• 过去5南方区域统调负荷平均增长15.6%,售电量年均增长15.5%。

    The past five years have seen an average annual growth rate of 15.6% in unified dispatch load in southern China and an average annual growth rate of 15.5% in electricity sales.


  • 但是由于病例负荷非洲地中海东南亚区域继续增加结核病例总数仍然缓慢上升

    However, the total number of new TB cases was still rising slowly, because the case-load continued to grow in the African, Eastern Mediterranean and South-East Asia regions.


  • 对于使用IHS负荷平衡功能小型区域轴心来说,向它提供ClearCaseClearQuest阶段三都可选的。

    For smaller regional hubs that use the IHS load balancing capability that is provided with ClearCase and ClearQuest phase three is optional.


  • 场景中的步骤展示如何配置CICS区域接受入站Web服务请求SOAP有效负荷存储DB 2中。

    The steps in this scenario show you how to configure your CICS region to accept an inbound Web service request and store the SOAP payload in DB2.


  • 结果表明模型发动机负荷区域预测精度较高,误差在使用允许范围内

    The results showed that the accuracy of this model is high in mid engine load area and its error is limited in useable range.


  • 方案利用了层次化结构区域注册路由机制,减少切换时延网络信令负荷

    By adopt the regional registration and re-routing scheme in hierarchical networks, both the handover delay and signaling load may be decreased.


  • 如果残余量很大的话,IT就会自动这些区域一些切削降低刀具负荷

    If there is a lot of rest material to be removed, then IT will automatically add extra passes into those areas to reduce tool loading.


  • 华东区域电力市场电力公司月度市场中报价,日前市场中只申报负荷需求,管制价格用户售电。

    In East China Regional Market, the transmission company acts as a load service provider, which has the mandate to supply electricity with regulated price.


  • 因此如何快速准确计算电力系统区域输电能力使系统在满足安全性可靠性的前提最大程度地满足各区域用电负荷需求成为电力系统亟待解决的研究课题

    Thus how to calculate the transfer capability quickly and precisely and how to satisfy the demand of power load furthest become a challenging task under the precondition of security and reliability.


  • 水体污染加剧,水环境质量日益恶化迫切要求建立一个能够反映区域总体状况的污染负荷模型对流域水资源规划及调度具有重大意义。

    With the deterioration of water environment increasingly, it is urgent to found a pollution load model which can image the whole status in a district.


  • 利用有限元法外部热源直埋电缆区域进行剖分,计算给定电缆负荷温度

    Finite element method (FEM) was used to partition the area of buried cables with outer heat sources and calculate the temperature field with given cable load.


  • 较低热负荷单一的微槽内三相接触线附近区域中薄液膜高强度蒸发换热机制(蒸发模式);

    One of them is pure evaporation heat transfer model in the extended thin film region near the triple-phase contact line of vapor-liquid-solid at lower input heat flux.


  • 利用分流式传动系统可扩展系统工作区域分散系统负荷特性增强系统传递特性。

    The power-split hydraulic-mechanic automatic transmission system is used to expand working area, decentralize system load characteristics, and enhance system transfer characteristics.


  • 分区负荷预测通常直接行政区域划分预测区域没有考虑同一行政区内可能存在电力负荷增长规律较大差异情况。

    Traditionally, subarea load forecasting divides the area by the administrative region directly, without considering that the features of load increasing has great difference even in the same region.


  • 最后利用毒负荷实现危险区域划分

    Toxic load method is used to realize partition of danger zones.


  • 配电网电力系统发电用电中的一个环节分布负荷中心区域,为用户直接提供电能

    Distribution network is a link from generators to users. It lies in the central areas among the loads, supplying energy to users directly.


  • 话务量区域提出增补信道的建议,增加系统资源降低资源平均负荷

    In the area where call frequency is high, we will add more channels to provide adequacy system service source to reduce average load.


  • 以大宁河流域为研究区域应用SWAT模型进行了流域农业点源污染负荷模拟计算。

    SWAT model was used to evaluate agricultural non - point source pollution of Daning River watershed.


  • 机床安装区域如果地基平面高度超过产品调节范围时,可以在机床负荷盘间增加垫片

    The installation of machine tools within the region, if the ground plane height difference over the adjustment range of this product, you can set the machine and load has increased by pads.


  • 根据研究区域GIS数据信息实地踏勘信息,借鉴国内外相关研究模型模拟参数,在对研究区域进行概化的基础上,建立研究区域的非点源污染负荷模型。

    On the base of data from GIS and survey of study area on the spot, non-point source pollution load model of study area was constructed.


  • 我们悬臂起重机能够处理环形区域各种范围负荷的重物。

    Our Jib Cranes perform a wide variety of local handling along with covering loads under a circular area.


  • 研究分析非点源污染负荷产生迁移途径基础上,依据水文产汇流和污染物迁移过程建立区域尺度非点源污染负荷估算模型

    On the basis of hydrological processes and pollution transport, a large scale model is set up to calculate the loss load of pollutants for government to control and manage NPS.


  • “分离双层门面安放设计允许角度自然光线整个底板穿过,同时保证玻璃区域直接屏蔽掉负荷

    The placement of the pods and dual layered facade permits high levels of natural light throughout the existing narrow floor plate whilst shielding the glazed zones from direct heat load.


  • 结果表明南极地区目前海潮模型存在较大的不确定性,还不足以精密确定区域海潮负荷改正

    The final results indicate that all the present ocean co tidal models are too uncertain to determine accurately the oceanic correction in the Antarctic region.


  • 地板辐射采暖系统流速平衡使每个区域可能达到设计流速,满足采暖负荷

    Flow rate balancing makes it possible to provide each zone with a design flow rate and to meet the heating load in a radiant floor heating system.


  • 本文通过测量气缸盖温度找出气缸盖与气门“鼻梁”区域的最大负荷处。

    Through temperature measurement it is found that max. thermal load is in the bridge zone between valve seats of the cylinder head.


  • 应该适当调节流速满足每个区域负荷

    The water flow rate should be adjusted appropriately to cope with the heating load of each zone.


  • 区域电力负荷具有特殊的变化规律。

    Area electric power charge is variable peculiarly with periodic fluctuation.


  • 同时还分析了负荷机投运对高温过热器区域烟气参数偏置影响

    Also analysed was the effect of electrical load and the commissioning of pulverizer exhauster on gas parameter excursion in the high temperature superheater zone.


  • 同时还分析了负荷机投运对高温过热器区域烟气参数偏置影响

    Also analysed was the effect of electrical load and the commissioning of pulverizer exhauster on gas parameter excursion in the high temperature superheater zone.


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