• 一路回家因为我迫不及待想父母宣布北大录取好消息

    I ran all the way home because I was very eager to announce the good news that I was admitted by the Peking University to my parents.


  • 数百冰冷北大西洋裂开其中12艘船成两沉没

    The steel shells of hundreds of the ships cracked in the icy north Atlantic, and 12 broke in half and sank.


  • 法国准备退出北大西洋公约组织。

    France was going to pull out of NATO.


  • 北大西洋公约组织仍然是美国欧洲主要支柱机构

    NATO remains the United States' chief institutional anchor in Europe.


  • 架飞机北大西洋公约组织颗导弹错误击落了。

    The plane was shot down in error by a NATO missile.


  • 据理力争北大西洋公约组织作为一个和平保障保留

    He argues strongly for retention of NATO as a guarantee of peace.


  • 为了北大西洋失踪拖网渔船,已经开始了一项营救行动

    A big rescue operation has been launched for a trawler missing in the North Atlantic.


  • 北大西洋公约》以公开肯定成员“重申对《联合国宪章》目的以及原则信念开头

    The North Atlantic Treaty begins with the affirmation that its parties "reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations."


  • 北大西洋北海风暴强度增加了。

    Storminess increased in the North Atlantic and North Sea.


  • 西北大学的一项研究表明,演奏乐器可以提升一个人的听力能力。

    A study from Northwestern University shows that playing a musical instrument can improve a person's hearing ability.


  • 某些时期世界海洋底层来自遥远北大西洋下沉寒冷稠密

    During some periods, the bottom layer of the world's oceans comes from cold, dense water sinking in the far North Atlantic.


  • 最近北大西洋深海沉积物研究揭示了地球气候历史上可能循环模式

    Recent studies of sediment in the North Atlantic's deep waters reveal possible cyclical patterns in the history of Earth's climate.


  • 此外北大西洋输送系统关闭引起温度变化太小,无法解释仙女木天气。

    Additionally, the temperature changes induced by a shutdown in the North Atlantic heat conveyor system are too small to explain the Younger Dryas.


  • 北大西洋公约组织后来承认搁浅发生,他们正在同一海域测试新的声纳技术

    NATO later admitted it had been testing new sonar technology in the same area at the time as the strandings had occurred.


  • 作为名记者纽约大学哥伦比亚大学北大毕业生竞争工作机会

    As a journalist, I have competed against NYU, Columbia, and Northeastern graduates for jobs.


  • 报道北大西洋公约组织俄罗斯敲定处理冷战关系宪章一事上取得了进展

    NATO and Russia are reporting some progress in efforts to finalize a charter governing their post-Cold War relationship.


  • 19世纪40年代蒸汽船凭借更快速度帆船手中夺取北大西洋的客运业务

    Steamships captured the North Atlantic passenger business from sail in the 1840s because of their much greater speed.


  • 19世纪40年代蒸汽船凭借更快速度帆船手中夺取北大西洋的客运业务

    Steamships captured the North Atlantic passenger business from sail in the 1840s because of its much greater speed.


  • 显然某些时候来自北冰洋最北端的更多冰山赶在融化沉积北大西洋

    At certain times, apparently, more icebergs from the Arctic Ocean in the far north were traveling south well into the North Atlantic before melting and shedding their sediment.


  • 理论假设这些融水涌入北大西洋,降低地表水盐度强度足以防止它们下沉

    The theory posited that this meltwater flooded into the North Atlantic, lowering the salinity and intensity of surface waters enough to prevent them from sinking.


  • 芝加哥西费利斯博士说:“人们睡眠不足时他们体内应激激素水平会升高,这会降低免疫功能。”

    "When people are sleep-deprived, there are higher levels of stress hormones in their bodies which can decrease immune function," says Doctor Felice of Northwestern University in Chicago.


  • 芝加哥西费利斯博士说:“人们睡眠不足时,他们体内压力荷尔蒙水平会升高,这会降低免疫功能。”

    "When people are sleep deprived, there are higher levels of stress hormones in their bodies, which can decrease immune function." says Doctor Felice of Northwestern University in Chicago.


  • 芝加哥西博士费利斯·徐说:“人们睡眠不足时他们体内应激激素水平会升高,这会降低免疫功能。”

    "When people are sleep-deprived, there are higher levels of stress hormones in their bodies, which can decrease immune function," says Dr. Phyllis Zee of Northwestern University in Chicago.


  • 亚拉那拉提瓦北大是穆斯林人口占主导地位的地区,他们一直抱怨在这个佛教为主国家受到忽视歧视

    Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani have a dominant Muslim population and have long complained of neglect and discrimination in the largely Buddhist nation.


  • 好像驾驶手动挡汽车,”美国东心理学家朱迪丝·霍尔,“而且如果开始太多,你就记得自己在做什么。”

    "It's as if you're driving a stick shift," says Judith Hall, a psychologist at Northeastern University, "and if you start thinking about it too much, you can't remember what you're doing."


  • 克里斯蒂娜·穆拉托于2010年美国东学获得药学博士学位。

    Christina Muratore, received her doctorate in pharmaceutical sciences from Northeastern in 2010.


  • 阿美已经收到北大录取通知书了。

    May: I have received the admission letter from Peking University!


  • 送给红——北大一群好友

    To Hong from your good friends at Peking U.


  • 送给红——北大一群好友

    To Hong from your good friends at Peking U.


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