• 现在记录墙上永恒不变的永远约束生活动物庄园所有动物

    These seven commandments would now be inscribed on the wall; they would form an unalterable law by which all the animals on animal Farm must live for ever after.


  • 随着时间推移动物显然没有饿死弗里德里克皮尔金顿改变了他们论调开始动物庄园如今邪恶猖獗

    When time passed and the animals had evidently not starved to death, Frederick and Pilkington changed their tune and began to talk of the terrible wickedness that now flourished on animal Farm.


  • 动物庄园以及《1984》作者乔治·奥威尔日记也与去年发布距离他写下那些日记时间正好70周年。

    The diaries of the George Orwell, author of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, were published last year, exactly 70 years to the day since the novelist wrote it.


  • 津巴布韦人们心里,他们相信,他们生活在乔治·奥威尔的“动物庄园”里,因为,在那里有些动物其它动物更加平等

    It all plays into the Zimbabweans' belief they live in a version of George Orwell's animal Farm, where some animals are more equal than others.


  • 毕业堂课,老师发给每位学生乔治·奥威尔(英国小说家)的《动物庄园》,要求用分钟的时间阅读完毕,之后老师会检测其中情节的每一个细节

    To graduate from that class, he was given a copy of George Orwell's Animal Farm and had three minutes to read it before being tested on every detail.


  • 有的文学评论家看来,与《1984》动物庄园》所描述世界相比,赫胥黎1935年的这部作品在呈现我们这个受到过分宠溺醉生梦死时代方面要精确多。

    For some cultural critics Huxley's 1935 novel provides a far more accurate representation of our cosseted, anaesthetised times, than the world portrayed in 1984 or Animal Farm.


  • 起初他们装作动物管理自己庄园想法嗤之以鼻

    At first they pretended to laugh to scorn the idea of animals managing a farm for themselves.


  • 了解生活这个世界上所有东西,我了解所有生活这个庄园里的动物一样

    I have had a long life, I have had much time for thought as I lay alone in my stall, and I think I may say that I understand the nature of life on this earth as well as any animal now living.


  • 为了严厉打击猎杀保护动物的行为,警方派遣了25位警员20来自皇家学会鸟类保护组织(RSPB)和其他组织工作人员因弗斯城南25000英亩莫伊庄园

    They sent 25 officers and another 20 people from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and other agencies to the 25,000-acre Moy Estate south of Inverness.


  • 动物稻草上安身,很快整个庄园进入梦乡

    The birds jumped onto their perches, the animals settled down in the straw, and the whole farm was asleep in a moment.


  • 同时它想要这位歌手卖掉梦幻庄园牧场(Neverland Ranch),这个曾经拥有游乐园动物天王住家,在这里,发生过引发争议的儿童过夜事件。

    It also wants the singer to sell his Neverland Ranch, the home of his private amusement park and menagerie and site of his controversial sleepovers with young children.


  • 转身走时停下来强调了一句:提醒庄园每个动物要睁眼睛

    He turned to go, then paused and added impressively: I warn every animal on this farm to keep his eyes very wide open.


  • 巴西阿托尔深峡谷庄园拍摄到了巨型食蚁兽。那里是一个面积达3万英亩大农场,同时也是巴西南马托格罗索沼泽区的野生动物保护地。

    I took this shot of a giant anteater in the Fazenda Barranco Alto, a 30,000-acre cattle ranch and wildlife preserve in the Pantanal of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul.


  • 梦幻庄园最大特色之一就是,里面一座名副其实动物,有着来自世界各地的动物包括名为Muscles的巨蟒一只泡泡黑猩猩

    One of the most amazing features of the ranch was the veritable zoo of exotic animals including a boa constrictor named Muscles and famous chimpanzee named Bubbles.


  • 梦幻庄园最大特色之一就是,里面一座名副其实动物,有着来自世界各地的动物包括名为Muscles的巨蟒一只泡泡黑猩猩

    One of the most amazing features of the ranch was the veritable zoo of exotic animals including a boa constrictor named Muscles and famous chimpanzee named Bubbles.


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