• 这个流程通常市场营销主管发起,市场营销主管其他几个小组合作包括工程小组研究小组美工小组法律小组制造小组

    The process is typically owned by a marketing lead who collaborates with a number of other groups, including engineering, research, artwork, legal, and manufacturing.


  • 做到一点,研究小组不得不重新设计制造蛋白质细胞机制

    To achieve this, the team had to redesign three pieces of the cellular machinery that make proteins.


  • 同时研究小组泡沫制造泡沫,建立隔膜模拟生物细胞内部结构

    The team has also made bubbles within bubbles (see images), creating compartments that mimic the internal structure of biological cells.


  • 制造这种物质小组原料石墨碎,化学品净化重塑纳米结构”,然后再把它加工成纸张。

    To make the material, the team milled raw graphite by purifying it with chemicals to reshape it into 'nano-structured configurations' which are then processed into sheets of paper.


  • 为了达到这样的效果,小组改变通过玻璃方式,是通过制造了个毫米尺寸的单片玻璃空间变向转换器

    To do so, the team altered the way light passes through glass by creating millimeter-sized devices called monolithic glass space-variant converters.


  • 因此戈尔茨小组可以通过制造干细胞研究阿茨海默症患者脑细胞病变

    For example, Goldstein said his team can generate stem cells that imitate changes in the brain cells of patients with Alzheimer’s.


  • 研究小组在没有人工制造瘙痒感的时候给它痒,STT神经元也激发了,只是普通的激发而且痒也无法使其镇定下来。

    When the team scratched the leg without first creating the artificial itch, the STT neurons fired — the normal STT-neuron response — but the scratching did nothing to calm them.


  • 研究小组在没有人工制造瘙痒感的时候给它痒,STT神经元也激发了,只是普通的激发而且挠痒也无法使其镇定下来。

    When the team scratched the leg without first creating an artificial itch, the STT neurons fired — the normal STT-neuron response — but scratching did nothing to calm them.


  • 但是研究小组发布份声明重申制造一种尸体作为能源机器人非法的。

    But in a statement put out by the group, it reiterated that it would be illegal to create a robot that used dead bodies as an energy source.


  • 小组通过使用叫作Argonaute2的另外制造了一个微-RNA,似乎可用斑马鱼老鼠身上生成血细胞

    The team created a micro-RNA that appears to be essential to the creation of red blood cells in both zebrafish and in mice by using a different enzyme called Argonaute 2.


  • 但是一方面,Müller小组无法制造出可以在苛刻实验室环境之外良好工作设备

    On the other hand, Dr Müller and his team have been unable, as yet, to produce a device that works well outside the cosseted environment of a laboratory.


  • 坚持说研究小组没有操纵删除数据邮件等支持制造全球变暖迹象

    And he insisted the research unit had never manipulated or deleted data or emails to support the evidence of global warming it was producing.


  • 事实上,他们研究小组已经研究今年较早时他们制造第一个记忆电容原型会很快公布这项结果。

    In fact, his team is already on the case, producing a first prototype memcapacitor earlier this year, a result that he aims to publish soon.


  • 现在他们的研发小组成功地传统用来制造塑料石油35%成分替代为海藻

    At the moment, Scheer says, his team has succeeded in displacing up to 35 percent of the petroleum in traditional plastics with algae.


  • 环保团体谴责环境保护声音不绝于耳,国会1996年授予环境保护署此项职权,制造在环境保护署的指导下迟迟测试了一小组化学制品

    Environmental groups criticize the EPA, which was granted the authority by Congress in 1996, for taking so long to order manufacturers to test only a small group of chemicals.


  • 在实验阶段完成之后,项目小组目的培训更多当地制造最终大规模推销加纳生产的新式轮机

    The project team aims to train more local manufacturers and eventually market the new Ghanaian-made wind turbines, initially targeting large argicultural companies.


  • 一个材料科学家物理学家组成研究小组宣称石墨烯具有取代制造飞机复合材料中的碳纤维潜力

    A team of materials scientists and physicists has claimed that graphene has the potential to replace carbon fibres in the composites that are used to build aircraft.


  • 来自惠普实验室工作小组提出了一种新的观点:奶牛制造沼气能够用于提供数据中心能源大量需求

    A team from HP Labs has shown that methane produced from cows could be used to support data centres requiring vast amounts of energy.


  • 国际医疗产品打假专题小组目标是2007年底,促使世卫组织193个会员国正式开展合作,在全球各国阻止制造假冒医疗产品。

    By the end of 2007 IMPACT aims to have all 193 WHO Member States formally collaborating to stem global and national counterfeiting of medical products.


  • 本周一个物理学家材料学家组成小组宣布小组已经设计出了原型机,未来可用于制造高性能的隐身衣。

    This week a team of physicists and materials scientists announced it had devised a pattern for a potentially perfect invisibility cloak.


  • 规则制定小组希望一个国家制造的无人机轻松进入其他国家领空

    With the new rules in place, it is hoped that air vehicles from one country will enjoy easier access to airspace in other countries.


  • 中国最好制造金属阳极材料专业化学制品小组成员之一,客户我的工作中获益颇多

    I am part of a team that makes the best metal anodes and specialty chemicals in China, where I know that my customers are benefiting from my work.


  • 世界贸易组织小组星期四做出了裁决。 这世界飞机制造美国波音公司欧洲空中客车公司长达6年争端最新一次裁决。

    The ruling by a WTO panel in Geneva Thursday is the latest in a six-year dispute between the world's two largest airplane makers, U.S.-based Boeing and the European company Airbus.


  • 6月仲裁小组还明令禁止一些型号智能手机(加拿大ResearchInMotion公司制造)进口

    And in June it banned imports of some models of BlackBerry smartphones, made by Canada's Research in Motion.


  • 研究院拯救战斗前列一个代表工业制造商的专门小组

    At the forefront of the fight to save salt is the salt Institute, an industry group representing salt manufacturers.


  • 工业光生物小组《绝地归来》的拍摄制造了一萨卢斯特人面具,以临时演员使用

    For Return of the Jedi, the ILM creature shop fabricated a number of Sullustan masks for use by extras.


  • 另外,擅长主罚点球布特过去的一年也有所斩获,欧冠小组赛最后一轮的“都灵奇迹之旅”布特就用次完美的表现把奥利奇制造的点球罚进,帮助球队追平了比分,最后拜仁是客场4:1大胜尤文图斯成功出线。

    And as a penalty-taker, his successful conversion brought Bayern level at 1-1 during the “miracle of Turin” on the way to the team’s 4-1 humbling of Juventus.


  • 另外,擅长主罚点球布特过去的一年也有所斩获,欧冠小组赛最后一轮的“都灵奇迹之旅”布特就用次完美的表现把奥利奇制造的点球罚进,帮助球队追平了比分,最后拜仁是客场4:1大胜尤文图斯成功出线。

    And as a penalty-taker, his successful conversion brought Bayern level at 1-1 during the “miracle of Turin” on the way to the team’s 4-1 humbling of Juventus.


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