• 初始缺陷强度参数设计变量,采用一阶计算单元层失效概率

    The initial imperfection and the strength parameters are considered as random variables. Ply-level failure probability is evaluated by the first order reliability method.


  • 生育阶段耗水量作为输入,将作物单产作为输出构建了具有1个隐含单元BP神经网络结构

    With the relative water consumption of each growing stage as input and relative crop yield output, a BP artificial neural network structure containing a single hidden layer is established.


  • 敏捷制造车间任务规划作为联系敏捷制造车间计划敏捷制造车间调度与控制纽带,计划任务敏捷制造单元动态分配

    Task planning of Agile manufacturing shop floor, which links shop floor planning and scheduling, is to dynamically allocate tasks on the level of manufacturing cells.


  • 通过开发人员自然地分离业务逻辑和表现开发业务逻辑相关单元测试会变得更加容易

    By encouraging developers to naturally separate the business and presentation logic, it should be easier to develop unit tests against the business logic.


  • 为了有助于管理应用程序表现应该分成管理的小单元

    To help manage the presentation layer in your application, you should split it up into manageable units.


  • 下一步生产隔热之后安装预制浴室厨房模块最后这个单元起重机吊起来放置在这座建筑的相应位置上。

    Windows and insulation came next, and then prefabricated bathrooms and kitchen modules were installed. Finally the unit was lifted by crane into position on the building.


  • 我们取得相对容易分布各个能力所有模型逻辑可以轻易作为一个单元转移到单独

    We also get the ability to distribute the layers relatively easily; all "model" logic can easily be moved as a unit to a separate tier.


  • 但是这种灵活性需要付出一定代价—客户机仅限于给定事务工作单元单一请求

    But this flexibility comes with a price - namely, that the client layer is restricted to a single request for a given transactional unit of work.


  • 中间件进一步划分不同逻辑称为单元”。

    The middle tier is further structured in different logical domains called "cells".


  • 事务策略的其中一个限制就是客户机(表示)任何给定事务工作单元只能发出单一api调用

    One of this transaction strategy's restrictions is that the client-layer (or presentation-layer) classes can make only a single call to the API layer for any given transactional unit of work.


  • 来自客户机的基于服务器基于模型调用完成单一工作单元时,将使用ClientOrchestration事务策略

    The Client Orchestration transaction strategy is used when multiple server-based or model-based calls from the client layer fulfill a single unit of work.


  • 如果文件存在加载SimpleXML对象中,深入 4 ($child1,$child2,$child3,$child4),单个单元格中寻找数据

    If the file is present, it is loaded into a SimpleXML object, and it drills down four levels ($child1, $child2, $child3, $child4) to find the data in individual cells.


  • 针对堆栈每个整合执行测试(通常是通过一个单元测试环境)。

    Execution of tests against each integrated layer of the stack (usually via a unit test environment).


  • 比如如果我们知道团队已经完成数据测试但是GUI难于进行单元测试,测试人员就应该花费更多努力的测试上。

    For instance if we know that the team has test the Data Layer well, but the GUI layer has been harder to Unit Test then the testers should focus more effort on the GUI layer.


  • 非常部署可能每个业务单元增加第三ESB以便服务请求中转单元

    Very large deployments might add a third hierarchical-level ESB per business unit to mediate service requests local to that unit.


  • 有时应用程序使用粒度的api编写的,这需要客户api发起多个调用才能实现单个逻辑工作单元(LUW)。

    Sometimes applications are written with a fine-grained API layer, requiring the client to make multiple calls to the API layer for a single logical unit of work (LUW).


  • 此外垂直语言单元级别组织通过那些可用增加建模能力可以形成相互连续

    Furthermore, the vertical language units are hierarchically organized into up to three levels, with each successive level adding more modeling capabilities to those available in the levels below.


  • 可以通过建立清晰领导以及多种应用归类为模式化单元减轻系统的复杂性

    You can mitigate some of the effects of this complexity by establishing clear leadership and grouping the many applications into coarser-grained, more modular units.


  • 我的建议仍然应用程序客户端必须api发起一个多个调用才能完成单个事务工作单元使用策略

    As the name suggests, this strategy is used when the application's client layer must make one or more calls to the API layer to complete a single transactional unit of work.


  • UML 2.0中,定义了三个规范性那些对应分级语言单元已经0中就被提及描述了

    In UML 2.0, only three levels of compliance are defined, and those correspond to the hierarchical language unit levels already mentioned and depicted in 0 earlier.


  • 场景中事务工作单元必须位于客户机确保自动化工作单元

    In this scenario, the transactional unit of work must reside in the client layer to ensure an atomic unit of work.


  • 这一改进使用,从而不再需要使用传统DRAM单元中的存储电容

    The improvements stem from using ferroelectric layers that no longer requires the use of a storage capacitor found in conventional DRAM cells.


  • 回到原点对于api事务策略客户机绝对不能涉及事务单一工作单元api发出多个调用

    Back to the original point: with the API layer transaction strategy, the client must not make multiple calls to the API layer in a single unit of work requiring a transaction.


  • 入口车库街道水平面上,在它们上方,一公寓环绕封闭阳台的两侧,上面其他单元可以俯视这个阳台。

    Above the entrance and garage at street level, the first-floor apartment wraps around two sides of an enclosed terrace that is overlooked by the other units above.


  • 第四屋顶花园占地0.55英亩服务酒店/住宅单元延续着整个绿色屋顶系统的美学性生态性。

    The 0.55 acre fourth floor roof garden serves the hotel and residential units, continuing the aesthetic and environmental benefits of the green roof system.


  • 神经网络通常单元(节点)人工神经元组成

    A neural network is usually comprised by three layers of units (nodal points) or artificial neurons.


  • 引脚边缘阻挡必须至少半数最小间距离开单元边界

    The edges of pins and blockages must be at least one half the minimum spacing away from the cell boundary.


  • 引脚边缘阻挡必须至少半数最小间距离开单元边界

    The edges of pins and blockages must be at least one half the minimum spacing away from the cell boundary.


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