• 关于这次统计准确数字辩论不会停止

    Debates over the accuracy of the counts will not be laid to rest.


  • 不像克为单位准确数字消费者容易明白公司也更容易编制

    Unlike precise figures in grams, this would be easier for consumers to understand and for companies to compile.


  • 计算时候,不是得到准确数字因为我们知道M什么

    And, when I say compute, of course we will not get Numbers because we don't know what m is.


  • 因为需要3000个播客实际上知道准确数字到底是多少呢?

    Because you get to pick out of these 3,000 podcasts as you know, but actually who knows the exact number?


  • 尽管一直在数字当然没有具体假设我们,得出一个准确数字

    Despite my talking about Numbers, of course, there's no particular assumption that we can really give precise Numbers to this.


  • 银行衍生产品交易中获利准确数字被人所知但是传说中的证据证明他们利润

    The precise amount that Banks make trading derivatives isn't known, but there is anecdotal evidence of their profitability.


  • 还有几百等待着联邦证券交易委员会批准。(令人担忧的是,委员会并不能提供准确数字。)

    Hundreds more are awaiting approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission (which, worryingly, cannot provide a precise number).


  • 尽管准确数字难以统计,确实越来越Worrall一样宠物拥有者将他们的宝贝放入社交网站

    Although exact Numbers are hard to come by, Worrall is one of a growing number of pet owners who pose as their animals on social networks.


  • 他们知道大约50万到100万南非白人生活英国准确数字是多少,就取决于相信谁的统计数字

    They also know that somewhere between 500, 000 and 1 million white South Africans, depending on whose statistics you believe, now live in Britain.


  • 美国销售提供了大量工作岗位虽然没有准确数字,销售工作岗位大约占去了文职人员岗位四分之一三分之一

    Marketing provides a great many jobs in the United States. Although exact Numbers are not possible, marketing jobs probably account for one-fourth to one-third of all jobs in the civilian labor force.


  • 总共我们可能有100位圣徒(抱歉没有准确数字),也许看起来不多但是一半以上与会者我们接触新人,…讲法语的。

    All in all, we probably were around 100 in the conference (sorry, I do not have exact Numbers), and it may seem like not a lot, but more than half were contacts and new ones... all French.


  • 虽然准确数字难以获得,但是田纳西州冰毒特别小组(TMTF)负责人TommyFarmer预估,现场清理费用就在5,000-25,000美元之间

    Precise numbers are tough to come by, but Tommy Farmer, who heads Tennessee’s Methamphetamine Task Force (TMTF), puts the cost between $5,000 and $25,000 just to clean up the property.


  • 没有数字健康成年人准确区分回忆起数量降低四。

    Without numbers, healthy human adults struggle to precisely distinguish and recall quantities as low as four.


  • 很难确定一个准确数字因为各家公司公布它们亏损情况

    It is difficult to quantify an exact figure as firms are reluctant to declare their losses.


  • 如果可能,请至少一个周期内运行酸/碱比率测试获得准确数字

    If possible, run your A/B test over at least one cycle to get more accurate numbers.


  • 联盟数字进行了辩护微软芬恩先生集团数字准确的。

    The alliance defends its Numbers, and Mr. Finn at Microsoft says the group's figures are accurate.


  • 不管那些数字准确与否重新核对。

    Whether the figures be accurate or not, they have to be rechecked.


  • 联盟数字进行了辩护微软恩先生集团数字准确的。

    The alliance defends its Numbers, and Mr.Finn at Microsoft says the group's figures are accurate.


  • 很难找到准确各州辍学人数数字因为他们未能充分收集数据仔细地分析数据

    Accurate dropout figures are very hard to find because most states don't adequately collect or analyze the data.


  • 我们很难得到一个准确数字,更不要说全球新用户不断快速增加

    But exact Numbers are hard to come by, not least because of the continued rapid growth in the global number of subscribers.


  • 解决数字分类器问题必须准确辨别如何搜集因子意味着必须编写特定代码数字从而确定因子。

    To solve the number classifier, I had to discern exactly how to gather factors, which in turn means I had to write the specific code to loop through Numbers to determine factors.


  • 如果预期损失确实非常准确,那么由此产生的数字将会银行借出的商业款项的真实盈利能力提供一个好的建议

    If the estimate is reasonably accurate, the resulting figures will give you a pretty good idea how profitable that bank’s lending business really is.


  • 上月发布世界银行报告招致以色列的尖锐批评,以色列这些数字准确以及巴勒斯坦方面问题严重性表示质疑

    The World Bank report, published last month, provoked sharp criticism from Israel, which disputed the figures and the scale of the problem on the Palestinian side.


  • 例如他们利用数字模型准确预测顾客特定情景下如何行事如何调整行为。

    For instance, they use mathematical models to accurately predict how the customers will behave in certain situations and adjust their operations accordingly.


  • 部分当地报纸原计划138个项目,有120个项目终 止公司发言人周四确定准确数字

    Some local newspapers reported that 120 of 138 planned projects will be ended, but a spokesman for the firm, known simply as LH in South Korea, said Thursday that a precise number hasn't been set.


  • 迄今为止,研究者指出一个“略数字系统”准确童年开始变好。

    So far, researchers suggest that the accuracy of a person's ANS improves throughout childhood.


  • 如果从此数字中就可以推出土地交易已经增长倍也是不准确的。

    It would be wrong to draw a line between these Numbers so as to conclude that land deals have grown fourfold.


  • 即便公关人士这个奇妙的巧合”中只手(译者:暗示也许人为捏造的),这个数字也是接近准确的。

    Even if the PR men had a hand in this "wonderful coincidence", the number is roughly right.


  • 研究人员:“28%看上去一个很低的比例,引起注意的是RNA随着时间推移会降解的,因此新鲜样本中这个数字更高准确。”

    Twenty-eight percent might seem like a low number, the researchers say, but it's significant given that RNA can degrade over time, so fresher samples would likely be more accurate.


  • 研究人员:“28%看上去一个很低的比例,引起注意的是RNA随着时间推移会降解的,因此新鲜样本中这个数字更高准确。”

    Twenty-eight percent might seem like a low number, the researchers say, but it's significant given that RNA can degrade over time, so fresher samples would likely be more accurate.


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