• 只要半球形蓄水池恐惧似乎午夜温暖空气蒸发了——原来,只是久不练习而已。

    After a few more climbs, once to the top of the domed reservoir, my fear seemed to evaporate in the warm midnight airI had simply been out of practice.


  • 胚珠半球形的,2个被膜,腱鞘状,而孢子细胞直接作为孢子细胞起作用

    The ovules are hemitropous, with 2 integuments, tenuinucellate and the archesporial cell functions directly as the mega-spore mother cell.


  • 定音鼓或者有时称作半球形铜鼓演奏两个不同音高实际上在演奏这个音高另外一个音高,八度音阶和这个五度

    Timpani or as it's sometimes called a kettledrum, and it was playing two different pitches, actually sort of playing this pitch and this pitch, the octave and then the fifth.


  • ,只要爬半球形蓄水池顶(孩子们在家这样尝试),恐惧似乎午夜温暖的空气蒸发了——原来只是久不练习而已。

    But then, after a few more climbs, once to the top of the domed reservoir (kids, don't try this at home), my fear seemed to evaporate in the warm midnight air-i had simply been out of practice.


  • 每天球形玻璃摄像头越来越多,远郊居民防守大门的心理也有扩散城里的趋势。

    Every day the glass-domed cameras proliferate, and the gateguarded mentality of the deep suburbs threatens to invade our cities.


  • 大量二氧化硫进入大气中形成酸雨扰乱局地气候,在半球成了一个雾气笼罩的区域。

    Huge amounts of sulfur dioxide added to the atmosphere created acid rain, disrupted regional climate and left a lingering fog shrouding parts of the Northern Hemisphere.


  • 空心球形建筑中心一个包含音乐厅黑盒剧场音乐排练室图书馆四个矩形单元的复杂实体置于其中。

    Located at the center of a semi-spherical void, a complex solid object contains four rectangular voids: the concert hall, black-box theater, music rehearsal room, and library.


  • 常见气缸盖类型球形楔形半球形

    The most common cylinder head types are the hemi, wedge, and semi-hemi.


  • 这些岩石据说是几百万年前小行星碰撞结果灶神星半球成了一个跨度为460公里陨石坑

    These rocks are believed to be the result of an asteroidal prang that happened many millions of years ago and left a crater 460km across, which dominates Vesta's southern hemisphere.


  • 进行模具设计时,采用球形凸模等方式可以实现正、反拉在一模具普通液压机上完成加工

    In the die design, the use of spherical punch made the process of deep drawing and reverse redrawing achieved in one set of mold and common hydraulic press.


  • 应用数值孔径系统矢量衍射理论研究球形固体浸没透镜(SIL)球面表面反射对SIL系统透射场的影响

    The reflection effect of the spherical surface of a hemisphere solid immersion lens (SIL) has been investigated using the vectorial diffraction theory for high numerical aperture systems.


  • 很少关于外形观察研究研究发现三角形球形两种,推测是由于个体差异所致。

    The shape of the vertebral body has been seldom looked into, and the findings obtained show a triangular shape and hemispherical shape, supposedly owing to interpersonal variability.


  • 利用回旋曲线优良特性,将做为压力容器部分球形圆柱筒体之间过渡曲线,实现了在连接边缘上无附加边缘应力的光滑连接。

    A clothoid curve is used with its fine feature for the shape of transition section between spherical head and cylindrical shell of pressure vessel.


  • 定音鼓一种球形红铜黄铜鼓,面羊皮纸,通过调整拉力调音

    A large copper or brass hemispherical drum with a parchment head that can be tuned by adjusting the tension.


  • 本文利用形成微重力环境,对球形贮箱中液体定位问题进行了试验研究。

    An experimental investigation of liquid reorientation in semispherical container by means of microgravity accelerations is conducted in a drop tower.


  • 美洲大西洋海岸大型海生节肢动物球形马蹄状甲壳硬而尾巴;与有关一个活化石。

    Large Marine arthropod of the American Atlantic coast having a domed horseshoe-shaped carapace and stiff pointed tail; a living fossil related to the wood louse.


  • 在用球形进行试验发现,所用凸模直径试件形状不同FLD影响

    An experiment with hemispheric punches reveals that the difference in their diameters and the specimen shape has some influence on FLD.


  • 目的比较球形巩膜花瓣样巩膜瓣羟基磷灰石(HA)眼座植入手术效果

    Objective Comparison the surgery effect of ha implantation at period I in half ball scleral flap and petal like scleral flap.


  • 球形体壁厚不相等高压容器是由端部密封装置、筒体、半球形封头加强箍等组成的一种结构容器。

    High pressure vessel with hemispherical head thinner than cylinder wall is a new type of vessel which consists of sealing device, cylinder, hemispherical head and reinforcing ring.


  • 运用正交试验方法球形零件进行切削试验采用方差分析法分析试验结果

    The machining experiment is made on semi-spherical part by orthogonal test method. The results of test are analyzed by variance analysis.


  • 结论大多数病例弓根外形半球形部为三角形

    Conclusion. In most cases, the vertebral body shape is hemispherical in the upper part of the pedicle and triangular in the lower part of the pedicle.


  • 发明主题室,尤其是疗养室,其具有半球形形状有益地包括滑动

    Subject of the invention is the enclosure, especially for SPA, having the shape of semispherical bowl, beneficially containing the sliding door.


  • 本文基于半球形特点,利用质量守恒原理,通过推导得到了由压力、压力平方和压力一次方表示产量公式

    Based on the mass conservation principle, the production formula of semi-spherical flow for pseudo-pressure, pressure-squared and pressure are derived in this paper.


  • 本文变形分析着手压制球形薄壁成形力进行分析,并得出了压边力的理论计算式。

    This paper describes the strain character of forming of thin-walled semi-spherical head. According to the deduction of the forming pressure-pad-force formulae is given.


  • 一旦需要下沉时,可半球形容器逐个分开进水重力等于浮力时潜水悬浮水中

    Once needing sinkage, the semi-spherical containers can be gradually opened for water inlet; when gravity is equal to buoyancy, the diving device can suspend in the water.


  • 可以使用PRD球形半球形管道终端。

    With PRD PEEM's both spherical and semi-spherical pipe ends are possible.


  • 结果表明寄生真菌的分生孢子座黑色球形

    The result shows that the pycidium is black, hemispherical;


  • 前额弯曲半球形

    His forehead domed out in a curve.


  • 前额弯曲半球形

    His forehead domed out in a curve.


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