• 1978年12月金伯利·另一名婴儿出生不久就换了位置被错误父母送回

    Shortly after birth in December 1978, Kimberly Mays and another infant were mistakenly switched and sent home with the wrong parents.


  • 正是因为缺少隐私感最终迫使我们出生了家。

    It was the lack of privacy that eventually persuaded us to move after Ben was born.


  • 孩子出生后5父母有权享受13产假

    Parents are entitled to 13 weeks' parental leave to be taken during the first five years of a child's life.


  • 事实上婴儿出生后不久就识别母亲气味成年人通常通过气味识别出自己孩子配偶

    In fact, infants recognise the odours of their mothers soon after birth and adults can often identify their children or spouses by scent.


  • 1944年二战荷兰饥荒期间子宫中的婴儿智力测试中的表现同龄人差,哪怕出生60多年一样

    Babies who were in the uterus during the 1944 Dutch famine of World War II did worse on mental tests than those of similar ages even 60 years later.


  • 生们得知戈登出生后做了什么?

    What did the students do after they learned about the birth of Gordon?


  • 出生后,喜出望外的祖母特蕾莎很快就短信传来最新消息。

    The baby was born and update texts were coming in quickly from the overjoyed grandmother, Teresa.


  • 年幼刺冠海星出生后第一个就以浮游植物为所以海洋肥料越多,浮游植物就越多,也意味着海星越多,珊瑚礁非常不利

    Larval CoT starfish eat phytoplankton in their first month of life, so more fertilizer in the ocean means more phytoplankton, which means more starfish, bad for the reefs.


  • 德的研究表明,虽然没有什么能真正改变我们的 DNA,但孩子在出生前和出生后第一年所经历的环境差异有时能够影响 DNA 的表现方式,甚至使同卵双胞胎变成两个很不同的人。

    Reed's research shows that though nothing can truly change our DNA, environmental differences that a child experiences before birth and in their first year can sometimes affect the way the DNA behaves, making even identical twins into very different people.


  • 父母通常孩子出生不久就给他一个姓氏(即“forename”)。

    The "Vorname" (in English "forename") is usually given to a child by the parents shortly after birth.


  • 阿克琉斯出生母亲海洋女神西蒂斯脚跟河里浸泡

    Oceanides Thetis, Achilles' mother, grasped his heel to soak him in the Styx River after he was born.


  • 但是只是我们获得一个梦想孩子出生真正挑战才刚开始

    But just like a dream, it is only once the baby is born that the real challenge begins.


  • 1066年姓氏记名法引入英格兰以前每个人出生只有一个名字

    Prior to the introduction of surnames in England in 1066, everyone born had just one name.


  • 但是出生就取决于父母收入所能给予你早期教育健康医疗

    But after birth, it kind of depends on parents' income for early education and health care.


  • 表示如果父母曾经焦虑斗争预示他们[他们婴儿]出生遇到麻烦。”

    "If parents have struggled with anxiety in the past that will be a good predictor that they will have difficulties [with their babies] after birth," she said.


  • 女婴出生父母遗弃她们父母认为手术大脑造成影响概率仅有25%。

    Before the operation the twins, who were abandoned at birth by their parents, were given just a 25 per cent chance of surviving without brain damage.


  • 所有最近周里堆积到婴儿身体脂肪帮助婴儿出生调节体温

    All those fat layers accumulating on your baby's body in these last few weeks will help her regulate her temperature after birth.


  • 女儿杰西卡出生为了保护不受不幸福婚姻的伤害,挣脱了这一婚姻。

    When my daughter Jessica was born, I wanted to protect her from my unhappy marriage, and I broke free.


  • 正常情况下,胎宝宝出生第一次大便时排出。

    Ordinarily, meconium is passed after birth as the baby's first stool.


  • 宝宝出生,在切下脐带留在脐带脐道中的血液收集收纳袋里

    After the birth, when the umbilical cord is cut, the blood left in the cord and placenta is drained into a storage bag.


  • 众所周知孕妇饮酒过度会导致胎儿出现酒精综合征,引发孩子出生行为身体损伤

    It's well known that fetal alcohol syndrome occurs when pregnant women drink excessively and causes behavioural and physical harm to the child after birth.


  • 关键女士们她们怀孕之前宝宝出生,在帮助下达到一个健康体重

    What's key is that women should be helped to achieve a healthy weight before they become pregnant or after the baby is born.


  • 不幸的是,大家才高兴没多久三只幼虎因为早产出生不久就死了

    Unfortunately the excitement didn’t last long; the cubs were premature and died shortly after birth.


  • 确定自己已经出生了,他们睁开眼睛第一看到出生世界。

    And when they were sure they had been born, they opened their eyesseeing life after birth for the very first time.


  • 1998年我们女儿丽莎出生我们决定搬出一个小镇定居下来。

    After the birth of our daughter Liza in 1998, we decided to leave the city and we bought a nice house in a small town.


  • 并且尽管许多女性烟民孕期戒烟成功,孩子出生往往了老路

    And although many female smokers give up while pregnant, they often start again once the child is born.


  • 出生就很早拥有爱情,我还算是一个很幸运家伙

    But I am one of the luckiest fellows who have got love since birth in advance.


  • 出生就很早拥有爱情,我还算是一个很幸运家伙

    But I am one of the luckiest fellows who have got love since birth in advance.


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