• 要了解更多关于威廉·詹姆斯·西迪斯生平参阅艾米·华莱士《神童》。

    For further information on the life of William James Sidis, see Amy Wallace, "The Prodigy."


  • 20世纪80年代华莱士夫妇他们九十多岁时去世

    The Wallaces both died in their nineties in the early 1980s.


  • 这家杂志最初采用家庭经营的运作方式,华莱士夫妇没有子女他们总是员工当成家庭成员对待。

    It started as a mom-and-pop operation, and the childless Wallaces always considered employees to be part of their family.


  • 已故作家大卫·福斯特·华莱士2005年俄亥俄州凯尼恩学院毕业演讲谈到如何真正关心他人

    The late writer David Foster Wallace's 2005 graduation speech at Kenyon College in Ohio talked about how to truly care about other people.


  • 1975年,地球化学家华莱士·布洛克科学》杂志上发表篇文章引入了气候变化这个

    In 1975, geochemist Wallace Broecker introduced the term "climate change" in an article published by Science.


  • 华莱士夫妇直到1955年接受美国广告即便如此,他们也不允许刊登任何有关香烟毒品广告

    The Wallaces didn't accept advertising in the US edition until 1955 and even then they didn't allow any ads for cigarettes, liquor or drugs.


  • 华莱士夫妇出生于牧师家庭,正如最初读者文摘》的副标题littlemagazine”(小范围读者群杂志)那样,他们对文章一个明确的要求。

    The Wallaces, both children of church ministers, had a clearly defined formula for their "little magazine" as Reader's Digest was originally subtitled.


  • 丽的妹妹弗朗西丝·托德·华莱士经常来前院种花。

    Mary's sister, Frances Todd Wallace, often came over to plant flowers in the front yard.


  • 比赛发起人托丁顿夫人雇佣了华莱士罗米特去活捉只怪物

    The competition organizer, Lady Tottington, hires Wallace and Gromit to catch the monster alive.


  • 编辑办公室曾经创始人德惠特·华莱士占用,妻子莱拉·艾奇逊·华莱士1922年推出了读者文摘》,其中收录了其他出版物缩编版文章

    The editor's office used to be occupied by founder Dewitt Wallace, who, along with his wife, Lila Acheson Wallace, launched Reader's Digest in 1922 with condensed articles from other publications.


  • 华莱士博士同样双胞胎实验中发现每个参与者的平均划分他们接受惊人联系

    Dr Wallace found, in the case of identical twins, a striking correlation between the average division that each member of a pair proposed and also between what they were willing to accept.


  • 如果情人欣赏涉及话题又不过分直白的画作,不妨华莱士收藏馆拜访幅《秋千》。

    If you want to go and look at one painting on Valentine's Day that broaches the subject without being over explicit, why not go and see The Swing in London's Wallace Collection?


  • 而这个数据是通过可监测的全球1%渔船而得出的,华莱士据此猜测真实的死亡数据至少有850万。

    Given that only about 1% of fishing vessels worldwide are monitored, Wallace guesses that the real number is probably at least two orders or magnitude higher, or 8.5 million.


  • 长话短说:赫特福德殿下将收藏遗赠给了理查德•华莱士,他长期秘书拍卖顾问,同时也是他的私生子

    To simplify a complex tale: Lord Hertford bequeathed his collection to Richard Wallace, his long-time secretary, salesroom agent and illegitimate son.


  • 这部作品1990年被搬荧幕时,导演华莱士·汤米·李选了英国小演员蒂姆咖喱饰演剧中小丑

    When this masterpiece later went on the become a TV miniseries in 1990, director Tommy Lee Wallace casted British actor Tim Curry to play the child slaughtering clown Pennywise.


  • 夏洛特山猫前锋杰拉德·华莱士第一入选最佳防守一队克里夫骑士队勒布朗·詹姆斯连续次入选一队。

    Charlotte Bobcats forward Gerald Wallace also made the team for the first time, with the Cleveland Cavaliers' LeBron James making it for the second straight year.


