• 吉姆·布朗那种可以卑鄙争斗能让喜欢的那种人。

    Jim Browne is the kind of fellow who can fight dirty, but make you like it.


  • 滥用,玷污不正当可耻卑鄙地使用;滥用。

    To put to an improper, unworthy, or degrading use; abuse.


  • 卑鄙剥削穷人,要他们工作却短付工资

    He dishonor ably exploited the poor by making them work for less pay.


  • 主管人卑鄙地告诉老板之前没有注意晚来上班

    I crept into work late unnoticed until the supervisor did the dirty on me and told the boss.


  • 告诉什么的时候,她卑鄙试图攫取钱夹

    And when she's not telling you what to do, she's making a sneaky grab on your wallet.


  • 了念头啦,你以为这样卑鄙攻击人家一下,影响对人家的看法吗?

    You are much mistaken if you expect to influence me by such a paltry attack as this.


  • 袭击大教堂归根到底只不过为了分散注意力,是卑鄙妄图夺取罗达石碑可耻阴谋

    The crushing of the cathedral was, after all, no more than a distraction, a dastardly plot to get at the Rosetta Stone.


  • 与此同时,尼克,这位前偶像组合98的灵魂人物却演唱会上卑鄙地他的前妻大放厥词。

    Meanwhile, the former 98 Degrees front man has been making snide comments about ex-wife Jessica at his concerts.


  • 当然了。没有放眼全局有点生气不过更多是勇气。她的是有关以前男朋友卑鄙对待她。

    Of course not. You're not seeing the whole picture. She is a little angry, but more brave. She sings about her old boyfriend that where mean to her.


  • 再次抓住·迪亚说道,“告诉撒谎,只是你们针对我愚蠢的玩笑因为曾经卑鄙对待丽莎!”

    He grabbed Claudia by her arms again, "tell me that you are lying, that this is some kind of sick joke on me because of how mean I have been with Lisa!"


  • 有的尽管不爱一个人,然而不知出于什么目的,同样接受人家感情,而且还卑鄙掩盖自己说:“伤害对方。”

    There is such a kind of person who does not love his admirer but somehow or other accepts the latter's affection, trying to cover it up by such a cheap excuse as "I'm afraid of hurting her."


  • 尽管信任的人常常背叛,让十分不快,两次他们非常卑鄙背叛了我,我仍然相信因为怀疑不是我的天性,我也不愿意这样。

    My trust has often been betrayed in petty ways, and once or twice gravely. I cannot stop trusting people, because suspicion is contrary to my nature.


  • 卑鄙的两面生活揭发时,双手掩面着。

    He sat with his head buried in his hands as his sordid double life was revealed.


  • 这些年来,自民党玩了卑鄙把戏——无节制赞助诸如出口商建筑商农民那些会投票和出资维持在位的人们。

    In recent years it has played a sordid game, lavishing favours on those-such as exporters, builders and farmers-whose votes and money have kept it in power.


  • 可是,那个忠实仆人,把他们那些卑鄙的勾当眼里。他偷偷船上下来,放下小船,向主人的方向去,那些坏人着大船先走了

    But the faithful servant, who had witnessed the whole thing, secretly lowered a small boat from the ship and set out in it, following his master and letting the traitors sail away.


  • 如果这样不再是个令人感兴趣目标,她就是自己命运交给了最卑鄙伪君子一个博福特发生桃色事件女人,她已经无可救药自己了类”。

    If she had done that, she ceased to be an object of interest, she threw in her lot with the vulgarest of dissemblers: a woman engaged in a love affair with Beaufort "classed" herself irretrievably.


  • 索林刚一松手,只猫就胆怯起来,卑鄙家伙似的避开亨格利可耻逃走了

    The cat turned chicken the moment yossarian released him and fled from humgry joe ignominiously like a yellow dog .


  • 第一项罪名额坚,这厚颜卑鄙缺少圣洁羞耻感大胆犯罪。

    The first charge is impudence, or hardness of forehead, a want of holy shame, an unhallowed boldness in evil.


  • 双方的痴迷分子、偏执狂卑鄙小人同样清楚跃然纸上

    The zealots, bigots and creeps on both sides come across with equal clarity.


  • 但是州长这种卑鄙把戏那样下流欺骗一个可怜无知孩子我们如何理解呢!

    But what shall we think of a governor's playing such pitiful tricks, and imposing so grossly on a poor ignorant boy!


  • 遭遇过少数幸存者的心目中,最恐怖对手,而那些被他残暴杀死的人,才算见识过什么是世界上卑鄙的杀人手段。

    The Shadow Fiend is a terrifying opponent whom few have survived, and those who have perished under his tyranny have faced the most despicable fate of all.


  • 遭遇过少数幸存者的心目中,最恐怖对手,而那些被他残暴杀死的人,才算见识过什么是世界上卑鄙的杀人手段。

    The Shadow Fiend is a terrifying opponent whom few have survived, and those who have perished under his tyranny have faced the most despicable fate of all.


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