• 清单8中的步骤1314清单7中的步骤6和7相同

    Steps 13 and 14 of Listing 8 are the same as Steps 6 and 7 of Listing 7, respectively.


  • 结果根据随访了解5年10年存活率,表明临床别与预后呈显著相关性。

    Results:According to the 5-year survival rate and 10-year survival rate, the clinical stage influence the prognosis of ovarian granulosa cell tumor.


  • 特德·克劳福德曾经祖父农场着烛观察, 只要拿起,举至源处,就能寻找到它们之间的缺陷

    Ted Crawford: I used to candle eggs at my grandfathers farm; hold an egg up to a light and look for imperfections.


  • 利用异易位山农31504 - 1材料山农298中国杂交,对山农31504 - 1的遗传特点进行了分析。

    Crosses between dwarf translocation line shannong31504-1 and high material Shannong298 and Chinese Spring were made respectively.


  • 一九九七年十二月一九九八年四月澳洲新西兰建立联系后,中央结算系统一九九九年九月南韩的中央证券托管机构建立双边联系

    Following the linkages with Australia and New Zealand in December 1997 and in April 1998 respectively, the CMU established a linkage with the CSD in South Korea in September.


  • 威廉·詹姆斯1892年提出了一区同时代查尔斯·利,也加入了这场不断发展争论

    William James introduced the distinction in 1892, and contemporaries of his, such as Charles Cooley, added to the developing debate.


  • 这些交易分门后,他们确定运动员有关的512个品牌中,涉及体育用品的品牌最多其次食品饮料品牌。

    After sorting the deals by category, they determined that among the 512 brands associated with the athletes, most involved sporting goods, followed closely by food and beverage brands.


  • 这部经典预言式影片向观众传递这样一种所有人性特质产生共振的道德观:如果猴子统治社会世界爆炸时,就那么吃惊

    This classic parable provides the audience with a moral that resonates with all of humanity: If you put monkeys in charge of society, don't be surprised when everything explodes.


  • 是的人生旅途遇到残酷令你痛苦因为这些事而自己新的事物隔绝开。

    Yes, you'll find cruelty and suffering in your journey through life... but don't let that close you to new things.


  • 碰到这些费口舌他们理论,忽略他们存在就好了。

    When you come across these people, don't try to reason with them. Instead, forget that they exist.


  • 可能答案就是一点区都没有”:也许有一我们觉醒来,发现市场躲避美国躲避希腊如出一辙。

    One possible answer is "nothing" : maybe one of these days we'll wake up and find that the markets are shunning America, just as they're shunning Greece.


  • G20提出一些“要做”做”可以帮助判断那些管控是好的哪些是的。

    To help distinguish good controls from bad, some dos and don’ts endorsed by the G20 might help.


  • 虽然不大,但是足以有助于解释诸如美国英国这样发达工业国家,为什么男婴出生率正逐步减少

    The difference is not huge, but it may be enough to help explain the falling birthrate of boys in industrialized countries, including the United States and Britain.


  • 如果发现自己努力工作并且乐在其中,那么放弃,你迈向成功,因为激情梦想都投入其中,再辛苦工作你也浑然不觉了。

    So if you catch yourself working hard and loving every minute of it, don't stop. You're on to something big. Because hard work ain't hard when you concentrate on your passions and dreams.


  • 约柜惟有块石版,就是以色列人埃及耶和华他们立约时候,摩西何烈山所放的。除此以外,并物。

    There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets that Moses had placed in it at Horeb, where the Lord made a covenant with the Israelites after they came out of Egypt.


  • 挂上本人无关相片(如果你的确有不少自己的相片,恭喜)。你团队照片越多越好

    Don't use a stock photo of someone who isn't you (if there is a stock photo of you, congratulations). The more photos of you and your team, the better.


  • 约柜惟有块石版,就是以色列人埃及地耶和华他们立约时候摩西何烈山所放的。除此以外,并物。

    There was nothing in the ark except the two stone tablets that Moses had placed in it at Horeb, where the Lord made a covenant with the Israelites after they came out of Egypt.


  • 奇妙是,有关此事许多奇怪联系巧合,其中之一就是卢戈沃伊佐夫斯基工作。

    Curiously enough, in one of the case's many odd connections and coincidences, Mr Lugovoi also once worked for Mr Berezovsky.


  • 它们其他有机生物体是危险还是有益的,起到植物植物间的交流作用

    But they notify other organisms of danger and opportunity, and also function as methods of plant-plant communication.


  • 两个用例它们分组在同一名字原型相关属性集相同。

    In either case they are grouped together under the category named the same as the stereotype contributing the properties.


  • 通过战略》目标,联邦铁路局建议轨道客运服务相关最大运营速度以及上述其他因素予以分门定义

    Through this strategy, FRA proposes to define categories or "tiers" of rail passenger service tied to maximum operating speeds and the aforementioned factors.


  • 910显示自动手动网络配置屏幕图形文本模式

    Figures 9 and 10 show the automatic and manual network configuration screens, respectively, in both the graphical and text modes.


  • 利马科夫的圈子不同,列夫的整个情报活动生涯都扑西方国家上,克格勃东德区任职(一点和普京一样),SVR期间则在美国工作

    Unlike Primakov's circle, Lebedev had spent his entire intelligence career in the West, working (like Putin himself) for the KGB in East Germany and for the SVR in the United States.


  • 不可随从敬拜你们所作发怒。这样,加害你们

    And go not after other gods to serve them, and to worship them, and provoke me not to anger with the works of your hands; and I will do you no hurt.


  • 将俄以东看守神殿里的一切金银器皿,王宫里财宝拿了去,带人去质,撒玛利亚去了。

    He took all the gold and silver and all the articles found in the temple of God that had been in the care of Obed-Edom, together with the palace treasures and the hostages, and returned to Samaria.


  • 指望用户机器当中相当比例机器”使用相同字体

    Counting on even a reasonable percentage of your users' machines to have the same fonts as you do is a bad idea.


  • 指望用户机器当中相当比例机器”使用相同字体

    Counting on even a reasonable percentage of your users' machines to have the same fonts as you do is a bad idea.


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