• 接下来几年里持续教导证明孤独的看法可能错误的。

    In the years that followed, her sustained tutoring suggested that Kafka might be wrong about the solitude.


  • 但是接下来几年里持续教导证明孤独的看法可能错误的。

    But, in the years that followed, her sustained tutoring suggested that Kafka might be wrong about the solitude.


  • 这名男子意识到这对夫妇以为他们在普里岛时,他解释了他们的错误

    When the man realized that the couple thought they were in Capri, he explained their mistake.


  • 他们名字节目错误拼写拉扎尔。

    Their names in the show are misspelled as Toka and Razar.


  • 能够接近我一直没有真正能够超越机会阿隆索在几个地方都离非常,我犯为数不多的错误很多那个时候

    I was able to close on Kubica but I never had a real chance of passing him, while behind me Fernando got very close on more than one occasion, making the most of a few errors.


  • 父母教给金钱方面的技能,所以不犯错误比如说避免信用债务之类的,我都有注意

    My parents taught me about money, so I try to do the right thing, like avoid credit card debt. I try to.


  • 方面,梅伦可能是错的,正如反对布朗财政刺激方案也是错误的。

    In that, he is probably mistaken, just as he was wrong to oppose Mr Brown's fiscal stimulus.


  • 除了注意选项设置可能与编写文件的其他人员设置匹配之外,看到若干标准错误符号名称以及分别描述各个值的简短注释

    In addition to noticing that my TAB Settings don't match those of whoever wrote this file, you'll see several of the standard error values, their symbolic names, and a brief comment describing each.


  • 凯伦管理信用不仅能够让女儿获得良好信用记录而且也能后果金钱方面)不太严重的情况下犯错误空间

    Managing the card will not only enable her to earn a good credit record, but give her room to make her own mistakes when the consequences and dollar amounts are low, Karen says.


  • 一个错误因此酿下,很显然·布利克森是获得该奖的最佳人选。

    And so a mistake was made, because obviously Karen Blixen ought to have received the Nobel prize.


  • 评论唯一错误在于建设后扎菲时代利比亚真正工作实际上至少个月以前就开始了

    The only thing wrong with that kind of comment is that the real work in forging a post-Qaddafi Libya actually began at least a couple of months ago.


  • 仅仅证明为什么他们ID强加我们,并使成为控制我们普遍许可企图完全错误的一个很小例子

    This is a small example of why the attempt to impose ID CARDS, which will become a generalised permission to control us, is entirely wrong.


  • 然而至少一点上梅伦先生斯本先生坚持了错误的观点。

    Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne have, however, persisted in at least one fallacy.


  • 这些科学家们错误处,以的见解,在于他们选择了美第-里迪宫作为观测场所

    Their mistake, I fear, lies in their choice of the Palazzo Medici Riccardi as the test site.


  • 定居者以色列正在犯下一个错误它这在将胜利的果实交给年来一直对古什蒂夫发动攻击巴勒斯坦武装分子。

    The settlers say Israel is making a mistake. That it's handing victory to the Palestinian militants who have been attacking Gush Katif for years.


  • 我们一步USERNAME的一样,验证选项必须然后错误消息控制设定显示验证错误消息

    As we did for USERNAME in the previous step, set the value as required on the validation TAB, and set the control up to display validation error messages in an error message control.


  • 有些错误地把波·塔斯鱼史密斯上尉联系在一起,一大部分原因要归咎于一部灵感来源于生活迪士尼电影。

    Some erroneously believed Pocahontas was romantically linked to Captain John Smith, most likely due to the Disney film inspired by her life.


  • 从事后诸葛亮角度来看,犯了一个错误但是为什么不提其他几百件赫比先生也同样显示慈悲案子呢?

    With hindsight, he made a mistake, but what of the hundreds of other cases where he showed mercy?


  • 博士同事认为广泛使用模型具有错误,它利用对数转换处理骨骼尺寸与重量间的变化。

    Dr Packard and his colleagues argue that the most widely used model has got the extrapolation wrong.


  • 单击Process选项切换编辑器时,您获得一个要求您更正错误对话框它给出了有关错误原因一些详细信息

    When you click on the Process tab to switch editors, you will get a dialog asking to correct the error, giving some details about the reason for the error.


  • 这本书不甚文艺的书名,实际上尼曼先生双重认知模型:“一号系统”是快速直觉思维,是前面描述以及其他更多的)思维错误的根源。

    Its awkward title refers to Mr Kahneman’s two-tier model of cognition: “System 1” is quick, intuitive and responsible for the quirks and mistakes described above (and many others).


  • CompilerErrors选项允许单击各种编译错误光标移到编辑面板出错源代码位置

    The compiler errors TAB allows you to click on the various compiler errors to move the cursor in the editing panel to their position in the source code.


  • 注意,会有一个新的InvalidWS - Policy错误出现Markers选项

    Observe that a new Invalid WS-Policy error has appeared in the Markers TAB.


  • Errors选项列出节点发生错误以及发送引起错误命令的节点。

    The Errors tab lists the errors occurring at the node, as well as the node that sent the command causing the error.


  • Roslyn可以ErrorHandling选项定制如何报告错误如图30所示。

    From the error Handling TAB, Roslyn can customize how errors are reported, as shown in Figure 30.


  • Problems选项下列出许多错误都是daytrader -web - 1_0 - SNAPSHOT web模块没有找到导致的。

    Many of the errors listed under the Problems TAB are due to classes not being found by the daytrader-web-1_0-SNAPSHOT web module.


  • 通讯实现了CAN 2.0通讯协议所有功能,并且各方面的性能有了很大提高尤其是错误处理超载能力以及接收滤波方面。

    This communication card supports the CAN2.0 protocol, and greatly improves performance of all sides, especially in error processing, overload ability and acceptance filter and so on.


  • 查询解析错误-请试着“查询向导”中通过视图设计器”的“联接选项重建

    Query Parse Error - try rebuilding in Query Wizard or by using View Designer Join Tab.


  • 可能会注意信号强度工作正常这些已知错误了。

    You might notice that the signal strength applet doesn't work properly. This is a known bug with these CARDS.


  • 连续错误密码自动柜员机没收。

    The card may be retained by the ATM if the PIN is incorrectly keyed in for SIX TIMES consecutively.


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