• 体育锻炼得到健康皮肤、人体的体型美,培养身体动作姿态美。

    Physical exercise can make the students have healthy skin beauty, form beauty and cultivate their pose beauty.


  • 分别模仿五种动物动作姿态可以使人们身体各个不同部位得到锻炼

    Imitating the movements of these five animals respectively can help people exercise the different parts of one's body.


  • 说,她站潜水铁笼里,下潜鲨鱼群边上,她被动物动作姿态深深打动了,并不觉得危险

    When she went diving in a cage next to sharks, she said, she was more struck by the animal's movements than the danger.


  • 威尔逊一向擅长运用人物们动作姿态但是分钱歌剧”中,演员的动作并不那么优雅,反而是机械呆板的。

    Wilson is famed for his use of posed body movements, but in "the Threepenny Opera," these movements are mechanical rather than elegant.


  • 尽管他们在身形外貌上非常相似,但是可以通过他们着装风格、他们与众不同的方言甚至他们不经意动作姿态把他们区别开。

    Although physically they look alike, you can tell them apart by their styles of dress, their distinctive dialects and even their most casual gestures.


  • 人类这种无意识协动天赋正是舞蹈核心所在。它使得舞蹈成为一种节奏感、一连串动作姿态组成的表达方式。

    Our talent for unconscious entrainment lies at the core of dance, a confluence of movement, rhythm and gestural representation.


  • 然后Lengagne软件各种静态姿态转换成连续动作,并考虑机器人一步作用力保持自己身体平衡

    Lengagne's software then converts these static poses into one smooth motion, taking into account the forces operating on the robot in each position to ensure it does not lose balance.


  • 乔恩。费儒不仅导演了一、二两部《钢铁侠》,还在电影饰演快乐霍根——托尼司机老朋友一角。极少拍摄动作场景时表现出不耐烦姿态

    Jon Favreau, who directed both Iron Man movies (and who plays Tony's driver and sidekick, Happy Hogan) barely conceals his impatience with the action sequences.


  • 典型航天员推离动作飞船扰动力矩作为控制系统仿真输入参数分析姿态控制系统受到扰动后的响应。

    Put the disturbance moments of typical astronaut's push-off act as the input datas of the control system simulation, and analyze the response of the attitude control system after disturbed.


  • 仿真实验很好地完成过程姿态能量兼顾控制目标并进一步实现了回环动作运动控制

    The simulation results show that the controller ensures the gesture and the energy to the desired goal, farther more the motion control of giant swing backword is realized in the simulation.


  • 艺术家所欣赏不规则,是暗示着韵律动作姿态线条的美。

    The appreciation is of beauty in irregularity, in lines that suggest rhythm and movement and gesture.


  • 健美操教学应该注重学生表现力培养不仅可以提高学生的动作美、姿态美,能提高学生欣赏美、表现美的能力

    To train students' expressive force should be concerned in teaching body-exercise, which not only train them to show their actions and poses but also enhance their aesthetic capacity.


  • 紧接着的一个输入动作拉刚刚现在姿态左侧机翼这个例子用右手。

    The next input coming up is pull on what was the lower wing with the right hand( in this position it's the wing to the left).


  • 美学要素包括形体美姿态动作美、音乐美、精神美。

    There are some aethetics elements in the aerobic: beautiful body, beautiful stance, beautiful movement, beautiful music and beautiful spirit.


  • 对于传说生物、古老仪式以及神奇惯例姿态动作的信仰至今仍然活跃罗马尼亚村庄

    The belief in fabulous creatures, in ancient rituals and ceremonies, in magic practices and gestures is till vivid in the Romanian village.


  • 马匹表现出正确的平衡保持\'\ '姿态,运均匀而有弹性,飞节动作良好的一种快步。

    The horse showing proper balanced and, remaining 'on the bit', goes forward with even, elastic steps and good hock action.


  • 故而姿态符号体系,有些是由身体动作型态形成的,有些则是由物质人为制品体系形成

    Thus there are systems of gesticulatory signs, of patterned bodily movements , of various sets of material artifacts, and so on.


  • 假设搓麻养成一些习气动作坐姿姿态的话搓麻将的人就能简单了解你的心态和手牌

    Assuming that persons, has developed some habits in action and posture, this attitude and your persons, can be very simple to understand your mind and hand.


  • 从头到脚各部位动作姿态发出特有的意义指

    The movements and postures of every part of the human body from head to toe flesh out peculiar meaningful signals.


  • 如果说特丽莎有些神经质动作姿态缺乏自然优雅我们不会惊讶的。母亲傲慢、粗野、自自虐的举止给她打下了不可磨灭烙印

    And if Tereza has a nervous way of moving if her gestures lack a certain easy grace we must not be surprised: her mother's grand wild and self-destructive gesture has left an indelible imprint on her.


  • 学生通过音乐领会音乐节奏、内容,产生一种音乐节奏内容相适宜感情,用这种感情自然节奏的通过身体动作姿态表达出来。

    Following the music, students can sense rhythm and content, while fostering an emotion accordingly. With rhythmically movement and posture of his body, he can express his feel about the music.


  • 东晋顾恺之《论提出真实地表现对象要求不是要求外表动作姿态等外形相似

    In the Eastern Jin Dynasty Gu Kaizhi "On painting" Lane made a real target performance requirements : not only for appearance, movement, gesture, shape similar;


  • 利用伞-系统动力学模型,从工程应用角度出发,分析阵风小扰子弹姿态运动特性,并以此基础给出修子弹弹下计算模型。

    The dynamics model of parachute-munition system is used to analyze the motion characters of submunition under the effect of wind gust, and the calculation model of projective point is presented.


  • 索尔具有明显的高贵气质流畅线条动作姿态优美

    The Borzoi should always possess unmistakable elegance, with flowing lines, graceful in motion or repose.


  • 甚至街上走路拐角处转弯那种姿态,都可以认为是他独有的动作。 。

    Eevn his way of walking down the street and turning a corner could be recognaized as his own.


  • 动作预备姿态风筝一个贴近地面位置

    The kite prepares to enter the trick by flying to a position low to the ground.


  • 角度为现代航天器姿态控制关键技术之一一直航天控制领域关注

    The large angle maneuver is one of the key technologies for spacecraft attitude control, which has been the focus of attention.


  • 角度为现代航天器姿态控制关键技术之一一直航天控制领域关注

    The large angle maneuver is one of the key technologies for spacecraft attitude control, which has been the focus of attention.


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