• 回顾历史我们生存技能一部分;大多数动物一样,视觉信息匮乏时,我们利用嗅觉识别猎物

    Go back in history and this was part of our survival repertoire; like most animals, we drew on our sense of smell, when visual information was scarce, to single out prey.


  • 不论是动物历史何种时候何种环境语言可能刹那间诞生

    Whatever may have been the moment and the circumstances of its appearance in the scale of animal life, language could only have been born in one fell swoop.


  • 最近发现了一个据估计500,000历史沉积物,该沉积物由木炭燃烧动物骨头烧焦岩石组成

    A site containing a deposit, estimated to be nearly 500,000 years old, consisting of charcoal, burned animal bones, and charred rocks, has recently been found.


  • 然而这个7亿历史地层几乎不能现代动物起源提供任何线索因为古生物学家认为代表的是一个失败进化试验

    This 700-million-year-old formation gives few clues to the origins of modern animals, however, because paleontologists believe it represents an evolutionary experiment that failed.


  • 历史纺织染料植物动物排泄物天然资源制成的。

    Historically, textile dyes were made from such natural sources as plants and animal excretions.


  • 历史黎明之际寒冷天气中,人们开始猎杀动物并用它们的毛皮衣服

    In cold climates, since the dawn of history, people have been killing animals and using their skin as clothing.


  • 国家历史学会请求增派16基干人员,以此保证艺术品安全以及农村圈养动物不至于饿肚子。

    The state historical society petitions for a skeleton staff of 16 to keep its artefacts secure and the animals on a rural property fed.


  • 科学家警告这种动物正在吞噬数以千计海盗沉船其它历史时期的沉船。

    The animal threatens to munch through thousands of Viking vessels and other historic shipwrecks, scientists warn.


  • 改变世界动物一书讲述了动物驯化历史强调数千年来人类文化进程中的特殊地位

    Animals that Changed the World, a book about animal domestication, stresses that dogs have held a privileged status within human culture for thousands of years.


  • 传统海水养殖印度尼西亚有几百历史。它包括在人工池塘养殖专门的海水咸水动物

    Traditionally mariculture, involving the use of a system of man-made ponds in rearing specific Marine or brackish-water animals, has been practised in Indonesia for hundreds of years.


  • 一些持进化论观点生物学家声称学术头脑历史怪胎人类其他灵长类动物一样,生来就具备迅速观察危险机会的能力。

    Some evolutionary biologists claim that the scholarly mind is an historical anomaly: that humans, like other primates, are designed to scan rapidly for danger and opportunity.


  • 她简直不能相信自己眼睛,因为这个动物收容所长达64历史中,没有一只被送到毒气室小狗还能生还

    In the shelter's 64 year history, no dog had ever survived the chamber's noxious fumes.


  • 1948具有2400年历史斯基台男性干尸西伯利亚冰层发现四肢躯干有华丽神秘动物的图案。

    In 1948, the 2, 400 year old body of a Scythian male was discovered preserved in ice in Siberia, his limbs and torso covered in ornate tattoos of mythical animals.


  • 奶酪历史可以追溯到5000年前最初可能是一个农把牛奶储存动物内脏制成的皮囊,然后皮囊中的牛奶里出现美味的团

    The process was first developed at least 5, 000 years ago, probably when an early dairy farmer stored milk in a bag made from an animal’s gut and discovered that tasty chunks began to form.


  • 后来妻子怀着我们第二个孩子已经7个月时,我们自然历史博物馆参观动物机器人,真实比例的霸王龙

    Then, when my wife was seven months pregnant with our second child, we went to the Natural History Museum to see the animatronic, life-size Tyrannosaurus rex.


  • Giardia动物以及真菌几乎没什么历史渊源,有人认为最初古真核生物相似

    Giardia is very distantly related to animals and fungi, and some think it resembles the very first eukaryotes.


  • 开元时期地球历史遥远过去人类动物原本是同居一起,非常友好和平

    In the beginning, in a far distant past of Earth history, humans and animals used to cohabit very lovingly and peacefully.


  • 因为美国历史最大一起虐待动物事件

    For this is the largest case of cruelty to animals in U. S. history.


  • 因为美国历史最大一起虐待动物事件

    For this is the largest case of cruelty to animals in U.S. history.


  • 历史现代绝大多数食物采集者来说,男性专门负责猎取大型动物女性则负责猎取动物和采摘植物果实。

    In the vast majority of cases among historically known and present-day foragers, men specialise in hunting big game, while women hunt smaller animals and collect plant food.


  • 布朗克斯动物美国历史悠久的城市动物园。该动物园迫于上千万美元预算缺口,已下令上百动物送往其他机构

    The Bronx zoo, the oldest city zoo in America, has succumbed to a multimillion dollar hole in its budget and ordered the shipping of hundreds of animals to other institutions.


  • 我们可能需要更加深入地把历史当作生物学分支学科来研究,专注研究一种动物行为表现,那便是智人

    We might even go further and argue that history has become a sub-field of biology, focusing on the behaviour of one animal, Homo sapiens.


  • 比如伦敦自然历史博物馆第一标本物种著名始祖鸟化石就是爬行动物鸟类之间过渡物种化石

    The famous Archaeopteryxthe first specimen of which resides in the Natural History Museum in Londonfor example, is one such transitional fossil between the reptiles and birds.


  • 农民为了获取所需种植作物饲养动物历史已经持续几千

    Historically, farmers bred plants and animals for thousands of years to produce the desired traits.


  • 迈克尔·瑞安克利夫兰自然历史博物馆古脊椎动物部门负责人,他本月古生物杂志》上对外公布一新发现。

    Michael Ryan, curator of vertebrate paleontology for the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, published the discovery in this month's Journal of Paleontology.


  • 迈克尔·瑞安克利夫兰自然历史博物馆古脊椎动物部门负责人,他本月古生物杂志》上对外公布一新发现。

    Michael Ryan, curator of vertebrate paleontology for the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, published the discovery in this month's Journal of Paleontology.


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