• 法国科学家路易斯·博格特盖特区分了无机生长有机生长。

    Distinction between organic and inorganic growth made by French scientist Louis Bourget Iorgans.


  • 客厅客厅的窗帘里到处都是狐媚子,写字台里还有博格特

    The curtains of the drawing room were infested with Doxies and the writing desk had a Boggart in it.


  • 由于受伤后卫迈克尔·里德中锋博格特詹宁斯一直协助良好开端

    With injuries to guard Michael Redd and center Andrew Bogut, Jennings has been instrumental to the strong start.


  • 这里印象几个博格特他们已经参加了比赛训练几个国家最佳新生

    Here are the impressions of several NBA scouts who've attended games and practices with several of the nation's best freshman.


  • 博格特及其同事分别记录25只雄田野蟋蟀在“年轻”(出生后10- 12)较老时”(出生后48- 50天)求偶鸣叫声

    Verburgt and colleagues recorded the mating songs of the same 25 male field crickets when they were young (10 to 12 days old) and older (48 to 50 days old).


  • 受尊敬科学家皮特博格,这位研究病毒性癌症的先驱未曾抛弃这种猜想

    One once-respected scientist, Peter Duesberg, who did early research on viral causes of cancer, would not drop the idea.


  • 我们禁止核试验条约》上意见一致早就知道因为斯特罗布·塔尔博特外长贾斯旺特·辛格人就不扩散事宜共同努力几个月了。

    We didn't agree on the test ban treaty, but I already knew that, because Strobe Talbott had been working with Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh and others for months on nonproliferation issues.


  • 游艇经过生物圈博物馆,其网状格球顶是巴克明斯特·福勒1967年世博会设计的。

    An excursion boat passes the biosphere Environment Museum, housed within a geodesic dome designed by Buckminster Fuller for the 1967 Expo.


  • 荷兰队反戈一击之前守门员马滕·斯特·克伦·博格及时完美一跃使得卡卡挂向球门右角射门无功而返。

    Before the Dutch comeback, goalkeeper Maarten Stekelenburg timed his leap perfectly to deflect a shot by Kaka that was headed into the right corner of the net.


  • 如果做好决定,回头一下弗里特·博格的邮件,“你如何才能漏油作出切实帮助或许不会)。”我会等您的消息。

    If you haven't already, head over to read Everett Bogue's post, “How you can actually help with the Gulf oil spill (but probably won't).” I'll wait.


  • 格洛里:“通过研究确定主人公就是比安卡背景中的就是横跨博比奥市特雷比座。”

    Glori said: "From my research I have identified the subject as Bianca Giovanna Sforza and the bridge in the background is the one that spanned the River Trebbia at Bobbio."


  • 博格先生赖因费尔特先生始终坚信所有权经济昌盛助推剂。

    Mr Borg and Mr Reinfeldt believe firmly in ownership as a driver of prosperity.


  • 爱思匹瑞科技的创始人布润达韦特·伯格告诉ERE陶德拉斐尔埃斯博格综合症雇员很好的软件测试人员

    Aspritech founder Brenda Weitzberg, told ERE's Todd Raphael that employees with Asperger's syndrome are the perfect software testers.


  • 荷兰队门将斯特·克伦·博格刚才穆斯·莱拉一样,这个进球所震慑。

    The Dutch goalkeeper, Maarten Stekelenburg, like Muslera, was taken by surprise.


  • 35岁吉姆·加特博格商业不动产代理中介办公室世贸大厦86一直在给妻子吉尔打电话告诉自己很只是被困住了

    Jim Gartenberg, 35, a commercial real estate broker with an office on the 86th floor of 1 World Trade Center, kept calling his wife Jill to let her know he was O.K. but trapped.


  • 所有欧洲球队中,荷兰队预选赛阶段失球最少的球队,只丢了两个。 世界杯他们丹麦日本喀麦隆分在了,为斯特克伦博格开出15/1的赔率不算太离谱。

    The Dutch were the meanest of all the European sides in qualifying, letting a mere two goals in, and could be a good bet at 15.00 with Denmark, Japan and Cameroon in their group.


  • 不少商家使用Facebook广告(Facebook Ads)、Facebook页面(FacebookPages)以及营销活动设计社交插件,取得了巨大成功,这点确凿无疑。”Facebook发言人辛迪·史考特•里兹博格表示

    We've definitely seen marketers have a lot of success using Facebook Ads, Facebook Pages and social plugins for marketing campaigns, says Cyndi Schott Reseburg, a Facebook spokesperson.


  • 汤姆-杜思特博格博士制造商联盟):T恤,低端小商品类型的东西,可能不会回来了。

    Dr. TOM DUESTERBERG (Manufacturers Alliance): T-shirts, commodity-type items, are probably not coming back.


  • 海丹尼特回想40年前的斯坦博格,“我们从不担心上学遭到枪击的问题。”

    Back in Schaumburg 40 years ago, "we never would have worried about going to school and getting shot, " Heydanek said.


  • 斯坦福大学教授莱拉·博格迪特斯基表示,世界上大约三分之一语言谈论空间时会使用这样绝对方位词,不是英语一样使用相对方位词。

    According to Stanford professor Lera Boroditsky, about a third of the world's languages discuss space in absolute terms like this rather than the relative ones we use in English.


  • 墙壁天花板漆成白色厨房我们哥特兰岛博格生产的水泥板。

    The walls and the ceiling are painted white and for the kitchen we have used a concrete board from a local factory in Boge, Gotland.


  • 博尔特引起任何车祸都由这个达格人秘密赔付,达德则充当塞布巴空中保镖

    The treacherous Dug secretly paid Bolt for any crashes he caused, and Dud worked as Sebulba's mid-air bodyguard.


  • 当文森特·博格来时得很好

    Vincent van den Berg did well when he came on.


  • 人口行动组织的研究人罗博特·安格曼说,到2025年大约三十亿缺水

    P-A-I I researcher Robert Engelman says by the year 2025, about three-thousand-million people may lack water.


  • 英格斯特罗姆则说,即使不能经常见到他们,但借助微博你却能感到他们就生活在你身边

    Mr. Engestroem adds: 'It's a feeling you are living beside them even if you don't see them all the time.


  • 与此同时帝国烟草公司美洲地区董事格雷厄姆·博尔特,帝国烟草公司对于协议使墨西哥开启一项合作感到非常满意。

    Meanwhile, Graham Bolt, Imperial's regional director, the Americas, said Imperial was pleased that the agreement allowed it to initiate a co-operation in Mexico.


  • 决心帮助博格克服自己恐惧埃利奥特他们的朋友一起林地了博格和揭开恸哭开襟绒线衫狼人之谜

    Determined to help Boog overcome his fears, Elliot and their woodland friends band together to scare the fear out of Boog and uncover the mystery of the Wailing Wampus Werewolf.


  • :“通过研究确定主人公就是比安卡背景中的就是横跨博比奥市特雷比座。

    Miss Glori said: 'From my research I have identified the subject as Bianca Giovanna Sforza and the bridge in the background is the one that spanned the River Trebbia at Bobbio.


  • :“通过研究确定主人公就是比安卡背景中的就是横跨博比奥市特雷比座。

    Miss Glori said: 'From my research I have identified the subject as Bianca Giovanna Sforza and the bridge in the background is the one that spanned the River Trebbia at Bobbio.


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