• 公众网上检视每个监测站区域空气质量指数

    The public can view the Regional Air Quality Index for each monitoring station through the Internet.


  • 这些区域确实改善了空气质量而且科学表明,意味着切实健康收益——心脏病中风早产发病率降低,癌症痴呆哮喘等疾病的减少

    The zones do deliver some improvements to air quality, and the science tells us that means real health benefits—fewer heart attacks, strokes and premature births, less cancer, dementia and asthma.


  • 这些新的信息对于美国西欧一些地区将大有裨益,那些区域长久以来都使用地表探测器的结果作为衡量空气质量标准

    The new information could even be useful in parts of the United States or Western Europe where surface monitors, still the gold standard for measuring air quality, are sparse.


  • 假如车辆常常行进尘埃较多空气质量较差路况区域应当留意清洁进气管道确保进气的疏通。

    If the vehicle is often moving in the dust more, poor air quality road areas, it should pay attention to clean the intake pipe, to ensure that the air intake.


  • 环保局数据显示去年只有北京周边区域空气质量轻微改善了

    Air quality only improved marginally last year in the area around Beijing, data from the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MPE) suggests.


  • 报告表示空气质量最差区域地中海东部东南亚

    The report says the areas with the poorest air quality are in the Eastern Mediterranean and South East Asia.


  • 空气滤芯通常清洁3后就替换新的,清洁周期能够平时驾驭区域空气质量而定。

    The air filter element should be replaced after cleaning 3 times, and the cleaning cycle can be determined by the air quality of the usual control area.


  • 卫生组织继续影响区域检测空气质量专家保持联系。建议人们遵守当地卫生组织出台最新指导

    WHO will remain in contact with experts monitoring air quality in the affected region, and advises people to follow the latest guidance from their local health officials.


  • 住院环境好的空气质量以及外科区域内良好无菌条件确保在医院里舒适健康的前提。

    A good indoor air quality and optimal conditions of asepsis in surgical areas are prerequisites for comfort, health and reduced health risks during the hospital stay.


  • 综述大气污染物区域环境容量主要影响因素、用于计算空气质量模型以及大气环境容量的研究步骤。

    The main affection factors, the atmospheric quality models and the usual computing proceed of the atmospheric pollutant environment capacity of the area were summarized.


  • 结果证明ANN模型用于区域环境空气质量评价,其评价结果比较直观

    The results showed that the ANN model could obtain a directly - quantitative results in the comprehensive assessment of city regional ambient air quality.


  • 利用热风系统作为中心区域改善主生产区空气质量

    Using hot blast system to supply air to the center region, the air quality in the productive area has been improved.


  • 将多污染因子评价归结单目标决策比较直观反映出区域环境空气质量综合水平污染程度。

    When the multi-ingredient pollution if transformed into the single-object decision, the results could directly show the integrative level and pollution degree of a certain area air quality.


  • 区域地形地貌空气质量综合环境南昌市最好地区之一

    With the smooth terrain and fine geology, the zone is one of the best areas in Nanchang City in terms of the quality of atmosphere and comprehensive environment.


  • 1977年洁净空气法修正案确定了清理被污染区域期限同时要求现行空气质量标准进行评估。

    Clean air Act Amendment (1977) established new deadlines for cleaning up polluted areas; also required review of existing air-quality standards.


  • 大气气溶胶质粒通过直接辐射强迫间接辐射强迫两种方式影响着地球气候系统,同时,区域环境空气质量问题扮演重要角色

    Aerosol has much influence on the earth-atmosphere climate system through its impact on direct and indirect radiative forcing. It also plays a crucial role in regional air pollution problems.


  • 大气气溶胶质粒通过直接辐射强迫间接辐射强迫两种方式影响着地球气候系统,同时,区域环境空气质量问题扮演重要角色

    Aerosol has much influence on the earth-atmosphere climate system through its impact on direct and indirect radiative forcing. It also plays a crucial role in regional air pollution problems.


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