• 随后意愿进入生命每一个共同创造行为创造努力你的自我表达

    Then intend love into every act of co-creation in your life, from your creative endeavors to your self expression.


  • 会用绝对荣耀填满一刻,因为没有什么能比纯粹创造行为更辉煌的了,允许死去的那一刻创造任何你想要的。

    Act of Pure Creation, and God will allow you to create in the moment of your death.


  • 过去十年许多公司已经完善消费者创造无意识行为习惯)的艺术

    Over the past decade, many companies had perfected the art of creating automatic behaviorshabitsamong consumers.


  • 礼貌行为友好点头挥手感谢有助于创造带有善意宽容氛围,这现代交通条件下非常必要的。

    A friendly nod or a wave of acknowledgement in response to an act of courtesy helps to create an atmosphere of goodwill and tolerance so necessary in modern traffic conditions.


  • 通过复制这种行为(“群集智能”),研究人员认为他们可以创造大量虚拟昆虫巡逻保护电脑

    By copying this behaviour (" swarm intelligence ") the researchers think they can create vast Numbers of virtual insects to patrol your computer.


  • 违反赖以存在行为,就是自取灭亡,何况根本不存在的东西并不能创造任何东西。

    Violation of the act by which it exists would be self-annihilation; and that which is itself nothing can create nothing.


  • 这些体察长期习得的,反过来创造强大的预期期望引导个体做出这样行为外部世界却视之为傲慢无礼、懒惰病态等等

    These perceptions are learned over time, and they create powerful expectations that can lead individuals to act in ways that, to the outside world, suggest insolence, laziness, pathology, etc.


  • 想象两个打算创造和谐关系人相遇其中一人感觉对方挂念、礼貌、慷慨强加行为

    Picture an encounter between two people who both intend to create a harmonious relationship, but one perceives the other's solicitous, polite--even generous--behavior as imposing.


  • 来自纽约斯克内克塔迪联合大学位研究员费尔南多·奥雷利亚纳布兰登·伯恩斯创造重演梦中行为和姿态的“睡眠觉醒机器人”。

    Two researchers, Fernando Orellana and Brendan Burns, from Union College in Schenectady, N.Y., created a "Sleep Waking robot" that replays the actions and gestures in your dreams.


  • 他们的解决方案软体宏伟见识」(Massive Insight),这套软体组合可以创造作用者图像化工具可以设定他们的行为偏好

    The result is Massive Insight, a software package that makes it possible to create agents and program their behaviour preferences using simple graphical tools.


  • 我们的,Logos,我们的理性使社群成为可能能表达创造,一种可说是转圜或不确定,存在我们的行为之中,让我们有别于其它物种

    It is our logos our reason that makes a community possible and also expresses or creates you could say a certain latitude or indeterminacy in how our behavior distinguishes us from other species.


  • 相反需要套系统方法改变或者创造尚未存在新的行为习惯

    Instead it requires a systematic approach to change behaviours or create new ones that have not previously existed.


  • 不管怎样使用这些服务行为本身创造价值提升这种服务,创造一些可能有其它用处信息

    In each case, the act of using the service creates something of value, either improving the service itself or creating information that can be useful somewhere else.


  • 利他主义一直存在互联网创造一个平台在那里个体行为引发全球性影响

    Altruism has always existed, but the Web gives it a platform where the actions of individuals can have global impact.


  • 关于技术背景下,利用形式行为创造愉悦理解的主题。

    It was all about the use of form and behaviour to create delight and understanding in the use of new technology.


  • 挑战就是创造能够满足个人或者社会需求一种社会力量这个过程增加世界上有意义行为数量频率。

    The challenge is to create a social force toward addressing a specificpersonal or societal need and, in the process, increase the number andfrequency of meaningful acts in the world.


  • 根据楔形文字,苏美尔人发现了上帝古怪行为必须沙漠个人他才能开始创造

    According to the cuneiform tablets, Sumerians found God's most puzzling act to be the creation from dust of the first two human beings.


  • 加入中产阶级的同时,人们只是创造一个全新市场创造了不同的思考行为方式。

    As people emerge into the middle class, they do not merely create a new market. They think and behave differently.


  • 车间预算时间支配好。创造革新都是挥霍无度行为

    Workshops, budgets and time allocated to creativity and innovation are all wasteful extravagances.


  • 就是为什么用尽意志创造一个好的习惯你的意志力量作为你的控制你行为源泉显得如此重要

    That's why it's critical that you muster up all of your will power to create a habit and not use your will power as the source of controlling your activities.


  • 尽管此不得持有债务总额翻一番,但是这样做意味着修改而不是重新创造银行的债务结构,所以这种想法符合实际的。

    The idea is practical since it means amending Banks' debt structures, not reinventing them, although Banks would need roughly to double the amount of this debt that they hold.


  • 杜根称,这种游戏机制的关键影响顾客行为而不是简单根据客户品牌创造一个游戏。

    The key, according to Duggan, is to influence behavior, not to simply make a game sporting a client's brand.


  • 莱文表示感应器可以区分用户按下按键力度,从而给出反馈帮助创造感知行为

    The sensor can tell which keys you're pressing and how hard, and apply feedback that may help create a sensation of movement, Levin says.


  • 莱文表示感应器可以区分用户按下按键力度,从而给出反馈帮助创造感知行为

    The sensor can tell which keys you're pressing and how hard, and apply feedback that may help create a sensation of movement, Levin says.


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