• 被告包括联盟30球队

    Defendants include the league and its 30 member teams.


  • 在1977年关闭之前所学校一直谋杀悬疑惊悚片的热门场景包括19世纪60年代风靡一时电视节目《复仇者联盟》。

    Before it closed in 1977, the school had been a popular setting for murder mysteries and thrillers, including the cult 1960s TV show The Avengers.


  • 客户包括复仇者联盟莫妮卡·兰博。

    Among his customers is Monica Rambeau of the Avengers.


  • 一个阿拉伯国家组成的联盟(据说包括沙特)以色列进行过秘密接触讨论了他们目前共同面临的来自伊朗威胁

    A coalition of Arab states, thought to include the Saudis, has been in secret contact with Israel to discuss what they see as a common threat posed by Iran.


  • 如果欧洲经济发生重大变革包括劳动力产品市场以及公共机构方面那么英国可能加入联盟

    If significant reform of Europe's economies took place, including its Labour and product markets, and its institutions, it might well be that Britain would participate in such a union.


  • 阿拉伯联盟秘书长穆萨星期天记者谈话承认一点。说,一个人,包括他自己,都很多疑惑怀疑

    Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa acknowledged this when he spoke to reporters on Sunday, saying everyone - including himself - has lots of suspicions and doubts.


  • 根据国际自然自然资源保护联盟的资料显示,对这个物种最大威胁包括水污染大坝建设湿地面积缩小。

    Major threats to the species' survival include water pollution, dam construction, and wetlands loss, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.


  • 阿拉伯联盟海湾合作委员会都呼吁采取紧急行动联合国安理会号令要采取一切措施保护平民包括设置禁飞区。

    The Arab League and the GCC called for urgent action, and the UN Security Council mandated all necessary measures to protect civilians, including a no-fly zone.


  • 联盟而言,棘手之处在于有些大牌球星位列顽固最喧哗抱怨者之中,包括詹姆斯邓肯科比

    The tricky part for the league is that some of its brightest stars are among its most persistent and vociferous complainers, including LeBron James, Tim Duncan and Kobe Bryant.


  • 但是,茨万吉拉伊星期天明确表示,希望非洲各方面都参与解决津巴布韦的问题,包括非洲联盟

    But on Sunday Tsvangirai made it plain he wants a broader African involvement in Zimbabwe including the African Union.


  • 由于出生在南部,并且事实上一些亲戚(包括同父异母弟弟)为南部联盟作战,她的处境非常艰难。

    Her position was a difficult one given her Southern birth and the fact that some of her relatives (including her half brothers) were fighting for the Confederacy.


  • 此外联盟众多合作伙伴包括世界卫生组织一起对有关卫生人力资源的信息进行整理,汇总详细分析报告。

    Furthermore, the Alliance teams up with a wide group of partners including WHO to work on consolidating the HRH information into detailed and analytic profiles.


  • 联盟多项生活环境调查都包括手机学校特别是教室使用问题。

    A lot of the union's casework involves the use of mobile phones in schools, particularly in the classroom.


  • 这种纵容包括商业阶层一旦他们实际上没有统治部落联盟这个阶层获益,就会从各种私下交易中得利。

    That pampering very much included the business class, which, when not actually drawn from the ranks of the ruling clan and its allies, benefited from sweetheart deals of various kinds.


  • 合作联盟报告里承认确定河流源头方法多种包括河流距离海洋最远点,最大支流的源头等等。

    The partnership acknowledged in its report that there were numerous ways of determining the source of a river, including the furthest point from the sea or the head of the most dominant watercourse.


  • 联盟最新黑名单”上包括17,291种物种正面临某种程度上的灭局。

    The IUCN's latest “Red Listincludes 17, 291 species in some degree of danger.


  • 然而,开设这家特殊学校提议却遭到区域其他同样帮助年轻父母组织反对其中包括布鲁克林年轻妈妈联盟”。

    The proposed school is, however, opposed by other groups who work with teenage parents in the area, including the Brooklyn Young Mothers' Collective.


  • 今年早些时候,全国精神疾病联盟美国规划师协会呈交了白色文件,这份文件支持新的诊断法但是包括预防措施清单包括一个社会心理疗法方面坚定不移地强调

    Earlier this year NAMI submitted to APA a white paper supporting the new diagnosis but included a list of precautions, including a firm emphasis on psychosocial treatments.


  • 包括未来的巴勒斯坦在内22个国家属于阿拉伯国家联盟正如“阿拉伯世界”是由三千五百万混合人口集聚家乡一样

    The 22 countries, including the unborn Palestine, that belong to the Arab League as "the Arab world" are home to a heterogeneous agglomeration of some 350m people.


  • 活动世界患者安全联盟LiamDonaldson爵士主持包括卫生部长学术界人士世卫组织工作人员发表主旨讲话

    The event, chaired by Sir Liam Donaldson of the World Alliance for Patient Safety, will include keynote speeches by eight ministers of health, academics and WHO staff.


  • 许多大学的大牌教授其中包括常春藤联盟”的)从来不本科生距离接触。

    Star professors at many universities, including the Ivies, never go near undergrads.


  • 一点现在获得许多人包括捐助者国际机构全球基金疫苗和免疫全球联盟、国际卫生伙伴关系八国集团,早就应给予的重视

    It is receiving long overdue attention from many, including donors, international agencies, the Global Fund, the GAVI Alliance, the international Health Partnership, and the G8.


  • 现在成了所有脆的东西”的代言人包括让你咯咯傻笑华德福教育联盟还有渴望猪排素食主义)。

    You're now the spokesperson for all things "crunchy" (including Waldorf education, which makes you giggle, and vegetarianism, which makes you crave pork chops).


  • 然而4月14日美国最大两个联盟揭幕了他们的推进计划,其中包括2007年阻碍变革一个联盟

    Yet on April 14th America's two biggest unions, including one that helped block reform in 2007, unveiled a plan to push it forward.


  • 然而4月14日美国最大两个联盟揭幕了他们的推进计划,其中包括2007年阻碍变革一个联盟

    Yet on April 14th America's two biggest unions, including one that helped block reform in 2007, unveiled a plan to push it forward.


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