• 几代人他们希望自己的孩子林肯一样有原则善良有同情果断

    Earlier generations said they wanted their children to be like Lincoln: principled, kind, compassionate, resolute.


  • 若是面向高中生听众,这些学生显然看过很多科幻电影演讲采访常常表现出强烈的好奇,而满足他们的好奇

    To a high school audience, she might satisfy a curiosity that often arises in her pre-speech interviews with students who obviously have seen many science fiction movies.


  • 因此我们间较小房子时,我一横,丢掉了超过两卡车的东西其中大多数都是装那些箱子里,已经二十多年没动过了。

    So when we moved to a smaller house two weeks ago, we took a deep breath and threw away more than two containers of stuff, much of them in boxes, untouched in twenty years or longer.


  • 许多墨西哥人婚礼上,在一支舞曲来宾们围绕新婚夫妇站成一个

    Guests at many Mexican weddings gather around the couple in a heart-shaped ring at the reception, perhaps before the first dance.


  • 欧洲国家十分激素残留物几十就已经禁止使用生长促进剂

    European nations were sufficiently concerned about hormone residues to ban the use of growth promoters decades ago.


  • ,应该保持密切的联系。长期失业的自尊往往会大受打击,因此需要经常支持朋友同事老板以及亲戚那里获得鼓励。

    Being out of work for a long time is so hard on your self-esteem that you need a regular dose of encouragement from friends, former colleagues and bosses, and relatives who are on your side.


  • 作为一个社会工作者以她怜悯而闻名:她一直照顾20车祸丧生弟弟两个孩子

    A former social worker, she's known for compassion: she has looked after her brother's two children since he died in a car crash 20 years ago.


  • 了解过去之后一次次的被打垮,我们第一次约会,正是他判无期徒刑后的假释,他七年他的十八岁生日后,犯了一项谋杀罪。

    My heart fell further as my thoughts jumped to what I had known about Jason's past since his disclosure on our first date: that he was on parole with a life sentence.


  • 虽然许多美国仍然汉堡包摊匆匆打发自己的午餐,但是在晚餐时,美国人同其他国家的许多人一样,会静下从容不迫地品尝菜肴美味

    Like so many people in other cultures, many Americans are taking time to relax and enjoy the finer tastes at dinner, even if they still rush through lunch at a hamburger stand.


  • 飞行结束我会悲惨失败者,沉溺抗抑郁药并且受到控制。

    Before the flight is over, I am back to feeling like a pathetic loser who is addicted to antidepressants and at the mercy of an evil empire.


  • 那天浴室镜子,什么也不想,只是静下,沉浸在此刻中。

    One day as he was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom he chose to take a moment to come down from his busy mind, become present, and really look at himself.


  • 亚特兰蒂斯,这个古时被摧毁乌托邦式虚构的国家,自从两千哲学家柏拉图第一次描述以来,就一直牵动着学者

    The story of Atlantis, a fabled utopia destroyed in ancient times, has captured the imagination of scholars ever since it was first described by the philosopher Plato more than 2, 000 years ago.


  • 不久johnDonnelly办公室里采访了她,内容涉及耐多结核病蔓延问题威胁她十分

    In her Ministry office recently, John Donnelly interviewed her about a threat that gives her great concern - the spread of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB).


  • 竞争对手JonBaldvinHannibalsson表示:“对境遇不佳的人们抱有真切的同情改善现状。”

    "She has credible compassion with those less well off and a willingness to improve their lot," said her then rival, Jon Baldvin Hannibalsson.


  • 纳赫特阿蒙(Nakhtamun)碧玉护身符,上面镌刻着来自死亡书上咒语,约来自公元1300年

    Jasper heart amulet of Nakhtamun, inscribed with spells from the Book of the Dead, c. 1300 BC.


  • 相比这个国家国内更加开发,对外富有同情我们应该为此感激。

    Compared with a decade ago, this country is more open at home and more compassionate abroad, and that is something we should all be grateful for.


  • 这两种型号均采用反馈健全增加抑制高增益图案

    Both models feature super cardioid patterns for high gain before feedback and increased rejection of off axis sound.


  • 互联网刺激人们锻炼一样,小组使用活动的组有一点但是人们没有坐在他们电脑花费太多时间

    She said her team was a bit worried about using a sedentary activity like the Internet to motivate people to exercise, but people did not spend much time sitting in front of their computers.


  • 还记得我们初次见面那天,你微微的笑温暖知道后来我们关系那么密切,你左手的为什么月亮这么

    Do you remember one before the day we first met, you smile slightly warm my heart, who knows what our relationship was so close, you lean left shoulder and asked me why I am so circle the moon?


  • 循环系统:过去悸,气急发绀浮肿疼痛

    Circulating system: no palpitation, out of breath, cyanosis, edema, precordia pain history.


  • 什么地方出来的?从我们人现一念生出来的。

    Where do the Ten Dharma Realms come from? They originate from the single thought presently in your mind.


  • 选择一张真诚坚定;在选择后,有绝不改变的

    Before selecting a sincere and firm in the face; selected, there is a never-changing heart.


  • 如果庄子引述可以看出来一些指示的的话,真正的可以追溯到公元389- 286年。

    True flow goes back a ways, if this this quote from Chuang Tzu, who lived 389-286 BCE, is any indication.


  • 今年理由静下来自省,西,回想60加冕日里,朕在这座宏伟教堂立下的登基誓言

    I myself had cause to reflect this year, at Westminster Abbey, on my own pledge of service made in that great church on Coronation Day 60 years earlier.


  • 布什承诺解决冲突的离任努力已经半意的,零星的可怜的-几乎设计失败的。

    Bush promised a solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict before he left office, but his efforts have been half-hearted, sporadic, and pathetic - almost designed to fail.


  • 布什承诺解决冲突的离任努力已经半意的,零星的可怜的-几乎设计失败的。

    Bush promised a solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict before he left office, but his efforts have been half-hearted, sporadic, and pathetic - almost designed to fail.


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