• 作为摇滚信使他们正在创造流行音乐界前所未有、最富于表现、最富音乐趣味的声音

    Messengers from beyond rock 'n' roll, they are creating the most original, expressive and musically interesting sounds being heard in pop music.


  • 红色礼服可能是本季流行颜色,同时它黑色搭配可以创造出最独具风韵的风格。

    Red dresses are perhaps one of the most popular colors of the season and can be easily paired with black accessories to create a great wardrobe option.


  • 流行电视节目一样创造无线广播节目畅销书

    As well as a popular TV show, he puts out a radio programme and bestselling books.


  • 使用这些元素设计而成礼服同样加上配饰的衬映而创造出的风格一定成为婚礼上的流行范。

    Using these elements through the design of the dress but also through the accessories that are chosen can help to create a style that is bound to be popular through the style of the wedding.


  • 本周早些时候,国家新闻出版总署颁布规定禁止新闻出版领域的中文使用网民创造中式英语流行词。

    The new regulation by the General Administration of Press and Publication earlier this week banned the use of Chinglish buzzwords created by netizens for publishing in the Chinese language.


  • 而且从来没有TwistedFantasy显而易见过——超现实主义流行过剩猛烈击——极少艺术家能力创造甚至愿意尝试的。

    And it's never more apparent than on Twisted Fantasy, a blast of surreal pop excess that few artists are capable of creating, or even willing to attempt.


  • 几年人们流行戴着一个PBPGINFWMY的徽章,那些字母代表耐心一点,上帝没完成对创造”的意思。

    Years ago people wore a popular button with the letters PBPGINFWMY. It stood for "Please Be Patient, God is Not Finished with Me Yet."


  • 也是人们创造奇怪的表达方式之一,之所以说奇怪很大程度上指的是流行

    It is also one of the oddest expressions ever invented. But this oddity may in large measure account for its popularity.


  • 不同方式对冲尾部风险流行创造篮子正常市场条件下表现不佳,但在市场暴跌时候一飞冲天衍生品

    There are different ways to hedge tail risk, but a popular one is to create a basket of derivatives that will perform poorly during normal market conditions but soar when markets plunge.


  • 作者解释了西班牙语英语如何以及为什么美国相互混合从而创造一种不止用于口头表达而且诉诸文字日益流行杂交语言

    The author explains how and why Spanish and English have mixed with each other in the United States to create a hybrid language, increasingly used not only in spoken but also in written form.


  • 城市人满为患卫生条件恶劣,一些众所周知疾病例如黄热病登革热爆炸性流行创造理想条件。

    Urban crowding under unsanitary conditions also creates ideal conditions for explosive epidemics of well-known diseases, such as yellow fever and dengue.


  • 过去年中句话流行起来,创造愿景版图表现出梦想

    It's become popular over the last several years, to create vision boards in order to manifest your dreams.


  • 如果创造全球性流行,你尽可能多地这些集约性动物农场

    If you wanted to create global pandemics, you'd build as many of these factory farms as possible.


  • 服务将重点采集以下山寨信息:山寨明星、适合山寨恋人约会的时间地点、山寨发明创造山寨流行语。

    The project's mission: to collect all sorts of shanzhai information about shanzhai celebrities, shanzhai places to go on a date, shanzhai innovations and shanzhai terms.


  • 假如五行打油诗不是爱德华·里尔发明的话,那么他至少使其流行开来了——他还创造诸如“叉”这种极富想象力东西

    Edward Lear who invented such imaginary things as runcible spoons is also credited with popularizing if not inventing limericks.


  • 如果还有一点流行音乐历史所反映出来事,就是优秀音乐家总是他们所听到不同风格的音乐中去创造新的音乐。

    If there is one thing the history of popular music has shown, it is that good musicians will always create new music from the different styles they hear.


  • 作为英国同龄歌手中屈指可数、随大流流行歌手之一自己创造富于想象力音乐世界并沉浸其中。

    Enveloped in an imaginative musical world of his own creation, he is one of the few British male pop stars of his age that doesn't run with the pack.


  • 代之许多流行品牌使用化学过程创造口味气味果汁

    Instead, many popular orange juice brands use a chemical process to create juice that tastes and smells like oranges!


  • 凭着绝对自信、敏锐流行感,创造一个属于自己的时尚王国开启20世纪流行时尚风潮。

    With absolute confidence, a keen sense of fashion, creating a fashion of their own kingdom, opening of the 20th century fashion trend.


  • 特别肖像系列中,艺术家创造一系列脱胎于流行文化大众文化当代精神肖像

    Especially in the portrait series, the artist creates a series of contemporary spiritual portraits which were born out of popular, mass culture.


  • 当时流行一个关于如何创造回收使用现成东西的演说。

    There was the spirit of improvisation, in terms of how people create things, recycling and using ready-made.


  • 创造符合国际服装流行优质毛衫服装,产品远销全球各大地区

    Created in line with international quality sweaters clothing apparel fashion products are exported to the worlds major regions.


  • H1N1病毒的流行正在创造一个虚拟墨西哥

    The H1N1 epidemic is creating a virtual Mexico.


  • 当下流行流线造型创造柔和视觉效果然而精简线条明亮色彩展现出细腻雅致流畅设计风格

    To the popular streamlined shape, creating a soft visual effects, streamlined lines and bright colors, however, are showing delicate, elegant and smooth design style.


  • 动漫美学艺术流行创造一种文化性产业亚洲各地蓬勃发展开来。

    The popularity of Animamix has given rise to a new cultural industry that has started to prosper in Asia.


  • 正确的“沉默推销员”,创造流行迫使消费者从货架选择你的产品互联网发生命令

    The right package is your "silent salesperson" and it will create the buzz that will compel consumers to pick your product off the shelf or place an order from the Internet.


  • 正确的“沉默推销员”,创造流行迫使消费者从货架选择你的产品互联网发生命令

    The right package is your "silent salesperson" and it will create the buzz that will compel consumers to pick your product off the shelf or place an order from the Internet.


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