• 这么同时,对道德操守嗤之以鼻其中包括接受试图打通政府部门关系的一家公司馈赠的劳力士手表法拉利跑车礼物

    But it did so while holding its nose at the ethics of his conduct, which included accepting gifts such as a Rolex watch and a Ferrari automobile from a company seeking access to government.


  • 这么同时,对行为道德操守嗤之以鼻,他的行为包括接受试图打通政府部门关系的一家公司赠送劳力士手表法拉利跑车礼物

    It did so while holding its nose at the ethics of his conduct, which included accepting gifts such as a Rolex watch and a Ferrari automobile from a company seeking access to government.


  • 或是一劳力士手表

    A row of Rolex watches?


  • 怀疑是不是真的劳力士手表觉得我上当吗?

    I'm wondering whether this really is a genuine Rolex. Do you think I've been sold a pup?


  • 怀疑是不是真的劳力士手表觉得我上当吗? ?

    I'm wondering whether this really is a genuine Rolex. Do you think I've been sold a pup?


  • 比如说人们通过佩戴劳力士手表或者参加美洲帆船赛来显示自己的富有

    Thus, people signal wealth by wearing Rolex watches, driving expensive cars or sailing in the America’s Cup.


  • 经济低迷时期,即使大城市的公司职员也纷纷典当劳力士手表钻石项链维持生计

    Even the employees in big city are hocking their Rolex watches and diamond necklaces to make ends meet in the economic downturn.


  • 事物无时无刻不在变化建立诸如劳力士手表等等之上的自信无法长久的。

    Things change at every second. Confidence built on things such as a Rolex watch is not sustainable.


  • 我们旅行团里一个幼儿院老师毫不犹豫地立马掏钱买了劳力士手表令人惊讶!

    It was surprised that a kindergarten teacher in our traveling group bought 2 Rolex watches without any hesitation.


  • 还有多如牛毛的公司生产着假冒列产品劳力士手表,而这些假冒产品又在街头巷尾售出

    And myriad companies churn out the fake Gillettes and Rolexes sold on street corners.


  • 教程中将演示如何在代托纳模型劳力士手表玛雅。到底应该大约50视频5 - 10分钟。(超过7小时)?

    In this tutorial I demonstrate how to model the ROLEX DAYTONA watch in Maya. In the end it should be about 50 videos from 5-10min. (over 7 hours)?


  • 瑞方总经理公司国际知名度品牌影响力贵方一定有所了解,我公司劳力士手表世界市场上一直受欢迎

    SM: you must have some idea of our company's international reputation and brand influence, the rolex watches of our company in the world market has always been very popular.


  • 尤雅娜说,万利拉送给第一件礼物劳力士手表紧跟着又是一只卡地亚手表,然后是钻石,珠宝高档SUV汽车豪华公寓

    Guzman said Varela's first gift to her was a Rolex watch, followed by a Cartier watch, diamonds, jewelry, top-of-the-range sport utility vehicles and luxury apartments.


  • 妇人准备去一张肖像告诉画家,“给的像上画上钻石耳环, 一条钻石项链翡翠玉镯红宝石头钗金色劳力士手表

    Donna Stuckert USA. A woman decided to have her portrait painted. She told the artist, "Paint me with diamond rings, a diamond necklace, emerald bracelets, a ruby broach, and gold Rolex."


  • 瑞士毋庸置疑手表制造商之王——劳力士,都不得不开始手表中添加电子部件。

    Even Rolex, the undisputed champion of Swiss watchmakers, eventually relented and started adding electronics to its timepieces.


  • 处于狭窄深邃冰山上的品牌较难受到竞争者的攻击,当然它们也是非常赚钱的,想想豪华手表中的劳力士吧。

    Brands that are narrow and deep are almost invulnerable to competitive attacks. Furthermore, they usually are incredibly profitable.


  • 在场上场下都很高兴带着劳力士手表

    I will enjoy wearing Rolex watches on and off the court.


  • 手表成为批量生产商品劳力士继续强调质量工艺水平

    Even as watches became mass-produced commodities, Rolex continued to emphasize craftsmanship and quality.


  • 大家都喜欢手表认为方便手表准确度又有问题,年轻劳力士创始人就在手表质量上下了工夫获得成功

    Everybody likes watches, think it more convenient, but the accuracy and watch, young rolex watch founder in the quality of work and success up.


  • 一些手表做得非常精致,许多难以抵制花上2550美元就能买到只镶嵌钻石劳力士金表的诱惑

    Some of the watches are very well done, making it hard for many people to resist the lure of buying a pricey gold, diamond-studded Rolex for just $25 or $50.


  • 第二次世界大战劳力士品牌威望得到英国皇家空军飞行员他们劣质手表取代发给他们。

    By World War II, the Rolex brand had gained such prestige that British Royal Air Force pilots bought them to replace the inferior watches that were issued to them.


  • 1971年年初,劳力士潜艇劳力士式恒动2000年,成为城市居民极少数手表一个下生存,在极端条件压力

    As early as 1971, the Rolex submariner, the Rolex Oyster Perpetual sea Dweller 2000 has become one of the very few watches that could survive pressures in extreme conditions under the sea.


  • 劳力士第一表面小孔显示日期手表也是第一块完整显示日期和星期手表

    A Rolex wrist watch was the first to show the date for a small aperture on the face. It was also the first wrist watch to spell out the day of the week in full.


  • 劳力士第一表面小孔显示日期手表也是第一块完整显示日期和星期手表

    A Rolex wrist watch was the first to show the date for a small aperture on the face. It was also the first wrist watch to spell out the day of the week in full.


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