• 家庭医生社区患者提供全面关联持续医疗健康服务

    Family physicians provide comprehensive, coordinated and continuous care for patients within the context of their community.


  • 另外还说将会给5万人民提供医疗健康服务并且有1万残疾人民会收到轮椅

    In addition, she says health services will be provided to 50,000 people and 10,000 handicapped people will receive wheelchairs.


  • 中国加入WTO后医疗健康服务企业面临竞争环境发生巨大变化

    With China joining WTO, huge change will come into being in the competitive environment faced by medical& health service enterprises.


  • 另外指出治疗模型当前正在开发测试中——它基层医疗健康服务社区精神健康治疗的结合的产物。

    In addition, he said, new models of care that marry primary-care health services with community mental-health care are currently being developed and tested.


  • 过去健康专家曾警告我们,有天,即使肺部感染严重咽喉痛常见疾病也会很难得到医疗服务

    In the past, health experts warned us that the day would come in which it would become very difficult to provide medical care for even common problems, such as lung infection or severe sore throat.


  • 老师们不断报告自己能力欠缺,无法满足小学生精神健康需求并且经常提到缺乏来自英国国家医疗服务体系训练专业知识培训以及支持

    Teachers also consistently report how ill-equipped they feel to meet pupils' mental health needs, and often cite a lack of training, expertise and support from the National Health Service.


  • 许多健康计划雇主急于提供这种服务,称该服务能为加入计划成员提供便利使人们不用离开工作便享受医疗保健服务

    Many health plans and employers have rushed to offer the services and promote them as a convenient way for plan members to get medical care without leaving home or work.


  • 卫生服务医疗干预措施只是影响人们健康因素之一

    A health service and medical interventions are just one of the factors that influence population health.


  • 我们相信如果社会各个阶层人们使用“绿色运动”进行自我治疗的话,将会个人,社会以及健康医疗服务成本带来巨大潜在好处

    We believe that there would be a large potential benefit to individuals, society and to the costs of the health service if all groups of people were to self-medicate more with green exercise.


  • 发达国家,我们孩子很好的补养健康很容易接受医疗服务

    In the developed world, our children are well nourished and healthy and have easy access to medical care.


  • 资源有限监管不足人员流失以及缺乏健康信息系统等不利因素导致优质基层医疗服务无法顺利地提供给那些难民。

    Limited resources, inadequate supervision, staff turnover and lack of a health information system made it challenging to provide quality primary health services.


  • 抗击非典取得重大胜利公共卫生体系基本医疗服务不断健全,人民健康水平不断提高。

    The battle against SARS came to a great victory. The public health system and basic medical care constantly improved, contributing to better health of the people.


  • 妇女阿根廷死亡一事发生多久缺少生殖健康医疗服务使得阿根廷妇女

    It wasn't so long ago that women were dying in Argentina - the result of a gross lack of reproductive health services that had women taking dangerous measures.


  • VHA希望创建一个门户通过它,所有的退伍军人都可以访问他们医疗记录其他健康相关服务

    Our client desired to create a portal through which all patients could access their medical records and other health related services.


  • 国民医疗服务制度压力逐渐屈服,不至于瓦解;人们得学着在美国一样国家生存那里4千6百万的没有健康保险

    The National health Service is buckling under pressures, but it is not close to collapse; try living in a country like America, where 46m people have no health insurance.


  • 他们得出结论,“这些结果证明文化活动提高健康医疗服务应用正确。”

    "The results indicate that the use of cultural activities in health promotion and healthcare may be justified," they conclude.


  • 英格兰医疗服务系统大多数的基本护理信托转变为选出本地健康

    Turn primary-care trusts,which purchase most care within the NHS in England,into elected local health boards.


  • 美国癌症协会正在提供很多项目服务帮助人们保持健康恢复健康寻找医疗措施与疾病抗争。

    The American Cancer Society offers many programs and services that can help you stay well, get well, find cures, and fight back.


  • 利用在线服务平台使得健康医疗服务提供者能够提供规模化服务,而传统远程医疗服务无法做到。

    By leveraging online services, the platform will enable healthcare providers to leverage scale in ways that otherwise isolated medical monitoring can not.


  • 有教养妇女倾向更多医疗服务通常选择更好卫生医疗营养健康教育方法

    Educated women tend to use health services more and often make better choices on hygiene, nutrition and parenting.


  • 根据研究表明:那些声称自己体重健康调查者中,仅有19%的人说自己从未同任何医疗服务人员讨论这个问题。

    Of those who reported thattheir weight was unhealthy, only 19 percent said they'd ever discussed it witha health care provider.


  • 认为曼省健康部门取缔一种服务并不能为他们的医疗保健制度减少多少压力这样没有多大的意义

    It doesn't make much sense for Manitoba health to outlaw a service that could take some pressure off the health-care system, he said.


  • 商业健康保险经营管理过程存在着保险公司医疗服务提供机构保险人三方利益平衡问题。

    In the operational management process of commercial health insurance business, there is a need to balance interests of insurance companies, medical service providers and the insured.


  • 从而使医疗服务公平性、公正性得到体现,使公民生命健康权利得到保证

    The practical operational regulations were needed to ensure the equity and equality of medical services , and to secure the health and life rights of residents.


  • 结论老年人提供合理医疗保健制度开展社区卫生服务老年人身心健康重要组成部分

    Conclusions Providing a reasonable medical care system and developing the community health service are the important component parts that can keep the body and mind of elderly patients healthy.


  • 调查内容包括人口学资料身体健康状况医疗保障形式、居民健康知识需求、居民对医疗服务需求情况

    The contents of survey included demographic data, health conditions, the patterns of medical care assurance, requirements for health service and medical service, and so on.


  • 然而部长们做好了迎接批评的准备,因为这一决定可能会引发翡健康旅游业”,医院被迫寻求削减开支的办法,给英国国家医疗服务体系带来财政压力

    However, ministers are braced for criticism that the decision may prompt so-called "health tourism" and put the NHS under financial pressure at a time when hospitals are being forced to find cuts.


  • 医疗执业活动宗旨救死扶伤防病治病公民健康提供服务

    The aim of medical practising activities is to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, to prevent and cure diseases and to render services for citizens health.


  • 医疗执业活动宗旨救死扶伤防病治病公民健康提供服务

    The aim of medical practising activities is to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, to prevent and cure diseases and to render services for citizens health.


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