• 故事动物植物制成

    Make the animals and plants in the story into hand puppets.


  • 吃饭前、上完厕所和接触动物后,你需要用肥皂和水来洗,因为你的可能会携带病毒。

    You need to wash your hands with soap and water before you eat, after you use the toilet, and after you touch animals, because your hands may carry viruses.


  • 没有注意到直到出现在那里,动物面前,放在温暖体侧,它的脉搏脉搏边上跳动。

    She did not notice me until I was already there, crouching over the animal, my hand upon its warm flank, its pulse racing alongside my own.


  • 一直负责《动物星球方面MarjorieKaplan“两叉腰”的纪录片主持人过时了

    Marjorie Kaplan, who has steered Animal Planet in this direction, says the "hands-on-hips" documentary presenter is out of style.


  • 上个月Nsekanabo证明,大猩猩还是在失去他们或者他们的生命,这些圈套业在其他动物

    As the death of Nsekanabo last month demonstrated, gorillas still lose their hands, or their lives, in snares intended to catch other animals.


  • 我有一双万能的,样样事情都会作可以说人类进化开始第一勇敢猴子树上下来。 但科学家早就说过,制造工具,才是让人类真正有别于其他动物的关键。

    You could say human evolution started when the first brave ape came down from the trees.


  • 转过来缓缓地伸出像是一种软体动物探摸着脸部轮廓

    Turning to face me, he slowly extended a hand which, like a soft animal, explored the contours of my face.


  • 动物的作用抓住控制上的东西可以猩猩身上看到这点,他们的一样灵活。

    The plantaris muscle is used by animals in gripping and manipulating objects with their feet - something you see with apes who seem to be able to use their feet as well as their hands.


  • 看到一些没有还有一些没有没有,还有一些失去面颊耳朵鼻子,还有人像动物一样用四肢爬行。

    You could see some men without hands, others without hands and feet, others deprived of fingers, face, ears and noses, others crawling like quadrupeds.


  • 相反的,我们会觉得这个民族虐待动物有一以此打发一个下午事实就是这样,是不是无趣

    While it might make us feel superior to think that other cultures are constantly torturing animals for fun, and xenophobia can help kill a boring afternoon, the truth is a lot more... well... boring.


  • 当时年纪,当然不会因为要对只什么动物而缩缩脚,我确实没有杀过大象,连这样的念头也从不曾有过。

    At that age I was not squeamish about killing animals, but I had never shot an elephant and never wanted to.


  • 主张动物要有权利其中个重要权利就是轻轻磨蹭

    I believe in animal rights, and high among them is the right to the gentle stroke of a human hand.


  • 制作故事动物植物

    Made finger puppets with animals and plants in the story.


  • 尽管如此,大多数的庄稼活仍工具完成比如铁锹锄头长柄镰刀或者动物推犁等等。

    Still, most field work was done with hand tools like the spade, hoe, and scythe, or with hand- or animal-driven plows.


  • 的树生动物;四人的纸牌游戏

    A handed tree-living animal; a four-handed card game.


  • 我们关于我们拥有神奇女孩我们变成什么样动物

    We each wrote a paragraph about what animal we would like to become if the girl in the book used the Magic Finger on us.


  • 男孩这些体重300- 800动物经常捉猫猫游戏——杰夫海豚水池跑,拍击预先设定好的或者对方一个鳍相击。

    The boy and the 300-to 800-pound animals often played tag, with Jeff and the dolphins racing around the pool to slap a predetermined point, or giving each other hand-to-flipper high-fives.


  • 人类唯一其它动物智慧、是对工具运用以及一双灵活

    The strong points of human which are better than other animal are wisdom, tool and a pair of flexible hand. Why does nature create such a species in this ecological system?


  • 最后大约在两百六十万年前一些有脚小型聪明动物出现了并且扩散世界各地

    Finally about 2.6 million years ago some small clever animals, now with hands and feet, appeared and spread all over the world.


  • 布拉德福德不少景点子女家庭包括许多动物公园其中一些动物

    Bradford also has many attractions for families with children including many animal parks some of which allow you to feed the animals by hand.


  • 虽然名字希腊蜥蜴”,鱼龙不是鱼——这一个爬虫类动物中生代海洋

    Although its name is Greek for "fish lizard," Ichthyosaurus was no fish-it was a reptile that swam the Mesozoic oceans.


  • 他们宠物拥有者忠诚人群,他们目标是发起反对吸烟公共健康活动,该活动聚焦动物影响

    They said that pet owners are a devoted bunch and would make good targets for anti-smoking public health campaigns that focus on the effects of second hand smoke on animals.


  • 这个阶段象征竖琴,帕斯是用竖琴蛇发女象征开始较低级动物外貌毁坏

    The emblem for this stage was a harpe, the harpe that Persus decapitated the Gorgon. Symbolizing the destruction of the lower and animal aspect of the initiate.


  • 最后,对雨球藻进行了卫生安全性毒理学评价雨生红球藻动物和人体中的氧化作用的研究提供了第一资料

    Finally, the assessment on hygiene safety and toxicology were carried out, which provided the directed information for study on astaxanthin antioxidation in animal andhuman further.


  • 捡大型土壤动物20个类群以鞘翅目及其幼虫、膜目以及等翅目倍足纲为主

    There were 20 groups of macrofauna by hand sorting, mainly including Coleoptera and their larvae, Hymenoptera, Isoptera and Diplopoda.


  • 捡大型土壤动物20个类群以鞘翅目及其幼虫、膜目以及等翅目倍足纲为主

    There were 20 groups of macrofauna by hand sorting, mainly including Coleoptera and their larvae, Hymenoptera, Isoptera and Diplopoda.


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