• 时候,FDA将通知医疗供应商考虑安全标签荟萃分析描述头孢吡肟疗法风险获益

    Until that time, healthcare providers are advised to consider the risks and benefits of cefepime therapy as described in the safety labeling and the meta-analysis.


  • 社区医疗供应商名单告知病人以便获得修理服务及新的橡胶头、拐杖拐杖。此外,应忠告病人应有备用的拐杖和拐杖头。

    The client should be given a list of medical suppliers in his community so he can obtain repairs as well as new rubber tips, handgrips, and crutch pads.


  • 远程医疗未来取决于监管机构供应商付款人和患者如何以及是否能够应对这些挑战

    Telemedicine's future will depend on how and whether regulators, providers, payers and patients can address these challenges.


  • 业务系统收集结构化数据关于患者医疗索赔供应商通过提取转换加载ETL流程输入数据仓库

    Structured source data collected by operational systemson patients, medical claims, and providers—was fed through extract, transform, load (ETL) processes into the data warehouse.


  • XML一种有效的标记工具可以定义数据交换存档所需词汇表,因此XML已经成为医疗保健供应商的重要工具。

    XML has become a powerful tool for healthcare providers in part because it offers an effective tool for markup and for defining vocabularies for data interchange and archiving.


  • 王者医疗英国创办时间最长医疗资金计划供应商,它的服务对象包括个人企业

    Sovereign Health Care is one of the UK's longest established providers of health care cash plans to individuals and businesses.


  • 还有个同事发现条重要消息公司医疗保健供应商宣布医疗计划作出重大调整

    Another found a crucial message from the company's official health-care provider announcing an important change in a health plan.


  • 不仅如此,基于手机全新医疗技术正逐渐被医院所采用但是供应商感染风险认知并不一致

    Not only that, but a whole new generation of cell phone-based medical technology is coming to hospitals and not every vendor is thinking about the infection risk equally.


  • 消费者可以选择更多保险供应商鼓励他们签署包括浪费性医疗计划

    Consumers can be given more choice of insurers, creating an incentive for them to sign up for a plan that doesn't cover wasteful care.


  • UCLAHealthSystem就是这样组织:它是一个包含多家医院医疗保健供应商,提供各种临床医疗保健服务。

    The UCLA Health System is one such organization: a multi-hospital healthcare provider with a diversity of clinical and healthcare applications.


  • 医疗器械制造商然后根据满足制定规格的能力评价供应商合同承包商顾问

    The manufacturers shall then assess their suppliers, contractors, and consultants based on their ability to meet the established specifications.


  • 患者应该看到他们医疗记录如何使用的,包括大型供应商如何使用,他们的利润超过NHS支付标价

    Patients should see how their medical records have been used, including uses by large suppliers whose profit beyond the sticker price paid by the NHS.


  • 泰利福,我们设计、造并配送专业设计产品涵盖汽车船舶工业医疗航天市场全球供应商

    At Teleflex Incorporated, we design and manufacture specialty engineered products, serving as a global supplier to the automotive, Marine, industrial, medical and aerospace markets.


  • 凭借40液晶技术创新经验京瓷高可靠性工业汽车医疗设备显示器首选供应商

    With nearly 40 years of experience in LCD technology innovation, Kyocera is a preferred supplier of high-reliability industrial, automotive and medical equipment displays.


  • 这个概念林德公司,欧洲第二供应商工业医疗气体首次提出B2C通过李华明巴特勒

    The concept was developed by Linde AG, Europe's second largest supplier of industrial and medical gases, which is making its first move to B2C through Fred Butler.


  • 许多美国最有影响力供应商展示他们最新医疗产品服务一个无与伦比的学习活动

    Some of the country's most influential suppliers will showcase their latest health care products and services, making this an unparalleled learning event.


  • 环保湘潭首家无污染环保型医疗机构二十材料供应商联合担保无甲醛无污染

    Low carbon environmental protection: the environmental pollution of xiangtan medical institutions, 20 home material supplier joint guarantee formaldehyde-free, no pollution.


  • 我们很多相关的博客介绍这个主题讨论医疗机构医疗设备供应商提高库存可见性和准确性所面临的日益加重的压力

    We've blogged about these topics many times, discussing the increasing pressure on healthcare organizations and medical equipment suppliers to improve inventory visibility and accuracy.


  • 龙沙全球领先供应商之一制药医疗保健生命科学产业

    Lonza is one of the world's leading suppliers to the pharmaceutical, healthcare and life science industries.


  • 德瑞一家全球领先医疗设备服务供应商,提供可实现改善人体成像治疗过程的产品服务。

    MEDRAD is a worldwide leading provider of medical devices and services that enable and enhance imaging procedures of the human body.


  • 根据这项研究,最大挑战之一确保供应商面临准确性医疗报销

    According to the study, one of the biggest challenges providers face is ensuring the accuracy of medical claims.


  • 公司GE医疗(中国)物流供应商

    We are the logistic supplier for GE medical (China).


  • com贝尔罗斯集团总部位于芬兰全球领先电信医疗电子工业行业供应商

    Perlos Corporation, headquartered in Finland, is a leading global supplier for the telecommunications, healthcare and electronics industries.


  • 西德诺的建议相反,他认为大家应该首先通过那些影响不是很大因素来缩小挑选范围,比如共保以及真正想要医疗保健服务供应商,最后再去比较自付金额。

    Instead, Sydnor suggest narrowing the universe by first looking at factors that don't have a huge impact like the coinsurance rate and the health care providers you really want.


  • AAA医疗结算服务软件加州医疗结算服务和软件供应商

    AAA medical billing service and software - a California medical billing service and software provider.


  • JADAK医疗OEM医疗保健生命科学市场提供嵌入式数据采集打印解决方案市场领先供应商

    JADAK is a market-leading provider of embedded data collection and printing solutions for medical OEMs serving the healthcare and life science markets.


  • 液化空气集团全球领先工业医疗环保气体供应商,业务遍及75个国家员工43,000人。

    Air Liquide is the world leader in gases for industry, health and the environment, and is present in over 75 countries with 43,000 employees.


  • 法国液化空气集团成立于1902年,全球领先工业气体医疗气体以及相关服务供应商,业务遍及72个国家拥有4万的员工

    Founded in 1902, Air Liquide is a world leader in industrial and medical gases and related services, with nearly 40,000 employees in 72 countries.


  • 大多数IT供应商认为,80001标准自己没有影响因为他们不是医疗设备制造商

    Most it vendors I've talked with, their notion is that 80001 doesn't affect them because they're not a medical device manufacturer.


  • 大多数IT供应商认为,80001标准自己没有影响因为他们不是医疗设备制造商

    Most it vendors I've talked with, their notion is that 80001 doesn't affect them because they're not a medical device manufacturer.


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