• 代办人员办理邮政业务适用本法关于邮政工作人员规定

    The provisions on postal personnel specified in this Law shall apply to agents when they handle postal businesses.


  • 第十三条审计人员办理审计事项,与被审计单位或者审计事项利害关系应当回避

    Article 13 in handling audit matters, if auditors have an interest in the auditees or the audit items, they shall withdraw.


  • 对于相交10年15的客户,王告诉他们要请接受社会服务人员的面谈或者要去法院办理收养手续

    With clients Wong has known for 10 or 15 years, he could say he was taking two days off to be interviewed by social services or spending the day in court for adoption proceedings.


  • 法律援助服务机构应当接受法律援助机构指派安排人员办理法律援助。

    A legal aid service agency shall accept the assignments from a legal aid institution, and arrange its staff members to provide legal aid.


  • 董事会同意,清算委员会可以聘请工作人员办理清算具体事务

    With the consent from the board of directors, the liquidation committee may hire work personnel to deal with specific issues of the liquidation.


  • 如果取消今天航班我们通知地面工作人员帮助办理相关手续。

    We'll inform the ground staff if you'd like to cancel the flight. They will help you make it.


  • 外籍人员有紧急事务急需入境处理符合有关规定抵达中山港口岸办理落地签证。

    If conforming to relevant regulations, foreigners can apply Visa upon Arrival in case of emergency when they arrive on Zhongshan Port.


  • 协助企业办理外籍人员居住地联络手续

    Go through the procedure of the residence of foreigners.


  • 这些权利行使,无须办理任何手续,通过数据控制器数据处理器提出要求,通过负责处理人员代理。

    The rights may be exercised by making a request to the data controller or processor without formalities, also by the agency of a person in charge of the processing.


  • 第十三审计人员办理审计事项,与被审计单位或者审计事项利害关系的,应当回避

    Article 13 in handling audit matters, an auditor shall withdraw if he has an interest in the auditee or the matters under audit.


  • 未经艾滋病患者本人同意地区各级办理生活困难救助单位人员不得外界透露个人隐私

    I agree that without AIDS, the region at all levels of life difficult for rescue units or personnel shall not be disclosed to the outside world their personal privacy.


  • 内部数据源供给曩昔如今数据办理人员能够运用,以此为根底作出的展望将来

    Internal data sources provide past and present data that managers can use as a basis for making predictions about the future.


  • 查抄船舶设施及其货物门路交通办理条例的损害情况人员受伤和死亡情况;

    Examine the damage to the vessels, installations and goods and assertain casualties of personnel;


  • 从而工作人员办理这项业务熟练工作效率低,从而影响这项业务在我国推广速度应用范围

    Thus the staff member is not skilled while handling this business, an inefficiency, thus influence the speed of popularization of this business in our country and range of application.


  • 境外人员办理临时住宿登记城镇的,抵达24小时申报

    Aliens lodging in urban areas shall report and register temporary accommodation within 24 hours of his or her arrival.


  • 如果订座或者机场办理登记手续时得知航班超订,可以要求得到订座人员机场代理人员建议

    Upon request, reservations representatives or airport agents will advise you if your flight is overbooked at the time your reservation is made or during the airport check-in process.


  • 现在要问一些问题,生气因为只不过是个笨拙业务人员,你也是办理业务的女人

    Now don't be angry at my asking all these questions; because I am a mere dull man of business, and you are a woman of business. '.


  • 代表处的外籍工作人员入境应当按照有关法律规定办理居留手续。

    The foreign staff members of a representative office shall handle the formalities for residence under the pertinent laws upon entry.


  • 施工准备施工物质准备技术人员调配现场交底,办理入场手续

    Construction preparation: pre-construction material prepared for the deployment of technical personnel, on-site construction, procedures for admission.


  • 办理各类邮件、包裹的收发工作及时送交相关人员,并进行相应的分类登记以便查询

    Deal with the post receiving & sending out work, deliver the post to the related person in time and register in order to check them easily in the future.


  • 政务超市寻求帮助工作人员帮助下,很快办理所有手续

    She sought assistance at the Supermarket of Administrative Affairs, and with guidance by the staff, Huang quickly obtained all necessary procedures.


  • 这个交易所工作人员选择一家银行然后他们按照给出银行办理银证转帐业务

    The staff member of this bourse can ask you want to choose which bank, next the bank that they give out according to you helps you deal with silver-colored card to transfer accounts business!


  • 呈现参数可以救助开辟人员办理障碍。

    The displayed parameters can help the developer to troubleshoot the fault.


  • 办理公司各类外派人员的出国手续、边防专家外籍人员居留证事宜。

    Deal with the procedures such as visas, expert's certificate for foreigners and residence permit etc.


  • 卖方协助买方技术人员办理出入卖方国家签证居留期间的一切手续。

    The Seller shall assist the Buyer's technical personnel in dealing with all formalities of obtaining visas for entry and exit as well as their stay in the Seller's country.


  • 由于我方海关要求提供箱子内物品的准确中文名称数量单价只有知道这些物品详 细情况,我方人员才能办理这个箱子的通关工作

    Requested by our customs, pls provide exact chinese name, quantity, and unit price. Only with it in detail, we can arrange customs clearance then. Pls advise as soon as possible.


  • 参赛人员必须自行办理赛会期间的《人身意外伤害保险》,办理者不得参赛

    Participants shall go through "personal accident insurance" formalities for the competition by themselves; otherwise, they shall not participate in the competition.


  • 参赛人员必须自行办理赛会期间的《人身意外伤害保险》,办理者不得参赛

    Participants shall go through "personal accident insurance" formalities for the competition by themselves; otherwise, they shall not participate in the competition.


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