• USB协议说明相信大家有用下载看看吧!

    USB agreements that we believe that useful, download it to see first!


  • 然后,论文给出了集群管理协议报文格式定义协议说明并详细介绍了集群管理的实现原理处理过程

    After that, the definition of the packet format of Cluster Management Protocol is introduced, and the principle and the process of Cluster Management Protocol are described in detail.


  • 本文通过一些示例说明如何使用服务提供程序预期不同协议请求程序提供服务。

    With examples, this article illustrates how you can offer a service to a requester in a different protocol than the service provider expects.


  • 开发焦点,根据强调服务等级协议SLA内部服务协议结构说明朝着寻找定义管理组合服务的方向转变。

    The focus of development moves toward finding, defining, managing, and assembling services, with architectural descriptions highlighting service-level agreements (SLAs) and inter-service protocols.


  • 他们认为土地和平说明件事没有和平协议保障的土地只能导致错再错

    Land for peace was one thing, they said; land with no peace agreement in return was going to be a mistake.


  • 玩具召回事件关键在于接触广大零售商母亲博客他们提供一份协议回答人们具体问题说明哪些玩具受到了影响。

    The key with the toy recall was getting to retailers and the mommy blogs and providing them with a protocol that answered people's specific questions about which toys were affected.


  • 多数情况下,几方合作伙伴签署保密协议说明方都有义务保护尊重其他合作方信息机密性。

    In most situations, partners will first sign a confidentiality agreement, obligating each to safeguard and respect the confidentiality of the other's information.


  • 1说明示例设置其中一个AIX系统作为文件服务器,它使用NFS协议导出文件。

    Figure 1 indicates the example setup, which has an AIX system serving as a file server exporting with the NFS protocol.


  • 这份辩诉交易协议说明检举人担心,审判过程有不利于理查德·西自身证据案件需要更多的证据支持揭发案件真相。

    The deal may signal that prosecutors, while in possession of good evidence against Mr Causey himself, are worried that their case against the bigger fish needs bolstering.


  • 我们开发部署了一个示例应用程序说明协议服务位置透明性

    A sample application was developed and deployed to demonstrate protocol and service location transparency.


  • CONSEQUENCE 对于违背隐私协议后果对于提供信息的后果说明那么清楚

    The CONSEQUENCE doesn't so much spell out the consequences of breaking the privacy agreement as it does the consequences of not providing information.


  • 作为存储协议出现以太网已经Linux完全实现说明了这些方法力量灵活性

    The emergence of Ethernet as a storage protocol has been fully realized in Linux, as it illustrates the power and flexibility of these approaches.


  • 这些文章涉及场景主要说明WebSphereESB不同协议交换模式支持

    The scenarios covered in these articles primarily showed WebSphere ESB support for different protocols and exchange patterns.


  • 本文中,说明目前支持处理Web服务中的定制数据编码附件协议工具

    In this article, I will explain the current protocol and tools support for handling the custom data encoding and attachments in Web services.


  • 重点以SQLxmlajax注入漏洞说明如何修复它们使能够保证达到服务水平协议(SLA)中的正常运行时间。

    I'll highlight SQL, XML, and Ajax injection vulnerabilities as examples and show you how to fix them so you can guarantee uptime availability with a Service-Level Agreement (SLA).


  • 按照协议用语,书面协议分为三个基本类型协议将来达成协议(agreementto agree)、协议意向书、以及说明详细具备约束力协议

    There are three basic types of written agreements, depending on the language of the agreement: agreements to agree, letters of intent, and a fully defined, binding agreement.


  • 业务事务情形(如图2所示)说明使用WS - Transaction长期运行的事务(业务活动协议)的实现

    The Business Transactions scenario (as shown in Figure 2) provides an illustration of an implementation a long-running Transaction (that is, a Business Activity protocol) using WS-Transaction.


  • Google建立了一个帮助页面来解释POPIMAP的不同之处,并说明如何对客户端设置IMAP.IMAP不是邮件推送(pushmail),也不会如传言说的那么.然而IMAP最佳广泛支持的,多点访问设计的邮件协议.

    IMAP isn't pushmail, and it isn't known for being lightening fast. IMAP is the best widely-supported protocol for multiple access point usage, however.


  • 协议宣布之后俄罗斯国家石油公司的股价了8%(此前一天,当地市场股价就已经涨了8%,说明内部交易存在。)

    Rosneft's share price jumped 8% after the announcement. (It also jumped 8% the previous day in the local market, suggesting insider dealing.)


  • 中的说明可以清楚地看到客户机大多数交互作用都将使用SAAJ,这由于涉及到的协议使用SOAP消息传递

    It is clear from the illustrations in the diagram that most of the interactions on the client will make use of SAAJ, since the protocols involved make use of SOAP messaging.


  • 我们打算仅仅显示足够本文实例说明使两个活动(帐户取出并且存到另一个帐户)一致2pc协议的部分。

    We are only going to show enough to use this example to illustrate the 2pc protocol being used to coordinate two actions: taking money out of one account and putting it in another account.


  • 尽管将来有可能追加其他协议条款,但协议只是说明协议各方有责任继续协商,以达成最终协议

    While other terms might be tacked on, these agreements only commit the parties to continue to work towards a final agreement.


  • 领导人他们的继任者留下一个框架协议详细说明了他们所取得的成就,展望未来

    The two leaders are leaving behind a framework agreement for their successors spelling out their accomplishments and looking ahead to the future.


  • 公司员工(入职时)需要签署员工协议,该协议强制性说明公司机密只能用于公司业务

    Employees should sign an employment agreement mandating that company secrets be used only for company business.


  • 债市扩大周一跌幅说明欧洲各国周日达成救援爱尔兰设立只常备救助基金协议并未打动投资者

    The bond selloff extended Monday's declines, suggesting that Sunday's agreement by European governments to bail out Ireland and set up a permanent rescue fund has left investors cold.


  • 协议既没有说明调用服务多少数据源没有说明有哪种数据源

    The contract declares neither how many nor what kind of data sources are available for invocation of the service.


  • 所以没有各位签署授权协议两点需要说明第一,就而言,我会尽量注意自己的言辞因为可能会有孩子观看

    So we're not having you sign the release forms Two things, one thing is personally, I have to remind myself not to use profanity 'Cause children maybe watching.


  • 概述了传输协议说明

    The legend for the transports is outlined in following table.


  • 作者基于模型的分析使用模型程序——一可执行规格说明书——检测规格说明或者设计,例如包含了对通信协议的检测。

    Authors: Model-based analysis USES a model program — a kind of executable specificationto check specifications or designs, including communication protocols for example.


  • 作者基于模型的分析使用模型程序——一可执行规格说明书——检测规格说明或者设计,例如包含了对通信协议的检测。

    Authors: Model-based analysis USES a model program — a kind of executable specificationto check specifications or designs, including communication protocols for example.


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进来说说原因吧 确定