• 分析了车削加工时刀具角度变化改进措施

    The Angle variations of turning tools and improving ways are also analyzed.


  • 通过调整刀具角度绿色轮胎径向跳动可以优化

    By adjusting the tooling angles, green tire radial runout can be optimized.


  • 介绍了利用图像处理技术测量直线刀具角度方法

    The Angle measurement method of linear edges cutting tools is introduced.


  • 通过改进刀具角度操作方法提高加工效率解决了螺纹加工难点

    On the basis of improving cutting-tool angle and operating method, the machining efficiency is raised, the difficulties in processing inside whorl are also solved.


  • 模拟分析试验结果表明连续改变刀具角度在线控制切削颤振有效方法

    Simulation analysis and experiment results indicate that changing tool geometric angles continuously in cutting process is an effective method in on-line controlling of cutting vibrations.


  • 模拟分析试验结果表明连续改变刀具角度在线控制切削振的有效方法。

    Simulation analysis and experiment results indicate that changing tool geometric angles continuously in cutting process is an effective meth...


  • 加工薄壁套类零件时,由于受切削机床精度刀具角度因素影响零件极易变形

    Affected by cutting heat, machine tool precision, cutting tool angles and so on, thin-wall case deform easily.


  • 阐述了光显微镜测量表面粗糙度原理以及如何利用原理测量小尺寸复杂刀具角度方法

    The theory of measuring surface roughness by using light-section microscope is described, and a simple method to measure the Angle of complicated small-scale tool is introduced.


  • 重型车床切削中的刀具材料刀具角度切削用量选择以及刀具安装工艺问题进行了分析。

    The process problems in heavy lathe machining, such as the selection of tool materials, tool angles, cutting parameter, and the mount of tools are analyzed.


  • 刃口单面双面角度任意接受定制特殊规格尺寸刀具

    Edge points and single blade and double edge, Angle arbitrarily, can receive customized special specifications cutter.


  • 轮廓数控系统刀具工件任一角度沿曲线轨迹移动

    Contouring NC systems can direct the tool or workpiece to move at any Angle, and also along curved paths.


  • 利用绘图分析方法分析金属切削刀具工作角度变化规律

    The graphic method of analyzing the changing law of working angles for the wetting tools ispreseted.


  • 本文矢量代数推导出刀具刀尖安装得较高或较低时工作角度计算公式。

    In this paper, the formulas of working angles of the cutting tool for tool nose locating position changes are derived from vector method.


  • 数学分析方法精确求解木材切削刀具角度

    This article introduce a strict mathematical analysis that can exactly calculate angles of wood cutting tool.


  • 基础理论机床刀具技术创新角度,指出提高产品质量途径

    The text indexes the approaches for improving its quality from basic theory, machines, tools and art innovations, and so on.


  • 针对金属切削加工过程经常出现振动现象切削颤振发生各种原因影响因素进行了分类刀具切削参数角度进行了详细分析。

    Aiming at vibration phenomena caused in metal machining process, This paper classifies the reason and the factors of influence, which are expounded from the cutting tool and the cutting parameters.


  • 提出切削用量刀具几何角度、切削单位切削功率基本构成金属切削数据库,给出了它们关系模式。

    Proposed that a metal cutting database is basically composed of databases of cutting data, tool geometry angles, cutting fluid and unit cutting power.


  • 本文依据齿轮啮合原理,利用产线形成共轭啮合原理,采用共轭齿接触线刀刃构形切齿刀具,这样构形的切齿刀具都非常简单,并且容易采用合理的几何角度

    This paper USES cutting tool with the contact line of conjugate tooth profile based on the principle of the gear engage and generating shape line forming conjugate engage.


  • 给出刀具标注角度参考系平面工作角度参考系平面之间关系式

    The paper shows the clear relationship between the reference planes for the nominal angles of the cutting tool and the planes for the working angles of the cutting tool.


  • 设计通过采用联动机械完成角度定位刀具线速度定位切割路径运动控制

    What this design is to pass to adopt three stalks allied move a machine to complete an angle fixed position, the knife has line speed a fixed position and incises path sport control.


  • 阐述钛合金切削加工刀具材料角度选择改善钛合金切削加工性的方法——低温切削加工。

    The choosing method of cutting material and Angle in cutting titanium alloy process and the cryogenic cutting method to improve titanium alloy's machining features are expatiated.


  • 生产所遇到的特殊角度齿加工问题设计了专用滚压刀具提出了实施方案

    Special rolling tools are designed for machining special gland sealing gears in production and some schemes are put forward to be put into practice.


  • 摩托车发动机箱体箱盖加工自动线刀具例,指出加工铝合金刀具材料几何角度应注意问题,另外小孔加工复合刀具进行详细的说明

    This paper explains the character of tool materials, tool geometry and small combined boring tools for machining aluminum alloy on the basis of the practice and research.


  • 提出切削用量刀具几何角度、切削单位切削功率基本构成金属切削数据库,给出了它们关系模式

    Proposed that a metal cutting database is basically composed of databases of cutting data, tool geometry angles, cutting fluid and unit cutting power. Relation models of them are presented as well.


  • 刀具几何角度金属切削原理刀具课教学中的大难点

    The geometric Angle of the blades of cutting tools is one of the difficult (complex) concepts in teaching the theory of metal cutting and cutting tools.


  • 本文动力学角度分析了车削过程中刀具磨损切削影响得出切削力动态成分刀具后刀面磨损量之间关系

    According to dynamics, this paper analyses effect of the tool flank wear on cutting force. It gives relationship between the tool flank wear and dynamic cutting force.


  • 分别刀具布置方法刀具安装角度以及的安装等几个方面分析了刀具布置中的参数,对该项技术进行了探讨。

    Some parameters of cutters layout are analyzed from layout methods, install Angle, and throwing plate install. The technology is discussed.


  • 详细介绍了指纹采集仪用光栅研制过程中,原有光栅刻划机分度系统结构改造重新设计,以及新的刻划工艺,它包括刻划方法切削角度调整金刚石刀具刀尖夹角确定刻划材料选择。

    The technologies include the ruling methods, the adjusting of the cutting angle, the selecting for the knife tip angle of the diamond cutter and the choosing of the materials being ruled.


  • 微分几何学角度探讨坐标数控机床采用圆柱形刀具线接触加工自由曲面的几何学原理,分析了刀具面与被加工曲面二阶密切的条件。

    On the basis of the differential geometry, the geometrical theory of machining free form surface by cylindrical cutter in 5-axis NC machine tool is investigated.


  • 微分几何学角度探讨坐标数控机床采用圆柱形刀具线接触加工自由曲面的几何学原理,分析了刀具面与被加工曲面二阶密切的条件。

    On the basis of the differential geometry, the geometrical theory of machining free form surface by cylindrical cutter in 5-axis NC machine tool is investigated.


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