• 这些包含可执行代码称为正文

    The sections that contain executable code are known as text sections or segments.


  • 页面正文包括单个div元素元素包含一个heading元素(h 1)一个form元素。

    The body of the page includes a single div element, which includes a heading element (h1) and a form element.


  • 输入消息正文预期应该具有元素,此根元素包含个子元素:、

    The body of the input messages is expected to have a root element containing five child elements:, and. The following is an example of such an input message.


  • 所有关键信息包含Tag标记中,在这里映射标记处理程序我们声明了标记对于正文内容敏感性

    All key information is contained within the tag tag where the tag name and handler class are mapped, and we've made a declaration regarding the tag's sensitivity to body content.


  • 客户信息系统使用称为customer服务调用原语调用的,返回正文包含有关客户详细信息消息

    The customer information system is invoked using a Service Invoke primitive called customer and returns a message containing the relevant customer details in the body.


  • 加密算法列表中可以选择对称算法,使用该算法可以加密 SOAP消息正文包含服务数据对象

    The encryption algorithm list box lets you choose the symmetric algorithm to be used to encrypt the service data object contained within the SOAP message's body.


  • 典型rss提要包含站点可用最新文章列表,其中列出文章的标题、内容摘要以及一个正文链接。

    An RSS feed typically contains a list of recent articles available on the site, and for each of them a title, a brief summary, and a link to the main article.


  • helper 函数允许列表顶部底部包含任意HTML ——它们前面布局正文片段清单2)中 :top 和 :bottom。 生成的 HTML 类似于清单 7。

    The helper provides options for arbitrary HTML to be included at the top and bottom of the list — you saw them in the earlier snippet from the layout body (Listing 2) as :top and :bottom.


  • 这本书里,作者们对此的解释是,在同一个URI里,PUT请求封装正文(body)中应该包含GET请求表现形式相同元素

    In the book, the authors interpret this to mean that the body enclosed with the PUT request should contain the same elements as the representation served by GET requests at the same URI.


  • 消息正文格式编码编码字符集存储MQControl结构中,并包含MQHeader 中

    The format, encoding and coded character set of the message body are stored in the MQControl structure, contained in the MQ Header.


  • insert元素包含XML标签例如

    The insert element contains XML tags to correct the documentfor example


  • 提供包含关键讯息正文其它显示一张颜色插图

    One page of each pair provides a text containing the key information, the other page shows a color illustration.


  • 正文包含基本结构如下:第一分析了破产欺诈含义以及债权人可选择的救济方法。

    Body contains four chapters, the basic structure is as follows:Chapter One analyzes the meaning of the Bankruptcy Fraud and creditors'alternative remedies.


  • 邮件包含飞机注册编号标题中的信息,以电子邮件正文包含的实际天气信息

    The message contains the aircraft registration number in the header of the message, with the body of the message containing the actual weather information.


  • 正文包含三个部分一部分阐述了地方戏曲走入高校公共艺术课堂意义

    The main text consists of three parts: The first part describes the significance of local opera into college public arts classroom.


  • 此类设备发生错误请求返回HTTP响应代码200,指示成功正文包含错误信息

    When an error occurs for such a device, the request returns the HTTP response code 200, indicating success, but the body of the page contains the error message.


  • 正文部分(讨论部分)包含件人可能须要知道任何信息

    In the body (or discussion) section of the memo, include any information the reader (s) might need to know.


  • 窗体可以原始作为附件包含其中,可以原始项作为出现在项正文中的文本包含在其中。

    The form can include the original item as an attachment, or include the original item as text that appears in the body of the item.


  • 指示包含类型序列化实例消息正文格式是否正确

    Indicates whether the body of the message containing a serialized instance of this type is correctly formed.


  • 注意例子中的代码包含一个,且以为开始标记指定正文区域结束标记符。

    Notice that the example code contains a page header and a left gutter. It also specifies the content area by opening the tag but not closing it.


  • 注意例子中的代码包含一个,且以为开始标记指定正文区域结束标记符。

    Notice that the example code contains a page header and a left gutter. It also specifies the content area by opening the tag but not closing it.


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