• 基地作为军队进入乡村地区出发地

    The base will serve as a jumping-off point for troops going out into the country areas.


  • 安全的办法就是一个方向航行直到回到出发地

    The safest way is to sail in one direction and not stop until you're back home.


  • 现在已经到了亚利桑那州,离开出发地已经有三百多英里了。

    I am now in Arizona with our starting point more than 300 miles behind us.


  • 站点根据用户提供出发地目的地以及起止时间生成旅游选项

    The site generates travel options based on starting and destination points and times provided by the user.


  • 好高骛远旅行者抬头看四方,家门家园出发地也是终结

    Raising his head, the traveler looks into the distance, realizing the sweet home with its opened window is both his starting point and finishing line.


  • 一个很好的出发地因为很多适宜沼泽地生活的动植物都在这里安家。

    This is a good place to start because it is home to many plants and animals typically associated with The Everglade.


  • 降落运输工具必须指定时间重新起飞飞行段时间并回到出发地

    After landing, the vehicle must take off again within a predetermined time, fly for a certain amount of time and then land back on its original launch pad.


  • 作为交往行为一种知识背景生活世界可以视为交往行为理论经验出发地

    As a knowledge background of communicative action, life world is also viewed as an experience ground of communicative action theory.


  • 使用者只需指定出发地目的地系统根据选定评价基准自动搜索路线

    Based on the selected benchmark of evaluation, users only needed to specify the start and goal, then system could automatically find out the best route.


  • 谷歌尚未明确表示,未来不会允许用户自己设定出发地不过觉得应该改一下。

    Google did not confirm whether in the future users will be able to set their starting point, but it seems a logical next step.


  • 提醒一句开始搜索谷歌会把当时的所在地作为出发地(价格也是此计算)。

    A word of caution: When you begin a search, Google USES your current location to determine the origin city (and therefore the price) for flights.


  • 由于提供直达航班所以检查用户所选航班出发地目的地之间是否有直达航班。

    Only direct flights are offered, so the flight chosen is checked to see if the origin and destination direct flight is available.


  • 并不是什么新奇概念,就像地球上一样只要按照直线行进,最终都会回到出发地

    This isn’t that foreign of a concept, since on Earth if you travel in a straight line, you’ll eventually come back to your starting point. You’ll just be very tired.


  • 正如无数次证明那样去往未知世界的旅行更多揭示的是旅行者出发地不是他的目的地。

    As so often a journey into the unknown had revealed more about the traveler's home than about the destination.


  • 作为我们讨论参照应用程序接受来自客户输入例如旅行出发地目的地信用卡信息

    As a reference point for our discussion, this application takes inputs from a customer like the source, destination for the journey, and credit card info.


  • 一方面保持自己已经取得阵地。这是我们战略出发地丧失这个阵地一切无从说起了。

    In one respect, it is to hold the ground we have already won, for this ground is our strategic point of departure and its loss would mean the end of everything.


  • 好在可以选择再来一次哈哈目标收集你所地方所有能量然后回到你的出发地

    Fortunately, you can choose again, ha ha, your goal is to collect as you can to the place where all the energy, and then return to your starting point.


  • 发生中转地航班延误令旅行不再具有任何意义旅客权利搭乘免费航班回到最初出发地

    If the delay occurs at a connecting point, and if the flight no longer serves any purpose, then the passenger is also entitled to a free flight back to the first point of departure.


  • 中途”是旅行中事先约定地点的停留,地点位于您旅行的出发目的地点之间

    "Stopover" means a scheduled stop on your journey at a point between the place of departure and the place of destination.


  • 车次查询可以按照发车车次进行查询;车次信息包括车号出发地目的地发车日期开出时刻票价

    Queries on the trips, trips can be queried by the grid trips information, including: number, origin, destination, departure date, out of time, fares.


  • 可以以前对付困难问题同样方法来加以处理——通过许多不懈努力、一点一点地、从实际效果出发地加以解决。

    It Can be handled in the same way that hard problems have been coped with beforepiecemeal, pragmatically, by the dogged efforts of many people.


  • 其中个原因由于昂贵集装箱回到出发地的费用,大多数情况下取而代之的是从亚洲购买新的集装箱会更加便宜。

    The reason for this is that it's too expensive for a country to ship empty containers back to their origin. In most cases, it's just cheaper to buy new containers from Asia.


  • 这些只是总体推荐信息所以KAYAK提供一个工具,可根据出发地机场预期旅游目的地,提供具体信息

    Those are just general recommendations, though, so KAYAK has included a tool that gives more specific information depending on your home airport and desired destination.


  • 结果显示出游周期交通方式选择游览目的、观光巴士线路包含景点数量出发地观光巴士线路距离决定选择行为因素

    The results show tour period, original travel mode choice, tourism purpose, sites quantity included in the route, distance between origin and the route are significant variables.


  • 英国一个主要港口,曾迎战西班牙无敌舰队的英国舰队的出发点(1588年),也是德雷克罗利其他两位早期探险家出发地

    A major port, it was the embarkation point for the fleet that fought the Spanish Armada (1588) and for Drake, Raleigh, and several other early explorers. Population, 250,300.


  • 当天晚上,澳航从南非约翰内斯堡飞往悉尼波音747客机起飞不久,因引擎吸入飞鸟,不得不返回出发地。 机上共有171人。

    In the latest incident, a Boeing 747 carrying 171 passengers bound for Sydney turned back to Johannesburg after a bird slammed into one of the jumbo's engines shortly after takeoff late Tuesday.


  • 当天晚上,澳航从南非约翰内斯堡飞往悉尼波音747客机起飞不久,因引擎吸入飞鸟,不得不返回出发地。 机上共有171人。

    In the latest incident, a Boeing 747 carrying 171 passengers bound for Sydney turned back to Johannesburg after a bird slammed into one of the jumbo's engines shortly after takeoff late Tuesday.


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