• 所以时间中的其中一他们车费,用出租车载他们出去因为他们真的认为有趣。

    So I'll have to pay their fares one of these days and take them out in my taxi, because they really think it's fun.


  • 除了良好驾驶技术出租司机来说重要的就是了解城市街道了解这座城市,因为我在这里住了很一段时间

    Besides driving well, the most important thing a taxi driver needs to know is the streets, and I knew the city well because I had lived in it for a long time.


  • 想要成为出租司机的人花上时间了解伦敦道路每座重要建筑的最快的路线

    During this period, which can take two to four years, the would-be taxi driver has to learn the most direct route to every single road and to every important building in London.


  • 出租车,那些没有私家车的人在赶时间的时候愿意乘坐出租车。

    Speaking of taxis, those residents without private cars are willing to take a taxi when they are in a hurry.


  • 例如生产昂贵飞机引擎劳斯莱斯公司,现在就将引擎出租航空公司,并按照运行时间收费

    Rolls-Royce, for instance, which makes pricey aircraft engines, rents them out to airlines, billing them for the time that they run.


  • 出租房子如果外出度假或者外出一时间,你可以考虑把你的件房子出租给别人。

    Rent your house: If you go on vacation or are otherwise out of town for extended periods, you might consider renting out the whole house.


  • 之后一下午时间都埋在工作里,公司出租楼盘列表而忙碌。

    For the rest of the afternoon he worked on new rental listings.


  • 如果还有用户需要多一个理由耗费更多时间Facebook上,华纳兄弟,已经开始Facebook合作的站内影碟出租,在线播放购买等业务。

    As if users needed another reason to spend more time on Facebook, Warner Bros. has started offering movies to rent or buy and view on the site.


  • 合同规定时间提供出租财产偿付违约金

    A. If it does not provide the leased property at the time stipulated in the contract, it shall pay breach of contract damages.


  • 表示Birk出租自行车这个行业刚起步时,正确时间找到了正确的位置

    He says Birk positioned Alta to be in the right place at the right time as bike shares took off.


  • Palmer花了时间着她的出租环游世界,希望提高世人的意识

    Palmer spent two years driving his taxi around the world raising awareness.


  • resourceusagecompleted事件设置为由记录出租结束类似时间运行的流程引发。

    The resource usage completed event is assumed to be raised by a similar short-running process that records the end of the rental.


  • (我们会议室闲置时间出租一个临床医生病人我们办公室里约见)。

    (We rent our conference room after-hours to a therapist who meets with clients in our offices).


  • 喜欢坐在出租后座因为我有时间可以停下来思考人生

    I like sitting back of the taxi because taking time to just stay and think about life.


  • 为了我们星期六午餐时间的会见,我们赶紧柔道课赶回来,一边打电话出租,一边狼吞虎咽地吃了三明治祈祷出租一个合理时间到来

    To get to our Saturday lunchtime sessions, we have to rush back from judo and shove down a sandwich while I call a taxi and pray it will come at a reasonable time.


  • 不会经常接受出租司机邀请去吃顿迟迟的午餐但是蒂姆在一起了一时间冈比亚度过了一个星期,已经不像在伦敦那样疑心重重了。

    It's not often I accept an offer of late lunch from a taxi driver, but a day spent with Katim, and a week in Gambia, had made me less suspicious than I am in London.


  • 系统标记录像带已在某时间出租并且打印这笔交易的收据

    The system marks the videos as rented for the default period and prints a receipt for the transaction.


  • 然后很有很多时间打发我们跳进出租司机可以什么

    Then, because we had hours to kill, we jumped in a taxi and asked the driver what to see.


  • 就是所谓'伦敦出租司机知识',需要利用几年时间学习实践获得'知识'。

    This is called 'The Knowledge' by London cab drivers and it can take years of study and practice to get 'The Knowledge'.


  • 等待时间不长这个城市挤满了红色破旧的审美疲劳汽车很快就开始一个出租司机搭上了。

    The wait was short; the city's full of red battered and tired-looking vehicles and I was soon negotiating with a driver.


  • 时间辆“雨天出租”了,公共交通或者别人的顺风回家

    This is the time to take that "taxi for a rainy day", to catch public transportation, or to call in a favor for a lift home.


  • 通常每天我都一些时间坐在家里或者出租后座

    I think normally each day I take a few moments to sit in my house and sit in the back of the taxi.


  • 假如哪黑车旧城区出现,就算侵犯了出租公司地盘,那些司机占用自己的休息时间,去向公司汇报情况。

    The independent cabs roll drunks and dent the fenders of fleet cabs if they show up in Skid Row and then the fleet drivers have to make reports on their own time to the company.


  • 出租按照合同规定时间标准出租财产交给承租方使用

    The lessor shall, in accordance with the time and standards provided in the contract, turn over the leased property for the use of the lessee.


  • 一些城市考试时间动用警车警报封堵路面,给出租配发黄色标识以便于将考生运载到考场。

    In some cities, police cars were barred from using their sirens during testing hours, and taxis were given yellow signs allowing them right of way when delivering examinees to their test sites.


  • 对于那些住在毗邻大学度假胜地或者大城市这些"目标"场所居民来说不是件太困难的事情,他们可以一个房间或者整栋房屋出租几个月或者更长的时间

    It's less difficult for residents in 'destination' locations near colleges, resorts or cities to rent a room or even the house for a few weeks, months or long term.


  • 这个秋天部分时间里,纽约人开始一种新型自行车上路,这种自行车有可能纽约黄色出租一样成为纽约随处可见的事物。

    New Yorkers spent part of this fall pedaling demo versions of a new bike that may become as common as the city's yellow cabs.


  • 这个秋天部分时间里,纽约人开始一种新型自行车上路,这种自行车有可能纽约黄色出租一样成为纽约随处可见的事物。

    New Yorkers spent part of this fall pedaling demo versions of a new bike that may become as common as the city's yellow cabs.


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