  • 亚里桑那大学得到艺术硕士学位后,华莱士于1993年开始诺马尔的伊利诺斯的州立大学教授写作

    After earning a master's degree in fine arts from the University of Arizona, Wallace began teaching writing at Illinois State University in Normal in 1993.


  • 这个区域是以阿尔弗雷德·华莱士名字命名,19世纪,他发现条分界线两边动物群之间存在着非常明显的差异

    This is an area named after Alfred Wallace, who in the 19th century noted that the land-based fauna on either side of this line was distinctly different.


  • 无论早晨有没有去国立艺术馆华莱士收藏馆,此刻应当牛津广场附近的卡纳比街用餐步行地铁或者公交很容易

    Whether you've spent your morning at the National Gallery or Wallace Collection, it's an easy walk, Tube or bus ride to the Carnaby area, near Oxford Circus, for lunch.


  • 那是十二月里晴朗的一天,当行走寒冷教室中的课桌时,华莱士权威性的、洪亮嗓音与其娇小的外表形成了鲜明对比

    Wallace speaks in an authoritative, loud voice, a marked contrast to her delicate frame, as she walks among the desks in the chilly room on a clear day last December.


  • 达尔文华莱士论文发表前一位名为格雷戈尔·孟德尔默默无闻奥地利道士已经开始研究杂交豌豆变异了。

    Two years before the Darwin - Wallace paper, an obscure Austrian monk by the name of Gregor Mendel had started work on crossbreeding varieties of peas.


  • 由于最近攻击Facebook举动,华莱士面临牢狱之灾负责案件法官还提到严重藐视法庭的诉讼。

    Wallace could face jail time following his latest attacks against Facebook. The judge who presided over the case referred Wallace for prosecution for criminal contempt of court.


  • 只有波特兰能够少许放慢进攻的步伐,也是消耗了名防守精英--斯科特皮蓬拉希德华莱士还有一个大个子萨博尼斯

    Only Portland could kinda sorta slow him down, and it took three elite defenders -- Scottie Pippen, Rasheed Wallace and fellow giant Arvydas Sabonis.


  • 昨日涉嫌谋杀贩毒华莱士·苏萨自首被押解回监狱,这位电视节目主持人被指控雇凶谋杀提高节目收视率。

    The TV presenter accused of commissioning murders to boost the ratings of his daily crime show was in prison yesterday, remanded on murder and drug trafficking charges after he had turned himself in.


  • 华莱士博士的科研组并没因此问题而退缩,他们已经拟订好两个计划措施,并希望措施的实行祛除秃鹫拾取垃圾的习惯。

    Dr Wallace and his colleagues are undaunted by this problem and have already set up two programmes they hope will put an end to the birds' junk-food habits.


  • 所有这些来自厕所恶臭东西、所有从滑槽扔下来垃圾聚集起来作为肥料如同进了一个化粪池,”华莱士-哈迪尔

    "All the foul stuff from the latrines and all the rubbish thrown down the chute accumulate and compost, as in a septic tank," Wallace-Hadrill said.


  • 华莱士已经提出与达尔文相似理论,达尔文担心如果华莱士第一个发表研究成果,那么,自己详尽想法忽视。

    Wallace had developed a similar theory to Darwin's, and Darwin feared his own, more detailed ideas would be neglected if Wallace was the first to publish his results.


  • 南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚基尔伯恩小学资深教师华莱士年级的班里男孩子们正在学习拼写air(空气)”。

    The boys in veteran teacher Aba Wallace’s first grade class at South Kilbourne Elementary in Columbia, South Carolina, are learning to spell the word ‘air.’


  • 南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚基尔伯恩小学资深教师华莱士年级的班里男孩子们正在学习拼写air(空气)”。

    The boys in veteran teacher Aba Wallace’s first grade class at South Kilbourne Elementary in Columbia, South Carolina, are learning to spell the word ‘air.’


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