• 屏风用来提供隐蔽分隔空间以及装饰用的。

    Screens are used to provide shelter, partition off a space, and as decoration.


  • 笼子里包含一系列片断分隔空间滚动体。

    The cage consists of a number of segments or separators which space out the rolling elements.


  • 组织划分分隔空间因地制宜协调环境诸多优势。

    But ah, but also rockery organization division, space, environment conditions, the advantages of coordination.


  • 等待室里这些人物之间分隔空间很真切地传达现代生活的疏离。

    Waiting Room deftly articulates the alienation that suffuses modern societies in these Spaces that divide the figures here, one from the other.


  • 公共运输状况将近被挤满并且瘫痪许多上下班时间沙丁鱼一样堵塞狭窄分隔空间

    The condition of public transport is nearly overcrowded and paralyzed, many people jam into a narrow compartment like sardines in rush hour.


  • 理念上来说室内黑白抽象体,弯曲黑色薄板垂直分隔空间白色墙壁则水平地定义空间

    Conceptually, the interior is an abstraction in black and white - curved black veneer punctuates the space vertically and white walls modulate the space horizontally.


  • 现在对于这种问题会试深入地理解内容:借助内容的固有性质分隔空间非只依赖视觉展示方法

    Now I would approach the problem by trying to understand more about the content: how can the content inherently be used to divide the space, rather than trying to rely on presentation alone.


  • 研发出活动隔断、活动屏风等产品提供自由灵活分隔空间提高空间用率上,具有独特功效

    The products that we developed have the unique effect in freely separating space and promoting the use efficiency of space.


  • 产品提供自由灵活分隔空间提高空间利用率基础兼具优良的密封性能,达到隔音隔热效果

    Products in providing free flexible space space, improve space utilization, on the basis of both excellent sealing performance, sound insulation, heat insulation effect.


  • SashForm可以嵌套其他 SashForm 中(看起来工作),从而形成相当复杂分隔空间方法

    SashForms may be nested in other SashForms (directly seems to work the best) to create quite intricate methods to divide space.


  • 室内同样延伸外部装饰语言,瓦片室内运用起到了分隔空间的作用,但是独特组合方式,又使得空间通透明亮,从而创造出一个干净舒适的就餐环境。

    As the same decorating element in the interior space, tile's application is am at dividing the room, in the meanwhile, room would be loose and bright under this kind of combination.


  • 情形下这种空间划分也许恰好可以满足在视觉上分隔页面内容逻辑需要

    In the case of a page header or footer, this division of space might be exactly what's needed to visually break the page content into logical groups.


  • 建筑的主体分隔三个大的矩形空间中心部分庭院

    The whole object space is divided into a three equal rectangular spaces, while the central part is atrium.


  • 大多数家庭都有壁橱以及架子人们也不辞辛劳添加橱柜文件柜以及壁柜分隔加大储藏空间

    The majority of homes have built-in closets and shelves, and people spare no pains to add dressers, filing cabinets and closet organizers to maximize their storage space.


  • 牵牛星(altair)公司将空调系统发动机分隔移动汽车顶部找到足够空间

    Altair's found plenty of room by moving the air conditioning system from the engine bay to the roof.


  • 牵牛星(altair)公司将空调系统发动机分隔到了汽车顶部LCO- 140公交车液压混合动力系统节省空间

    Altair moved the air condition system from the engine bay to the roof to make room for the hydraulic hybrid system in its LCO-140H bus. Photo: Altair Product design.


  • 即使并不是活力工作环境规划好的小可以容纳很多一个狭窄的空间工作,他们只有一小许隐私

    Cubicles, while not the most dynamic work environments, provide a design solution that allows many people to work in a small space with a modicum of privacy.


  • 哥特·德科风格旅馆与电信办公空间分隔开的不透明黄色玻璃板材,曾是这座建筑著名圆顶天花板一部分

    All that separates the art Deco lobby from the office space is a plate of opaque yellow glass, part of the famed domed ceiling.


  • 指出名称空间帮助解析查询数据能帮助分隔家公司定义

    Indicating the namespace assists in parsing and querying the data, and in keeping the definitions of the two companies separate.


  • 名称空间定义为带有前缀中间一个:(冒号)分隔

    Namespaces are defined with a prefix, delimited by a single: (colon) character.


  • 建筑师每栋住宅自己的隐私平台,分隔内部生活工作空间

    The architects also gave each residence its own private patio to separate the living and working Spaces within.


  • 我们使用铁质百叶窗白天折叠时候几乎消失商店晚上关闭时候又半透明地隐约分隔空间

    We used iron shutters that almost disappear when folded in the daytime and semi-transparently divide the space in the nighttime when the store is closed.


  • 纵然岁月流逝,空间分隔我们时间冲散了关怀祝福伴左右。

    Despite the passage of time, space of our time away but I care you, blessing heart but with long.


  • includenamespaceprefixes——逗号分隔名称空间列表输出XML包括这些名称空间匹配元素

    Includenamespaceprefixesa comma-separated list of namespaces; elements matching these namespaces are included in the output XML.


  • 第二区域平常用作办公娱乐区,这个区域可以容易主要空间分隔开来,用于朋友访问家庭聚会,”事务所

    "This secondary area is used daily as an office and entertainment area, but can easily be closed off from the main space and used by visiting friends or family," the firm said.


  • 第二区域平常用作办公娱乐区,这个区域可以容易主要空间分隔开来,用于朋友访问家庭聚会,”事务所

    "This secondary area is used daily as an office and entertainment area, but can easily be closed off from the main space and used by visiting friends or family," the firm said.


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