• 大多数案件只在初审阶段进行:例如刑事被告定罪(通过审判认罪法庭判决案件就结束了。

    Most cases go no further than the trial court: for example, the criminal defendant is convicted (by a trial or a guilty plea) and sentenced by the court and the case ends.


  • 法官裁定是,公诉原告未能证明刑事被告或 民事被告错事

    The judge rule that the prosecution or the plaintiff have not show that the accused or the defendant have do anything wrong.


  • 对方律师抓住了刑事被告所谓当夜不在犯罪现场谎言中的错误码,使

    The opposing lawyer tripped the prisoner up when he lied about where he had been on the night of the crime, and so made him admit his guilt.


  • 虽然通过司法解释或相关法律修改刑事被告人的取证权利得到了一定程度的改善,但是仍然存在很多问题

    Though the situation has changed by the laws modified, and the defendants has got some rights, it still has many problems.


  • 事实上,因为大部分被提起公诉刑事被告认罪所以认罪处刑程序极具预见性与务实性的刑事简易程序。

    In fact, most of the accused defendants are willing to plead guilty, so procedure of pleading guilty and sentencing is kind of criminal summary procedure possessing foresight and quality of practice.


  • 一般刑事法庭不同,这次他们没有坐在被告玻璃后面

    Unlike in a normal crown court case, they did not have to sit behind the glass of the dock.


  • 一般刑事法庭不同,这次他们没有坐在被告玻璃后面

    Unlike in a normal crown court case, they did not have to sit behind the glass of the dock.


  • 嫌疑犯也不能送往海牙,因为国际刑事法庭处理一小撮高级被告卢旺达南斯拉夫的审判行将关闭

    Neither can suspects be sent to the Hague. The International Criminal Court only deals with a handful of high-level defendants and the tribunals for Rwanda and Yugoslavia are closing their doors.


  • 所有被告假定无罪有权获得律师的辩护,刑事诉讼权利受限制遍及每个

    All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty and have the right to an attorney, and criminal procedure rights are extended to all persons without limitation.


  • 然而今天早些时候巴黎刑事法庭庭长接受一位希拉克共同被告异议因此审理过程推迟三个月后

    Yet earlier today the presiding judge in the Paris criminal court accepted a technical objection from one of Mr Chirac's co-defendants, thereby delaying proceedings for a further three months.


  • 刑事法庭对待“申明无罪的神经错乱”的裁决十分审慎小心,要求行为能力非常严重被告甚至知道犯罪错误的。

    Criminal courts are stingy about finding such exculpatory madness, requiring a disability so severe, the defendant didn't even know the crime was wrong.


  • 然而今天早些时候巴黎刑事法庭庭长接受一位希拉克共同被告异议因此审理过程推迟三个月后

    Yet earlier today the presiding judge in the Paris criminal court accepted a technical objection from one of Mr Chirac’s co-defendants, thereby delaying proceedings for a further three months.


  • 周五纽约市投资银行高盛名原电脑程序员定罪,刑事审判中该程序员被告偷了华尔街巨头商业秘密

    A former computer programmer for the investment bank Goldman Sachs in New York City was convicted in a criminal trial Friday of stealing trade secrets from the Wall Street powerhouse.


  • 检察机关认为被告人文裕章无视国家法律故意杀人应当故意杀人罪追求其刑事责任。

    Prosecutors thought Wen had ignore the law and killed his wife deliberately, so he should be accused.


  • 一般刑事法庭不同,这次他们没有坐在被告玻璃后面而是躲在他们的律师叔叔后面

    Unlike in a normal crown court case, they did not have to sit behind the glass of the dock. Instead they sat behind their barristers.


  • 利兹刑事法庭维特撰写了攻击性文章然后斯帕得因特网发布

    Leeds Crown Court was told Whittle wrote offensive articles that were then published on the Internet by Sheppard.


  • 许多刑事案件中惯例法所要求被告应该犯罪动机(必须或者应该知道自己现在所做的事是不正确的)的规定已经逐步地弱化移除

    In many criminal cases, the common-law requirement that a defendant must have a mens rea (ie, he must or should know that he is doing wrong) has been weakened or erased.


  • 像国际刑事法庭这般耐心被告不遗余力地制造事端审讯中作梗,而Moreno - Ocampo先生表明签发国际逮捕令

    Nor is the ICC likely to be patient: should the accused stir up trouble in their efforts to stymie a trial, says Mr Moreno-Ocampo, an international arrest warrant will be issued.


  • 里奇巡回刑事法庭8被告中的阿里(28岁,生于伦敦以东Walthamstow镇)、萨瓦尔(29岁,生于维克镇)侯赛因(28岁,生于伦敦东部的莱顿区)三审理过程为期6个月。

    Ali, 28, of Walthamstow, east London; Sarwar, 29, of High Wycombe; and Hussain, 28, of Leyton, east London, were among eight defendants at the six-month trial at Woolwich crown court.


  • 逮捕国家司法机构依照正当法律程序犯罪嫌疑人被告采取严厉的刑事强制措施。

    The arrest is the severest criminal precautionary measure adopted to the criminal suspects and defendants by the national judicial organization according to the due legal process.


  • 长期审判实践证明刑事判决书具有宣讲法律规定传播法律思想感化被告教育社会公众重要作用

    As what judicial practice shows, paper of sentence plays an important role in explaining and publicizing legal regulations, spreading legal thoughts, reforming the accused and inculcating the public.


  • 非法取得证据材料能否作为被告定罪根据刑事诉讼理论实践较为复杂问题

    It is a much more complex problem in criminal proceedings 'theory and practice that whether we can convict the defendant of a crime by illegally seized evidence.


  • 刑事缺席审判被告法庭审理时不到庭参加诉讼的情况下,公诉辩护人到庭,在法官的主持下进行的审判活动

    The criminal trial by default is the judicial activities that in the proceeding the accused person is absent and the prosecution and the counsel is appeared.


  • 随后警官引起注意。“警察摇着这位被告肩膀大叫叫醒刑事诉状里

    Then the officer got his attention. "Police had to shake the defendant's shoulder and yell at him to wake him up," the complaint said.


  • 第四刑事申诉理由有利于被告不利于被告区分同时将程序错误纳入申诉理由

    Fourth, the reasons for the criminal appeal is conducive to the defendant and the defendant is not conducive to the distinction, while procedural error into the grounds for the appeal.


  • 沉默权犯罪嫌疑人被告刑事诉讼面对侦查人员司法人员的讯问保持沉默拒绝权利

    The right of silence is that when interrogated by judicial staff in the criminal proceeding, suspect or defendant has right to keep silence and to refuse to prove his own crime by himself.


  • 沉默权犯罪嫌疑人被告刑事诉讼面对侦查人员司法人员的讯问保持沉默拒绝权利

    The right of silence is that when interrogated by judicial staff in the criminal proceeding, suspect or defendant has right to keep silence and to refuse to prove his own crime by himself.


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