• 这些企业签订出口合同然后按照技术规格参数做出产品

    They receive export contracts and specifications and then they produce products accordingly.


  • 出口银行也许贷款出口根据出口合同

    The exporter's bank may make a loan to the exporter on the basis of the export contract.


  • 第三商务主管部门技术出口合同登记管理部门。

    Article 3 the administrative department of commerce shall be the administrative department for the registration of technology import and export contracts.


  • 申请时提交书面申请出口合同以及外汇局要求其他材料

    When it does so, it shall submit a written application, the export contract and other materials as required by the foreign exchange administration.


  • 境内保险机构境内机构支付理赔款,持出口合同正本保险单据

    Domestic insurance institutions shall pay indemnity to domestic entities upon presentation of an export-import contract, and a reserved copy of insurance document;


  • 申请人取得技术出口许可意向书,方可对外进行实质性谈判签订技术出口合同

    After obtaining the letter of intent for licensing the technology export, the applicant may begin substantive negotiation, and conclude a contract for the technology export.


  • 美国法律严禁取消交货期实施出口限制后180任何农产品出口合同

    U. S. law forbids the cancellation of any export contracts for any agricultural commodity where delivery is scheduled within 180 days of the imposition of any export restriction.


  • 申请出口许可证提交出口合同编号,长度为17个英文字符只能填报一个合同

    The contract number is the serial number of an export contract submitted when an export license is applied, containing 17 English letters. Only one contract number is allowed.


  • 在现行法律的相关规定中,技术出口商应当自由技术进出口合同的任何修改进行登记

    The June 2008 amendments simplify this by requiring the technology importer or exporter to comply with an amendment record al procedure rather than re-registering.


  • 业务中,经营企业买主身份国外签订购买原材料合同,又以卖主的身份签订成品出口合同

    This type of business enterprise to the identity of the buyer to purchase raw materials and foreign contracts signed, on the identity of the seller to sign export contracts finished.


  • 其它实行出口许可证管理出口货物商务部批准文件经营者出口合同(正本复印件)签发出口许可证。

    Export license for other goods subject to export license administration is issued by approval documents of Ministry of Commerce and managers' export contract (copy of reserved copy).


  • 合同还包括拟出口NLAW系统,交付2012年完成

    The contract covers additional NLAW units intended for export; deliveries are expected to be complete in 2012.


  • 根据合同约定,称为- 11的飞机,使用进口俄罗斯航空电子设备雷达以及引擎,并不得用于出口

    The agreement stipulated that the aircraft - to be called the J-11 - would include imported Russian avionics, radars and engines and couldn't be exported.


  • FMG中国钢铁企业受益者中国钢企出口铁矿石合同价格超过120美元/几乎一年价格的倍,是年前倍。

    The contract price for iron ore to Chinese steel mills, of which Fortescue is a beneficiary, is for well over $120 a tonne, almost twice its level last year, and triple that of five years ago.


  • 美国来说重要出口银行庄家(该国已在挑战波音和空客的地位本周他们签署合同通用电气出售25架支线飞机)。

    It is a significant exporter to, and banker for, the us. (Challenging the dominance of Boeing and Airbus, it just this week signed a contract to sell up to 25 regional jetliners to General Electric.)


  • 美国金融危机已经蔓延到全球印度也不例外。因为印度的经济依赖对美国的出口存在采购合同

    The financial crisis in the United States has spread global fears, including in India, which relies on the United States for exports and outsourcing contracts.


  • 举例中国购买了澳大利亚出口产品1/4,去年帮助每户澳洲家庭增收逾万元;中国给澳洲带来了诸多收益可观的商业合同最近签署一单900亿澳元的液化天然气出口协议

    On top of that, many Australian companies have signed profitable commercial contracts with their Chinese counterparts. A recent example is the LNG export agreement worth AU$ 90 billion.


  • 2005年中国航空工业第一集团公司津巴布韦交通部签订出口新舟60飞机合同新舟60第一次出口海外。

    In 2005, China first Aviation Industry Group and the Zimbabwe Ministry of Traffic signed a new export contract of two Xinzhou-60 aircraft, which is the first time to export this kind of aircraft.


  • 2005年中国航空工业第一集团公司津巴布韦交通部签订出口新舟60飞机合同新舟60第一次出口海外。

    In 2005, China first Aviation Industry Group and the Zimbabwe Ministry of Traffic signed a new export contract of two Xinzhou-60 aircraft, which is the first time to export this kind of aircraft.


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