service part of SaaS is most relevant, the point where the experience your customers have with your company will determine whether they stick or switch.


  • 最好还是继续方案,通过通过,或者坚持精英主义顶尖者增加“优秀通过”这个额外级别

    Much better to stick with a two-level system of pass and fail, or (if you will insist on such elitism) one extra level of “pass with distinction” for the top quartile.


  • 愿意看到石油资源丰富南方分离出去的北方一直坚持得票数要达到总投票数的三分之二75%或者更多

    The north, reluctant to see the oil-rich south secede, had previously insisted on a majority of two-thirds on a turnout as high as 75% or more.


  • 可能IPCC制定一个全球减排目标到2020年下降25-40%,但是这个目标是不切实际的。也是印度谈判方为什么坚持把这个目标巴厘岛行动计划草稿上划的原因。

    This would make an IPCC target of reducing global emissions by 25-40% by 2020 unrealisable, which is why India's negotiators insisted that the target be removed from a draft of the Bali Action Plan.


  • 坚持自己的种类”,这是西边故事”中的副歌部分,描述了一种被社会学家称之为“同质性”的现象同样

    "Stick to your own kind," goes the "West Side Story" refrain, a phenomenon that sociologists call homophily: love of the same.


  • 俄罗斯央行停止铸造硬币1戈比5戈比已经坚持了许久。

    The Central Bank of Russia has been long insisting on ceasing the minting of small coins, that are one and five copecks.


  • 现在唯一能带来安慰或者说至少目前是,爱尔兰打算坚持个原则他们保持自己12.5%公司税的形象。

    The only consolation for the Irish is that, sofar at least, they have managed to hang on to the principle that they can maintain their trademark low 12.5% corporate-tax rate.


  • 开始自己调研时,他发现一些企业反对一个观念美国市场就化妆品之类产品遵循欧盟的行业标准,这些企业坚持说美国的产品已经很安全了。

    When he began his research, he found firms resisting the notion that the American market would follow EU standards for items like cosmetics, insisting that their American products were already safe.


  • 坚持组织报告中的观点希望其他分析家得出同样的结论国会议案并不能控制医疗成本的上升

    She stood by the report her group commissioned and said she expects other analyses to reach similar conclusions that the bills now before Congress would not constrain rising medical bills.


  • 如果下来想象自己最有可能的最佳形象(乐观训练)的方法让你觉得有些勉强很难坚持下去的。

    If sitting down to imagine your best possible self (an optimism exercise) feels contrived, you will be less likely to do it.


  • 坚持认为多付税的帮亿万富翁根据一个无党派研究机构——税收政策中心统计,亿万富翁共有433000纳税人0.3%。

    Consider those millionaires he is insisting should pay more: there are 433, 000 of them, or 0.3% of all taxpayers, according to the tax Policy Centre, a non-partisan research outfit.


  • 坚持认为首要任务小学生需要获得所说的“日本护照”——日本历史文化的全面掌握,以及精熟本国语言。

    The first requirement, he insists, is that pupils acquire what he calls a "Japanese passport" -ie, a thorough grasp of the country's history and.


  • 世界指向一种坚持你们坚持引起巨大悲痛的东西保持一致

    Your world is pointing toward an insistence on conformity which is causing you enormous grief.


  • 1974年,普里斯10岁那年开始坚持每天日记。 从那时算起,的日记里就充斥着无数记忆细节,这样的篇章已有数千

    At the age of 10, Price began to keep almost daily diaries, which she then saved — thousands of pages filled with her impossibly tiny handwriting.


  • 方案坚持严格的限制性条件,受助国必须基金提供专项的的税收收入作为抵押品

    It insists on tough conditionality: states being helped will have to provide the fund with collateral and earmarked tax revenue.


  • 为了实现这个计划,纽约家庭每个电费多交2.5美元.解释说,那意味着每年要多交纳30美元,如果每个家庭能坚持交纳这笔费用直到2015年,等计划实现时(发电率提高),每个家庭每月节省开支240美元.

    To pay for this, a $2.50 monthly surcharge will go on electricity bills. He argues that by spending $30 a year until 2015, every household will save $240 a year after that.


  • 乌克兰我们坚持这样原则所有自由和平表达自己见解的权利自己国家未来都有发言权

    In Ukraine, we stand for the principle that all people have the right to express themselves freely and peacefully, and have a say in their country's future.


  • 坚持自己理念,不自己憎恶的事。

    He sticks to his belief of "refusing to do what he hates".


  • 如果遵照标准治疗方案,每天服用四种抗生素间断地坚持半年几乎所有复杂的”结核病致病细菌药的患者都治愈

    Almost all patients with "uncomplicated" tuberculosis - bacteria that are not drug-resistant - can be cured if they take a standard menu of four antibiotics every day for six months without fail.


  • 如何使人们坚持,仍是个问题调整生活方式治疗。

    It is a question of how you get people to stay with, say, a lifestyle modification regimen.


  • 事实上过去岁月里他们坚持亚里士多德的“生无毁”的宇宙观念过去无限的,未来也是无限的。

    In years past, in fact, they held to the Aristotelian idea of a universe that was "ungenerated and indestructible, " with an infinite past and an infinite future.


  • 恐怕不得不坚持通过保险公司解决如果你方业已投保险种的话。

    I'm afraid I have to insist that you approach the insurance company for settlement, that is, if you have included this risk in your coverage.


  • 至于晚上怎么睡觉问题郭毅坚持绿色租赁原则两人分房睡。

    As to the question as to how the couple sleep at night, Guo said he sticks to the principle of "green rent", which means sleeping in different rooms.


  • 至于晚上怎么睡觉问题郭毅坚持绿色租赁原则两人分房睡。

    As to the question as to how the couple sleep at night, Guo said he sticks to the principle of "green rent", which means sleeping in different rooms.


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