• 值得一提甘地起初抱印度青年学生正常雄心只是逐渐采用了那些偏激的思想,某些情况还相当不情愿

    It is well to be reminded that Gandhi started out with the normal ambitions of a young Indian student and only adopted his extremist opinions by degrees and, in some cases, rather unwillingly.


  • 尽管印度出版多种自传小说,拉尼·辛格《索尼娅·甘地卓越人生印度命运》却是一部面向国际市场的作品。

    Although a couple of biographies have been published in India, Rani Singh's "Sonia Gandhi: an Extraordinary Life, an Indian Destiny" is the first for an international market.


  • 据说晚年,甘地印度分隔感到很痛心,因为上百万在之一过程中被杀害了、无家可归了。

    Gandhi at the end of his life was said to be heart broken with the partition of India as millions were killed and displaced.


  • 有人或许会很遗憾,没有更多的事情让甘地——亚洲二十世纪少有的普世思想家之一——哲学精神印度保持活力

    One also regrets that not much is done in India to keep alive the philosophy and spirit of Mahatma Gandhi, one of Asia's few twentieth-century universal thinkers.


  • 相较之下,圣雄甘地认为乡村印度理想社会单位

    Mohandas Gandhi, by contrast, considered the villages to be India's ideal social units.


  • 卡尔封面漫画,漫勃列日涅夫(1980年);封面讽刺漫画英迪拉·甘地(1984),她致使《经济学家》杂志印度机场没收。

    KAL's first cover drawing, of Brezhnev (1980), and the artwork for a cover of Indira Ghandi (1984) that led to the Economist being confiscated at airports in India.


  • 人们狐狸喜欢这样待遇为理由为他们捕猎狐狸,把它们撕成碎片习惯辩护,我们的女首相谈论通过逮捕尼赫鲁甘地这样的人跟印度协商的好处,美国政客可以刚谈完和平转身就拒绝加入国际联盟的时候,是的,还是有令人高兴的时刻的。

    To hear American politicians talk about peace in one sentence and refuse to join the League of Nations in the next. Yes, there were moments of delight.


  • 志向远大的印度甘地巴基斯坦托而言,凭借家族名声谋上一官半职简直轻而易举

    For an aspiring Gandhi in India, or a Bhutto in Pakistan, exploiting the family name to get into politics is relatively simple.


  • 已故英迪拉.甘地也曾经证明了:如果可以的话,妇女完全可以掌握整个印度国家

    The late Indira Gandhi, showed that woman can take responsibility of the whole country in her hands if she can.


  • 莫罕斯·甘地一座位南非的故居近日一家法国旅游公司购得,甘地出生地印度引发痛苦失落感

    A former home of Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa has been bought by a French tourism company, causing bitter disappointment in his birthplace, India.


  • 甘地南非生活21期间作为律师活动家,印度在自己国土争取公民权斗争

    Gandhi lived in South Africa for 21 years, working as a lawyer and activist who fought for the right of Indians in the country to be treated as citizens.


  • 利维尔德仔细地调查了甘地印度南非的每次重要旅程的弯路,但是很难他浓缩一张意义更广泛照片里,一张可以当今世界定位甘地的照片。

    Lelyveld, minutely tracking Gandhi's main journeys and detours through India and South Africa, rarely zooms out to a broader picture, one that would allow us to locate Gandhi in our own world.


  • 甘地印度1947年脱离英国殖民统治印度独立运动象征

    Gandhi is an icon of India's independence movement which ended in its freedom from British colonial rule in 1947.


  • 甘地背叛家族印度国大党代表对手印度人民党

    Mr Gandhi had defected from the family's Congress party and was standing for the opposition Bharatiya Janata party.


  • 印度独立运动之甘地传记作者公开反对甘地的出生地,印度古吉拉特邦禁止书籍行为。

    The American author of a new biography of the father of independent India, Mahatma Gandhi, has spoken out against the banning of his book in the Indian state of Gujarat, where Gandhi was born.


  • 印度圣雄甘地(Gandhi)去世34传记电影方才全球银幕上演

    Gandhi had to wait until 34 years after his death before he appeared on cinema screens around the world.


  • 来自印度新德里的拉吉夫甘地当代研究所的研究员,希亚姆·巴布告诉,“对于印度人,英语早已成为一种强迫症。”

    D. Shyam Babu, a fellow at the Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies in New Delhi, told me, "For Indians, English is an obsession."


  • 然而即使甘地夫人儿媳,也就是印度当前最高的领 导人索尼娅·甘地此想法,却没有足够的自由对抗那些老虎张牙舞爪的势力。

    Yet, even if she wanted to, India’s current supremo, Mrs Gandhi’s daughter-in-law Sonia Gandhi, has less license to fight tooth-and-claw for the big cat.


  • 钢笔目标市场印度日益增长奢侈品市场,身上缠绕长达8线——纪念甘地曾经使用过纱锭

    The pen, which is aimed at the growing Indian market for luxury goods, also comes with an eight metre golden thread which can be wound around the pen - reminiscent of the spindle Gandhi often used.


  • 的伟大老师Mahatma Ghandi(译注:指印度国父圣雄甘地)告诉过你的心放下武装并那些恐惧控制合一时,你解除了他们心中的武装。

    As your great teacher, Mahatma Ghandi told you, when you disarm your own heart in unity with those that are fearful and controlling, you disarm their hearts as well.


  • 1915年,甘地回到印度,他誉为一个英雄

    Gandhi returned to India in 1915 and was honoured as a hero.


  • 最终圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)领导,甘地被公认是现代印度

    It came to be eventually led by Mahatma Gandhi, regarded officially as the father of modern India.


  • 忽然规范嘴巴戴维·帕克印度圣雄甘地星期都会有一天坚持缄默,本人的考虑明晰

    Suddenly one day, the standard big mouth David parker reading to India Mahatma Gandhi, each week will one day remain silent, to let your thinking more clearly.


  • 任何希望印度成功应该希望于拉胡尔·甘地转变一位印度极其需要领导人

    Anyone who wants India to succeed should hope that Mr Gandhi turns into the leader the country so desperately needs.


  • 任何希望印度成功应该希望于拉胡尔·甘地转变一位印度极其需要领导人

    Anyone who wants India to succeed should hope that Mr Gandhi turns into the leader the country so desperately needs.


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