• 最后作者提出植被分区遵循区划程序

    A working procedure of the vegetation regionalization which is followed by this study h...


  • 最后作者提出植被分区遵循区划程序

    A working procedure of the vegetation regionalization which is followed by this study has been give...


  • 最后作者提出植被分区遵循区划程序

    A working procedure of the vegetation regionalization which is followed by this study has been given at the end of th...


  • 现在可以创建这个以及系统其他分区使用虚拟I/O设备

    You can now create virtual I/O devices that can be used by this and other partitions on the system.


  • 方法避免了整体值法动态范围传统自适应阈值法固定分区所造成误判

    This method avoids the small dynamic range in global thresholding and misjudgement caused by fixed divided regions in adaptive thresholding.


  • Domino7中的性能提高使单个 Domino分区所支持用户数量比 Domino 6能够支持的要多

    Performance enhancements in Domino 7 enable a single Domino partition to support higher numbers of users than was possible with Domino 6.


  • 其中一项研究认为时间宇宙分区引起的,宇宙被划分多个分区我们感受到的时间反映了这些分区中的变化。

    According to one, time may arise from the way that the universe is partitioned; what we perceive as time reflects the relations among its pieces.


  • 介绍箱式分区必要性基础上,提出一种电气化铁道箱式分区所设计方案,对分区的设计特点系统构成进行详细阐述。

    Based on introducing the necessity of box section post, a box section post design is presented, the characteristics and structure of which are illustrated in detail.


  • 如清单7由于前面讨论过分区问题实用工具无法工作

    As shown in Listing 7, it did not work because of the partition issue discussed earlier.


  • 分区通过报告扩展因数启用AME能够获得内存数量

    The amount of memory the partition can gain by enabling AME for the reported modeled expansion factor


  • 喜欢使用mpstat命令因为会采用非常清晰格式报告收集分区每个逻辑CPU信息

    I like the mpstat command, because it reports back collection information for each logical CPU on your partition in a format that is clearly illustrated.


  • 为了针对分区数据库环境配置Slicepersistence . xml应如清单1

    To configure Slice for a partitioned database environment, the persistence.xml is shown in Listing 1.


  • 本质上IPresentationDamager目的确定文档分区一个区域给定documentevent影响

    Essentially, the purpose of an IPresentationDamager is to determine what region of a document's partition has been affected by a given DocumentEvent.


  • 这里使用平台db2levelAIX 5.1db 2UDBESEV8.2,Fixpack8分区

    The platform and db2level used here were AIX 5.1 with db2 UDB ESE V8.2, Fix pack 8, single partition.


  • 分区理论限制值为32,000,空间针对32k页面支持最大值16TB

    The theoretical limit of the number of partitions is 32,000, and the maximum size supported for a table and table space is 16tb for 32k page size.


  • 设置SAN交换机分区可以通过前一介绍交换机Web界面完成

    You set the zoning of the SAN switches using the Web interface on each switch as described in the previous section.


  • 如图1示,Design Advisor允许选择考虑哪些特性例如索引MQTMDC分区

    As you see in Figure 1, the Design Advisor allows you to select which features you want it to consider, such as indexes, MQT, MDC, and partitioning.


  • 数据倾斜特定一些数据库分区的某个表内记录这个数据库分区平均记录数之间差额

    Table data skew refers to a difference between the number of records in a table on particular database partitions and the average number of records across all database partitions for this table.


  • 协调分区应用程序运行同一个数据库分区上,或者对于远程应用程序,协调分区运行应用程序连接那个数据库分区上。

    The coordinator partition runs on the same database partition as the application, or in the case of a remote application, the database partition to which that application is connected.


  • 协调分区应用程序运行同一个数据库分区上,或者对于远程应用程序,协调分区运行在应用程序连接那个数据库分区上。

    The coordinator partition runs on the same database partition as the application, or, in the case of remote applications, the database partition to which that application is connected.


  • 启用分区并行性对于任何给定查询DB2首先识别数据驻留分区

    With inter-partition parallelism, for any given query, DB2 first identifies the partitions where the data resides.


  • 支持逻辑分区最大数目取决于服务器模型处理器的数目,系统限制254。

    The maximum number of logical partitions supported depends on the number of processors in the server model and the system limit is 254.


  • 正如节点描述符显示,在表空间10个分区用于九个分区极限625,000个。

    As shown in the table node descriptor, there are 10 partitions in the table space, and the limit key for the ninth partition is 625,000.


  • 如图4示,DPF物理数据库设计选项,它一个多处理环境使用多个单独的数据库分区

    As Figure 4 shows, DPF is a physical database design option that USES multiple separate database partitions in a multi-processing environment.


  • 由于6展示这些客户机并不无上限模式下分区本身设置就是正确的。

    Because these clients shown in Figure 6 are not in uncapped mode, the partitions themselves are set correctly.


  • 正如这个示例展示的,新的分区带来了极少的数据倾斜,因此示例1中的原始s_national键很多

    As this example demonstrates, the new partitioning key causes minimal data skew and is a much better choice than the original S_NATIONAL key from example 1.


  • 为了本文中的示例保持一致,命令输出示例都引用清单3系统中的分区

    To provide a consistent set of examples for this article, all of the command and output examples refer to mounted partitions from the system shown in Listing 3.


  • 公寓家庭住宅能够为购房者承受,同时也是烟雾污染水资源缺乏地区,城市分区推崇住宅。

    Those are what buyers can afford, and what zoning rules call for in a region of smog and sparse water supplies.


  • 分区末端空闲空间作为碎片整理程序涵盖空间来考虑

    Free space at the end of the partition is considered as space that needs to be covered by the defragmenter.


  • 分区末端空闲空间作为碎片整理程序涵盖空间来考虑

    Free space at the end of the partition is considered as space that needs to be covered by the defragmenter.


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