• 消除人为误差因此测量分辨率大大提高

    The artificial error is avoided, thus greatly improve the measurement resolution.


  • 保证最大分辨率必须选用,为使误差最小却须选用实际上通常选择介于两者之间最佳厚度

    In practice, the selected interval thickness is usually a compromise between the need for a thin interval to maximize the resolution and a thick interval to minimize the error.


  • 本文讨论了均匀介质情况下非零炮检距涅耳带叠加速度误差纵向分辨率影响两个问题

    This paper deals with two problems, nonzero -offset Fresnel zone in homogeneous media, and the effect of velocity error resulted in NMO correction and stacking on vertical resolution.


  • 根据误差频谱特性分析了航空矢量测量系统分辨率得出了一些实测飞行有用的结论。

    The resolution of airborne vector gravimetry is analyzed according to the error spectrum and some conclusions useful for the flight are drawn.


  • 研究平均二次误差曲面曲率关系基础上,提出了分辨率的曲面重建算法

    Based on study of relationship between the average quadric error and the surface curvature, a variable resolution surface reconstruction algorithm was proposed.


  • 分辨率地形资料计算实例表明,地形坡度引起区域相对辐射误差达到10%以上。

    While case calculation using high resolution terrain data shows that the regional relative radiation error caused by terrain slope can reach up to above 10%.


  • 对于中分辨率遥感图像来说,单个面积较大混合像元现象严重,图像分割会产生较大的误差

    Image segmentation brings errors in low or medium-resolution remote sensing images because a single pixel covers a larger area and there are a lot of mixed pixels.


  • 简化理想试验里,两种垂直坐标数值计算结果分辨率地形坡度、物理量误差高度变化分布等因素敏感的。

    In the ideal experiment numerical computational results of the two coordinates are sensitive to the resolution, the slope of terrain and the distribution of physical property with the height.


  • 方法能够降低不同频率校正量误差影响尤其减少高频成分损失提高资料分辨率好的效果

    The method can reduce influence of errors existing in statics for different frequency, especially reduce the loss of high-frequency components, so that has a good result in improving data resolution.


  • 预期使用要求包括量程分辨率最大允许误差

    The requirements for the intended use include such considerations as range, resolution, maximum permissible errors, etc.


  • 对于分辨率遥感图像变化检测,面临突出问题配准误差敏感性人工环境下地形的复杂性

    The most serious problems for change detection on high-resolution images are the sensitivity to registration and the complexity of terrain.


  • 详细分析了周期频率利用编码器脉冲计算超低转速时的分辨率绝对误差给出了影响转速测量影响因素

    The resolution and error were analyzed based on frequency measurement and period measurement, and the factors were given that influencing the speed measurements.


  • 图版现代分析主要方法由于图版典型曲线分辨率的限制,使得典型曲线图版拟合分析不可避免地存在误差

    Type curve match analysis is the main method of modern well test interpretation, but the error of this method is unavoidable because of the limitation of the type curves in a sample plot.


  • 幅度增益相位误差使得分辨率参数估计算法性能下降特别是相位的误差将会引起参数估计的偏离

    Amplitude gain and phase error would lead to performance degradation of high-resolution parameter estimation algorithms; especially the phase errors will cause deviation of parameter estimation.


  • 平场凹面全息光栅设计制作不可避免存在曲率半径误差严重影响光栅光谱仪分辨率

    The spectral resolution of the spectrometer will be seriously deteriorated by radius error which is inevitable in the flat-field holographic concave grating fabrication.


  • 根据外空扰动重力地面数据分辨率及其覆盖范围之间的关系,将重力异常分成不同频段、不同分辨率分别计算截断误差

    From the relation of spatial disturbing gravity and ground gravity data resolution as well as its scope, truncation errors are computed by dividing the gravity anomaly into frequency and resolution.


  • 传统机载合成孔径雷达SAR)一般依赖于GPS/INS组合系统补偿平台运动误差,并获得分辨率图像

    Traditional airborne SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) makes use of the GPS/INS to compensate the platform motion error to acquire high resolution images.


  • 文中给出测量实例详细的误差分析发现厚度测量精度主要由光谱仪的分辨率决定

    We give a measuring example and the error analysis. It is found that the measuring precision of thickness is mainly determined by the spectral resolution of spectrometer.


  • 通过试验数据分析,发现SPIM相对S PM来说,很大程度上消除了系统各部件引起的误差具有更高分辨率

    Analyzing the experimental data, we have found SPIM can reduce the SPR system error and have higher spatial resolution than SPM.


  • 分辨率动态轮廓线面积测量方法相比方法具有鲁棒性强,平均值误差、单次测量误差重复性误差小等优点。

    Compared to the area measurement by a mono-resolution dynamic contour, this scheme is more robust with the smaller average error, single measurement error and iteration error.


  • 分辨率遥感影像波段间配准误差影响影像质量及其应用精度重要因素之一

    Being one of the important factors responsible for image quality, the band to band registration error of high resolution imagery affects considerably the application precision of remote sensing.


  • 阐述校正误差分辨勘探影响,以及影响煤田分辨率勘探的直接、最显著的静校正误差因素

    The author expounded statics error especially most direct and most obvious statics error factors impact on high resolution coalfield prospecting.


  • 系统具有较高分辨率测量精度,系统测量误差主要来源于示踪颗粒布朗运动

    The error analysis of the system shows that the Brownian motion of tracing particles plays a significant role in the accuracy of velocity measurements.


  • 共光路外差干涉仪具有很高分辨率,但因为安装、调试误差会产生非线性误差影响系统测量精度

    Nonlinear errors caused by mis-installation of common-path heterodyne interferometer affected the measurement precision of the system.


  • 分辨率图像信噪(SNR)图像之间的配误差对超分辨率重构效果影响技术应用遥感领域瓶颈

    The influence of Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of low-resolution images and registration error among them on the super-reconstruction of images is the bottle-neck in the field of remote sensing.


  • 为了减小误差分辨率重建的影响,提出了一种影像配准和盲超分辨率重建联合处理的模型与方法。

    In this paper, a new joint Maximum a Posterior (MAP) formulation was proposed to integrate image registration into blind image Super-Resolution (SR) reconstruction to reduce image registration errors.


  • 为了减小误差分辨率重建的影响,提出了一种影像配准和盲超分辨率重建联合处理的模型与方法。

    In this paper, a new joint Maximum a Posterior (MAP) formulation was proposed to integrate image registration into blind image Super-Resolution (SR) reconstruction to reduce image registration errors.


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