• 勃拉餐馆全国最好的。

    The eating houses of Luang Prabang are the best in the country.


  • 东方宁静之地:勃拉邦城(老挝)。

    ORIENTAL TRANQUILITY Luang Prabang, Laos.


  • 勃拉不要早晨化缘僧侣照相。

    And try not to poke your camera in the monks' faces at the traditional morning alms-giving in Luang Prabang.


  • 勃拉什·维尔,受宠若惊,仰上,沾沾自喜地上了眼睛

    Blachevelle threw himself back in his chair, in an ecstasy, and closed both eyes proudly.


  • 一定勃拉什·维尔出的主意,”宠儿又说,“使了。”

    "That must have been Blachevelle's idea," resumed Favourite. "it makes me in love with him."


  • 勃拉邦魔鬼金矿床,赋存上古生界泥盆系板岩二叠系石灰岩中

    The Ghost Mountain Au deposit of Luangprabang exists in the Upper Palaeozoic Devonian sandstone, SLATE and Permian limestone.


  • 消防队员千斤顶升起汽车,将勃拉斯基出来,当时,已经严重脱水昏迷不醒。

    Firefighters lifted the car with a jack and removed Borowski, who was dehydrated and confused.


  • 经常谈到路易十六掌玺官米罗迈尼尔先生深知的一个首席法官夫人。

    She talked a great deal of M. de Miromesnil, Keeper of the Seals under Louis XVI. and of a Presidentess Duplat, with whom she had been very intimate.


  • 没有机会读完勃拉曼尼亚的虽然我想这么做),所以我不会在此处对的其他观点进行反驳

    I haven’t had the chance to read Subramanian’s book infull (although I look forward to doing so), so I’m not going to undertake hereto rebut his broader thesis.


  • 勃拉曼尼亚中国经济可能人们想象更快超过美国认为此预言不会和前面提到的那些一样。

    Mr Subramanian argues that China's economic might will overshadow America's sooner than people think. He denies that his prophecy is self-denying.


  • 勃拉城中,佛教寺院法国殖民地豪宅挤在一起,错落有致。而这里悠闲生活背包客和长期旅行者青睐。

    Buddhist monasteries rub shoulders with crumbling French colonial mansions, and the gentle pace of life makes this a popular place with backpackers and longer-term expats alike.


  • 法国老挝殖民统治19世纪直至20世纪中叶结束,勃拉邦,我彻底的沉浸在了丰富面包,咖啡的醇香以及美妙的酒吧中。

    In Laos, colonized by the French from the late 19th century to mid-20th century, I was overwhelmed with the bounty of bread, the smell of coffee and the fabulous wine bars in Luang Prabang.


  • 根据格朗日动力学方程克雷洛夫-勃拉哥维辛斯理论,首次建立了“船舶-减摇鳍-被动式减摇水综合减摇系统数学模型

    According to Lagrange dynamical equation and Kriloff theory, the mathematical model of integrated anti-roll system "ship -fin stabilizer-passive anti-roll tank" is built up.


  • 勃拉曼·尼亚按照购买力评价计算出两个因素推动中国2030年占到世界GDP的23%以上,而美国不到12%。

    Buoyed by these two forces, China will account for over 23% of world GDP by 2030, measured at PPP, Mr Subramanian calculates. America will account for less than 12%.


  • 夏季的雨,风真叫受不了,风又熄了我心头的火,·维尔是个小气鬼,菜场又不大有豌豆卖,他只知道正好象英国的,我害‘忧郁病’了,奶油又那么贵!

    Blachevelle is very stingy; there are hardly any green peas in the market; one does not know what to eat. I have the spleen, as the English say, butter is so dear!


  • 我们打算日内瓦湖吉利海峡骑行,路线本身就很有吸引力:山,我们翻越最低山口穿过艮第到达卢瓦尔河时,我们沿河岸轻松骑行一天

    Our route from Lake Geneva to the Channel more or less drew itself: over the Jura by the lowest pass we could find, through Burgundy and across to the Loire for an easy day on the riverbank.


  • 太空气象预测中心负责人·特利考虑太阳风暴大小华州的南部应该看不到极光的。

    Space weather forecast chief Bob Rutledge said given the size of the solar storm, the lights probably shouldn't have been visible south of Iowa.


  • 之所以转会位于里斯本城这家球会一个主要原因位前河床球星哈维尔·萨维奥和巴罗·艾马尔一起踢球

    One of the main reasons he wanted to join the Lisbon-based club was his desire to play alongside Javier Saviola and Pablo Aimar - two former River Plate stars.


  • 周六双打伊斯内尔·布赖恩携手,战胜了泽蒙季奇蒂普萨·雷维奇组合,美国队挽救了一点面子。

    Isner and Bob Bryan pulled one back for the U.S. by defeating Nenad Zimonjic and Janko Tipsarevic in Saturday's doubles.


  • BobDoughty:“致电斯特,让商店购买这些东西新鲜荷兰豆大块纹奶酪有可能她弟弟买点小吃。”

    Bob DOUGHTY: "Please call Stella." Ask her to bring these things with her from the store: Six spoons of fresh snow peas, five thick slabs of blue cheese, and maybe a snack for her brother Bob.


  • 他们花巨资买进球员包括德国国家队队长的托马斯·希策尔斯佩格,弗雷德里克·皮奎翁内·巴雷

    They bankrolled the signings of players including Germany captain Thomas Hitzlsperger, Frederic Piquionne and Pablo Barrera.


  • 好的设计通常奇特的.一些最杰出作品不可思议的品质:公式,鲁盖尔(Brueghel)的猎人 ,SR-71,Lisp.

    Good design is often strange. Some of the very best work has an uncanny quality: Euler's Formula, Bruegel's Hunters in the Snow, the SR-71, Lisp.


  • 弗洛来宾纷纷来到了我们聚会一会儿开始在这里坐坐咖啡

    Bob: Flora, my guests are coming, and our party will start in a moment. You just sit here and have a cup of coffee.


  • 弗洛来宾纷纷来到了我们聚会一会儿开始在这里坐坐咖啡

    Bob: Flora, my guests are coming, and our party will start in a moment. You just sit here and have a cup of coffee.


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