• 原因之一可能一些大型制药公司认为和解买通仿公司使之延迟推出降价药品时间手段。

    One reason could be that some drugs giants regard settlements as a way to bribe a generics firm to delay its introduction of a cut-price product.


  • 瑞士制药公司认为药片应只血流中输送药物应该能够监测效果数据传送医生

    Swiss pharma house Novartis thinks pills needn't merely deliver medicine to the bloodstream, but could also monitor its effects and transmit data to physicians.


  • 制药公司认为高昂开发生产成本以及利润的追求,即便这种药品销售量很小,也势必使它的药价水涨船高攀升至高点

    High prices for such drugs are justified, companies say, by high development and production costs and the need for profits, even if sales are small.


  • 令人遗憾是,在医学界许多不再认为设计研究试验的主体应当他们制药公司

    Unfortunately, many members of the medical profession have abandoned the notion that they, rather than pharmaceutical companies, should design research trials.


  • 认为大型制药公司必须寻求分散经营,精力集中小部分核心领域比如药物发现,研究,市场运作。

    Mr Longman insists that big drugs firms must move towards a “disaggregated” model to focus on a few core areas of competence, such as drug discovery, development or marketing.


  • Mossialos认为新型抗生素研发不足很大程度上是因为抗生素不其他商品一样能够使制药公司获利。

    Mossialos said the lack of development of new antibiotics is largely because antibiotics don't earn pharmaceutical companies as much as other products.


  • 一家2008年转向生物仿制制药美国制药公司---默克公司认为进入生物仿制制药这个领域的障碍如此之大以至于只有家”公司能力成功进入。

    Michael Kamarck of Merck, an American drugs firm which moved into biosimilars in 2008, thinks the barriers to entry are so great thatonly a handful” of firms will be able to pull it off.


  • 认为通过加入当地仿制药公司跨国公司可以这些市场获得廉价接近中产阶级的机会”。

    He argues that by joining with local generics firms, multinationals can get "cheap access to the middle class" in these markets.


  • 瑞士制药企业诺华公司认为药片不仅需要把药物血管能够监测药效,把相关数据传送医生

    Swiss pharmacy house Novartis thinks pills needn't merely deliver medicine to the bloodstream, but could also monitor its effects and transmit data to physicians.


  • 克拉克认为2009制药默克公司“拐点”之年。

    Mr Clark thinks 2009 will be "a year of transformation" both for the industry and for Merck.


  • 一些与此无关科学家同意制药公司的看法,他们认为癌症关联说法不可靠的,无论在什么情况ezetimibe都是作为一种治疗价值的药物在销售

    Some independent scientists agree with the companies, saying that they are dubious of a link to cancer and that ezetimibe is a valuable treatment no matter which brand it is sold under.


  • 业内分析师Viren Mehta认为近来两种转变综合起来,制药公司老板置于艰难处境

    Viren Mehta, an industry analyst, argues that two recent shifts have conspired to put drugs bosses in a difficult position.


  • 传染科医生认为医生不会因为制药公司影响做出危险决定

    Dr. Virus: I don't think that doctors make dangerous decisions because of the influence of the drug companies.


  • 他们认为这项法令得到旨在击败尼丁香烟跨国制药公司的支持。

    They alleged that the decree was backed by multinational pharmaceutical companies who aimed to bring down Indonesia's clove cigarette industry.


  • 认为Medicare(美国老人残疾人士设立医保体系)购买的药品价格降低20%的话,大型制药公司利益只是下降了5%而已。

    He reckons that a 20% cut in drugs prices paid by Medicare, America's health-care system for the old and disabled, will shave profits at the biggest drugs firms by a mere 5%.


  • 根据联邦陪审团认为制药公司负责位退休联邦调查局特工人员死亡

    That's according to a federal jury who found the pharmaceutical company responsible for the death of a retired FBI agent.


  • 认为一个方面就是制药公司专利到期前采用他们的生命周期管理技术就如我们Enhanze平台

    I think the other issue is that as you see companies adapting lifecycle management technologies, such as our Enhanze Technology platform, prior to patent expiration.


  • 我们认为斯利康制药公司董事会目前没有准备好进行一场价格合理交易

    We do not believe that the AstraZeneca board is currently prepared to recommend a deal at a reasonable price.


  • 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院帕特里夏·丹增(Patricia Danzon)认为业界过去成功的受害者品,更轻松治疗疾病的过程中,制药公司变得越来越臃肿

    Patricia Danzon, of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton Business School, argues that the industry is a victim of its past success, having grown fat on making drugs for easier to tackle illnesses.


  • 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院帕特里夏·丹增(Patricia Danzon)认为业界过去成功的受害者品,更轻松治疗疾病的过程中,制药公司变得越来越臃肿

    Patricia Danzon, of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton Business School, argues that the industry is a victim of its past success, having grown fat on making drugs for easier to tackle illnesses.


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