• 当前联邦赤字担忧中,“伸手”的尝试似乎可有可无奢侈——似乎只要一年省下千分之一预算就能解决我们问题

    Amid the current concerns about the federal deficit, reaching toward the stars seems a dispensable luxuryas if saving one-thousandth of a single year's budget would solve our problems.


  • 千分之一温暖

    Chitose warm. Thousandth of warmth.


  • 查克拉·巴蒂方法只能应用卫星星系质量只有星系质量的千分之一星系。

    Chakrabarti says her method should work for satellites as small as one one-thousandth the mass of the host galaxy.


  • 在过去40年中发达国家男孩出生率一直每年千分之一的比率小幅下降

    There has been a small but consistent decline, of about one per 1,000 births annually, in the proportion of boys being born in industrialized countries over the past 40 years.


  • 在过去40年中发达国家男孩出生率一直每年千分之一的比率小幅下降

    There has been a small but consistent decline, of about one per 1, 000 births annually, in the proportion of boys being born in industrialized countries over the past 40 years.


  • 土地使用期满申请延长土地使用期加收滞纳土地使用费千分之一滞纳金。

    Those who do not apply to extend the term of land use upon expiration of the term of land use shall pay a default penalty equal to 0.1% of the land use fee for every day in arrears.


  • 擅长于写信因为不能信中真实地表达惯于用那语声微笑眼神表达千分之一的情感。

    She could not write, because she could not attain to expressing truly in a letter a thousandth part of what she habitually expressed in voice and smile and eyes.


  • Kepler 10 - b在围绕恒星运转时会遮挡恒星千分之一光芒,举个例子来说,就好像一万多个灯泡中取个。

    The planet blocked about a ten-thousandth of its star's light, "like if you had 10,000 light bulbs and take one away," Batalha said.


  • 据国家媒体报道,现行税率千分之一的证券(股票)买入印花税取消,证券(股票)卖出方印花税按原有税率计征。

    State media said that a 0.1 percent stamp tax on buying shares would be abolished, although an equivalent tax on share sales would remain.


  • 并且还是仪器校准标准程序之一甚至作为度量单位使用,“millicrab”译注:即千分之一蟹状星云辐射密度。

    It's routinely used for instrument calibration and even as a unit of measure, the "millicrab."


  • 农业银行得知电汇美国他们收取汇款额千分之一手续费和80人民币的电报费,中间银行可能收取若干费用。

    I asked the Bank of Agriculture and was told that they charge 1/1000 plus RMB80 here for wire transfer to US, and you may be charged by the bank of your part as well.


  • 问题是现在还有代号为1999RQ36小行星这个更大的“潜在威胁”,它千分之一的较高概率会撞击地球,时间很可能是2182年。

    Now we have 1999 RQ36, a bigger "potentially hazardous" asteroid, with a higher one-in-a-thousand chance of striking Earth in 2182.


  • 据国家媒体上周四晚间的报道,现行税率千分之一的证券(股票)买入印花税取消,证券(股票)卖出方印花税按原有税率计征。

    State media said late Thursday that a 0.1 percent stamp tax on buying shares would be abolished, although an equivalent tax on share sales would remain.


  • 据国家媒体上周四晚间的报道,现行税率千分之一的证券(股票)买入印花税取消,证券(股票)卖出方印花税仍按原有税率计征

    State media said late Thursday that a 0.1 percent on buying shares would be abolished, although an equivalent tax on share sales would remain.


  • 如果房子着火概率千分之一,然后假设1000栋房子,那么栋房子全都着火被烧掉的概率,就等于千分之一的次方,基本上就是0

    If the probability is 1 in 1,000 that a house burns down and there are 1,000 houses, then the probability that they all burn down is 1/1000 to the 1000th power, which is virtually zero.


  • 下游居民会生活在过泄洪的危险之中,假如有那么千分之一的几率,大坝由于战争地震或者设计缺陷而溃坝,他们的处境就会变得更加危险。

    Tens of millions of the people who live downstream of the dam would be endangered by overflow, or worse yet, the one-in-one-thousand chance of a dam collapse due to war, earthquake or design flaws.


  • 光线大约阅读所需数量千分之一仅仅一个开始

    The light, about one thousandth of the amount needed to read by, is just a start.


  • 真的能够一条36000公里长的纳米管线,或者纳米管带,其强度钢铁要高,厚度可能只是人类头发千分之一

    You could actually draw out a 36,000-kilometer strand or ribbon of nanotubes stronger than steel, but maybe a thousandth the thickness of a human hair.


  • 虽然大多数致病突变人类发现的概率为千分之一百万分之一,但基础突变发生的几率可能得多

    While most disease-causing mutated are found in humans at a rate of one in a few thousand to one in a few million people, founder mutation can occur at much higher rates.


  • 微米毫米千分之一

    A micrometer is one thousandth of one millimeter.


  • 并且这些原子生命周期小于千分之一它们存在可以通过检测它们飞快消失之后留下原子得到确认

    As these lived for less than a thousandth of a second, their presence was ascertained by examining the daughter atoms into which they quickly decayed.


  • 因为纳米碳管直径碳纤维直径千分之一可以穿过碳纤维中的细缝。

    Because these tubes are a thousandth of the diameter of carbon fibres, they can slip into the microscopic Spaces between them.


  • 就像是怕以前作用不够似的,现在防晒霜遮阳剂包含纳米粒子越来越多,比人类头发直径千分之一

    As if that were not enough of an impact, sunscreens increasingly contain nanoparticles, smaller than one one-thousandth the diameter of a human hair.


  • 相比之下,那些处于高纬度照亮天空艳丽极光所提供给粒子能量不到前者的千分之一

    In contrast, the colorful auroras that light up the skies at high latitudes are powered by particles with less than one thousandth as much energy.


  • 可能发生某种反应临界值也许不到可能致命剂量千分之一,那么,哪里条线呢

    The threshold level at which some kind of reaction can occur may be less than a thousandth of a potentially fatal dose, so where do you draw the line?


  • 不过这个计划还有长的,目前的传输效率千分之一这样能耗让人无法接受

    The work still has a long way to go, though. The transmission only successfully received one one-thousandth of the total power sent, a very low efficiency.


  • 加上律师房地产人士最幸运千分之一人士的70%。

    Add in lawyers and people in real estate, and we're talking about more than 70 percent of the lucky one-thousandth.


  • 这些“费米望远镜LAT)”所侦测高能伽马射线波长仅相当于原子核大小千分之一

    These high-energy gamma rays, detected by Fermi’s Large Area Telescope (LAT), have wavelengths one-thousandth the size of an atomic nucleus.


  • 在根本上一个使星系可见全新方法,”说道,通过方法使得小到只有银河系千分之一质量星系被观测到。

    "This is basically a new method to render dark galaxies visible," she said, adding that her technique should be able to detect dim dwarf galaxies as small as a thousandth the mass of the Milky Way.


  • 在根本上一个使星系可见全新方法,”说道,通过方法使得小到只有银河系千分之一质量星系被观测到。

    "This is basically a new method to render dark galaxies visible," she said, adding that her technique should be able to detect dim dwarf galaxies as small as a thousandth the mass of the Milky Way.


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