• 工商管理硕士,海运物流硕士,财务教育公共管理医疗保健管理硕士。

    Management and business administration, maritime and shipping, finance, education, public sector and government administration, health care management.


  • 系统涵盖了家庭档案管理疾病预防管理医疗保健管理健康教育管理系统信息管理五个方面的内容。

    The system covers five aspects, including family archive management, disease prevention, health care management, health education, and system information management.


  • 食品及药物管理通知了医疗保健专业人员患者关于依地特二钠的重要安全信息

    FDA notified healthcare professionals and patients about important safety information concerning Edetate Disodium.


  • 但是对于通用汽车长远命运而言,这些管理上的失误并没有昂贵的养老金医疗保健那般致命,这些支出通用汽车的财务丧失了灵活性最终也丧失了资金。

    But none of G.M. 's management miscues was so damaging to its long-term fate as the rich pensions and health care that robbed General Motors of its financial flexibility and, ultimately, of its cash.


  • 这种监视可能是从计算机管理角度出发或者广泛情况下,是为了随时了解现实世界事件天气金融事务医疗保健等等

    This occurs from a computer management perspective or a much more broad scope of keeping up to date on real world events such as weather, financial transactions, healthcare, etc.


  • 谢缇医生(DrShetty伦敦医院担任实习医生,就开始思考医疗保健系统糟糕管理状态。 当时每天大量时间都花无所事事闲坐中。

    Dr Shetty first started thinking about the dismal management of health care when, as a trainee doctor at Guy’s hospital in London, he had to spend hours sitting around doing nothing.


  • 为了更多地方提供更好的服务,我们扩展增加了退伍军人管理局的医疗保健预算,为受伤战士新建便利设施更好满足女性退伍军人的需求做了很多调整

    To deliver better care in more places, we’re expanding and increasing VA health care, building new wounded warrior facilities, and adapting care to better meet the needs of female veterans.


  • 罗姆尼先生其他所有需要明白,“退伍军人健康管理局(VHA)”实际上是政策上的巨大成功未来医疗保健可以提供重要借鉴意义。

    What Mr. Romney and everyone else should know is that the V.H.A. is a huge policy success story, which offers important lessons for future health reform. Ixie!


  • 医生认为这些法规实际上在破坏隐私权,因为其中条规定允许管理医疗保健计划managed-care plan\n)

    The doctors said the rules could actually erode privacy, pointing to a provision allowing managed-care plans to use personal information without consent if the purpose was "health-care operations."


  • 为了减少支出巴马承诺在2012年底撤出大多数美军,同时还将减少私人管理医疗保健计划支出对农民的支出,并且寻找其他可以减的项目。

    To curb spending, Mr Obama promises to remove most American troops from Iraq before the end of 2010, reduce payments to privately managed Medicare plans and farmers, and find other savings.


  • 20世纪90年代保守党试图国民保健制度卫生官员直接管理解放出来,并建立医疗保健服务方面的准市场。

    The Conservatives had attempted in the 1990s to free the NHS from direct management by health authorities, establishing a quasi-market in services.


  • 采用DR医疗保健设施最大动力潜力减少加工相关成本管理存储电影

    The largest motivator for healthcare facilities to adopt DR is its potential to reduce costs associated with processing, managing and storing films.


  • 医疗保健产品管理,有4657Cervarix有关副作用不良反应的病例报告

    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) said that 4,657 instances of side-effects and adverse reactions had been reported in relation to Cervarix.


  • 卫生政策研究人员,顾问程序人员从事研究工作,报告管理医疗保健政策方案

    Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers conduct research, produce reports and administer health care policies and programs.


  • 大多数购买私营保险美国民众对卫生管理组织们充满恐惧倾向医疗保健逐一付费。

    Most Americans with private insurance are still horrified by thoughts of health-management organisations and prefer to pay fees for each medical service.


  • 介绍数据挖掘技术及其医疗保健中的应用以及数据挖掘在孕产妇管理信息系统中的应用。

    This paper introduces data mining technology, its application in medical care system, and data mining application in Gravida and Puerpera Management Information system.


  • 各州相继试行管理医疗保健制度,但如何对其实行状况进行监督却是个难题

    The question is how to supervise the experiments with managed care that are being carried out in various states.


  • 未来纽约市将会转移全部的公共医疗补助人群至“管理医疗保健”体系,即支付其他公司一定委托其贫困者提供医疗保障,不是为贫困者的一项医疗开销逐一买单

    Over the next three years, New York will move its entire Medicaid population into "managed care", paying companies a set rate to tend to the poor, rather than paying a fee for each service.


  • 违反了药品医疗保健用品管理部门MHRA)的规定因为A型肉毒素制剂一种处方药

    This contravenes Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) regulations as Botox is a prescription-only drug.


  • 人们关注问题伴随着管理医疗保健兴起门诊收入相应下滑,门诊收入长期以来一直用于补贴医学教育开支。

    One major concern is the rise of managed health care and its accompanying decreases in clinical earnings, which have traditionally helped to subsidize the costs of medical education.


  • NHS管理者将下一次议会英国医疗保健制度次大整改,而宣布减肥激励方案只是其中的一部分

    The weight loss incentive scheme was announced as part of a wider shake-up of the healthcare system in England in the next parliament proposed by NHS bosses.


  • 课程包括法律管理问题管理会计学医疗保健市场人力资源管理公共卫生政策相关问题

    Courses include legal and regulatory issues, managerial accounting, health-care marketing, managing human resources, public health policy, and related topics.


  • 医疗帐单认证服务公司医疗保健提供商计费管理实践和认证服务。

    AMD Medical Billing and credentialing services, Inc - Billing, practice management and credentialing services for healthcare providers.


  • 雇主强制规定首选差旅合作伙伴每日出差费用补贴,同样他们也将积极制定政策管理医疗保健成本

    Just as employers mandate preferred travel partners and per diems for travel expenses, they will become equally active in imposing rules to manage healthcare costs.


  • 一般医疗保健公司需要大量的管理人员支持人员(第三类)。

    As with health care companies in general, these employers will also need managers and support staff (see No. 3).


  • 美国第二上市公司保健咨询专业服务医疗管理方面提供全球性医疗保健服务。

    It is the second largest publicly traded US company in health insurance providing healthcare services worldwide in healthcare consulting, specialty services and healthcare management.


  • 美国第二上市公司保健咨询专业服务医疗管理方面提供全球性医疗保健服务。

    It is the second largest publicly traded US company in health insurance providing healthcare services worldwide in healthcare consulting, specialty services and healthcare management.


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