• 可以按照周围商店循环情况来规划菜单,以此帮助充分利用商店打折优势

    You can also plan your menus around your store's weekly circular, which will help you take full advantage of the stores sale prices.


  • 这套消费者自己利用商店扫描机所产生数据记录1994到2005年不同消费群体购买商品种类以及他们为此所付出价格

    This data set, created by shoppers themselves using in-store scanners, records the type of goods bought by various income groups between 1994 and 2005, as well as the prices paid for them.


  • 具有创新思维的零售商正在利用技术商店的几乎每个操作进行创新,库存管理市场营销再到收款。

    Creative retailers are using the new technologies to innovate just about everything stores do, from managing inventory to marketing, to getting paid.


  • 出于充分利用旧物想法这家商店二手二手CDDVD

    The store also has second-hand books and CDs/DVDs with the ideas to make the best of the used things.


  • 顾客真的扔掉它们时,他们可以它们还给商店商店重新利用转售它们。

    When customers do want to toss their pair, they can give them back to the store, which will repurpose and resell them.


  • 电动工具生产商DeWalt包括劳氏公司纳帕汽车零部件公司在内的几家企业合作,他们商店收集工具,并进行回收利用

    Power tool maker De Walt partners with companies, such as Lowe's and Napa Auto Parts, to collect old tools at their stores for recycling.


  • 宝洁公司就把产品放入小小的包装盒内以便拥挤货架上占有一席之地,利用当地经销代表确保商店货物满满

    P&G puts products into packages small enough to fit on crowded shelves and uses a network of local representatives to keep the shops stocked.


  • 加紧商店酒吧以及餐馆视察强迫中产阶级职业人员接受支票形式支付报酬;限制公司利用财政避风港

    He has stepped up the inspection of shops, bars and restaurants; obliged middle-class professionals to accept payment by cheque; and curbed the use by firms of offshore fiscal havens.


  • 新婚夫妇邀请了一同在慈善团体工作人员,德尔顿利用自己影响力邀请家乡巴克·伯利的肉店店主商店店主酒吧业主等普通人。

    The couple have also invited many guests from the charities they work with, and Middleton has used her influence to invite the butcher, shopkeeper and pub owner from her home village of Bucklebury.


  • 人民音乐商店希望利用的力量,允许音乐粉丝制作上千独特的音乐商店

    People's music store is hoping to tap into the Long Tail and enable music fans to create thousands of unique music stores.


  • 商店位置走马灯似的着,留下一些店面等待利用

    Shops have changed places in a version of musical chairs,leaving empty storefronts in their wake.


  • 利用新型航运手段西尔斯迎合了那些无法跋涉零售商店迫切需要购买必需品的农村顾客

    Capitalizing on new shipping options, Sears catered to rural customers anxious to purchase necessary items, but unable to travel to retail stores.


  • 13%妈妈商店利用手机比较价格

    Thirteen percent of moms also use the phone to look up prices in the store itself - which explains the popularity of apps like Red Laser.


  • 利用Groupon商店功能,无需groupon介入本地商户即可在网站上建立自己的商店自动发布交易,交易发布因而变得更为迅捷

    Groupon store allows local merchants to own their own stores and publish their own deals automatically without Groupon's intervention, making deals quicker and easier to publish.


  • 用户可以利用这个软件比较同一商品在亚马逊其它零售商店面的价格差。

    The app allows users to compare the shop price of an item with the online price offered by Amazon and other retailers.


  • 随后它们分成不同的小慈善商店的、再循环利用的、垃圾、以及需要留下的。

    The heap then gets divided into smaller heaps that sum up it's destination: send to charity shop, recycle, rubbish, keep.


  • 使用 WS-POS,零售商可以通过规划外围设备购买布局最大限度提高利用和顾客吞吐量从而减少商店支持维护外围设备数量

    With WS-POS, retailers can reduce the number of peripherals their stores support and maintain by planning their peripheral purchases and layouts to maximize usage and customer throughput.


  • 可以利用诸如人口普查这样数据看看小区住着什么或是小区里多少商店

    You can take old economy data, like census data, and look at who's living in a neighborhood, for example, or how many stores are there.


  • 这样,像学校工作场所或是商店这样的地方就能好好利用一发现

    And that schools, workplaces and stores could take advantage of the finding.


  • 推荐在剩余物资商店野营用具店里购买食品级的容器如果决定循环利用水瓶选择两升装的软饮料塑料瓶不是那些已经牛奶或果汁的塑料瓶或纸制袋。

    If you decide to re-use storage containers, choose two-liter plastic soft drink bottles - not plastic jugs or cardboard containers that have had milk or fruit juice in them.


  • 商店系统利用技术紧凑型荧光灯LED照明

    Shop for systems that utilize newer technology compact florescent and LED lighting.


  • 苹果应用程序加入iTunes商店后,用户可利用这一程序选取FM收音机听到歌曲通过iTunes商店进行购买

    With the app integrated with the iTunes Store, people will be able to tap on a song they hear on the radio and buy it through iTunes.


  • 网站利用包括百思Best Buy)、Crate&Barrel得宝(Home Depot)等在内5万商店库存系统的数据,通过该网站顾客可以知道他们正在查找商品在哪里存货

    The website taps into the inventory systems of more than 50,000 stores, including Best Buy , Crate & Barrel, and Home Depot, to let customers know where an item they're searching for is in stock.


  • 梅西通过启动“梅西”(MYMacys)(旨在当地消费者销售本地产品商店),利用本地购买趋势

    Macy's has capitalized on the local buying trend by launching My Macy's, a group of stores designed to carry local products and target local consumers.


  • 大脑然后商店分类利用方面的资料

    Your brain then stores, categorizes and utilizes this information.


  • 这个商店抬高,脱离地面下面安排停车空间最后形成建筑空间利用最大化

    The shop is lifted above the ground, with the parking area extending under the building. That results in major optimization of the use of the available ground.


  • 刘敦团队一起,利用空闲时间寻访一些与众不同的小店,将正对胃口商店列入合作伙伴的清单。

    Together with his team, Liu used his spare time to visit unique stores; those that had the right characteristics were enlisted as partners.


  • 去年网上商店销售最好利用试管制作的水晶球,她说:“我们买了很多。”

    In the last year, she said, the best-selling item in her online store has been a kit for building a terrarium in a small glass bubble. "We sold a gazillion of them, " she said.


  • 去年网上商店销售最好利用试管制作的水晶球,她说:“我们买了很多。”

    In the last year, she said, the best-selling item in her online store has been a kit for building a terrarium in a small glass bubble. "We sold a gazillion of them, " she said.


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