• 演说准备就像有人准备就是准备失败

    Prepare yourself before the speech; as said by someone that those who fails to prepare is preparing for failure.


  • 从不害怕失败:他是个冒险家,随时准备别的地方重新开始。

    He had never been afraid of failure: he was a gambler, ready to go off somewhere else and start all over again.


  • 如果准备阶段有一个多个参与者失败,则终止回滚事务

    They abort and rollback the transaction if one or more participants failed in the prepare phase.


  • 就意味着必须准备有些实验失败

    This means you must be prepared for some experiments to fail.


  • 失败极其重要的,个人团队随确信但已经准备行动了。

    Failure is extremely important and individuals and teams that are prepared to act without conviction.


  • 问题的构建版本到了QA环境,QA团队只要失败然后可以转向其他任务比如功能准备测试或是改进回归测试

    When a bad build hits the QA environment the QA team can simply fail it and turn to other tasks such as preparing tests for new features or improving their regression suite.


  • 如果救援工作失败,那么BP今后必须采取更为详尽措施准备在附近钻井以此减少泄漏处所受到压力

    If that fails, BP will have to try more elaborate measures. It is making preparations to drill another well nearby and thereby relieve pressure on the one that is leaking.


  • 假若准备引入任何技术并且最终完全失败那么搭建基础设施所花时间成本加上冲刺失败将会你打倒。

    If you plan to introduce any new technology and it fails royally then the time and cost to set up the infrastructure, along with sprint's failure will put you down.


  • 准备解决不熟悉问题时,如果进度压力越来越大,而且失败将带来可怕后果,我也曾踏上类似悬崖边缘这种情况不胜枚举

    As I prepare to attack an unfamiliar problem with mounting schedule pressures and dire consequences for failure, I've been on the edge of a similar cliff more times than I care to mention.


  • 许多创业公司失败是因为创业者没有成功所必需的、破天荒的工作时间做好思想准备

    Many startups fail because the founders were not mentally prepared to work the ridiculous hours necessary to make a business succeed.


  • 意识如果多哈回合失败带来损失一些重要的谈判力量特别巴西最终还是准备妥协的。

    Conscious that they will lose if Doha fails, some big trade powers, notably Brazil, at last appear ready to compromise.


  • 以色列已经暗示,一旦制裁失败准备下令伊朗设施实施空袭

    If sanctions fail, Israel has hinted it is prepared to order air strikes against Iranian nuclear facilities.


  • 但是无论我们这些目标怀着多大的热情,次承担哪怕两个习惯会让我们准备着迎接失败

    But no matter how much enthusiasm we have for all of these goals, taking on even just two habits at once is setting ourselves up for failure.


  • 困难我们挫败就能使我们更坚韧,使我们做好了成功准备我们必须学会掌控自己情绪意识失败失意——任何逆境都上天有意为之

    What doesn't defeat us makes us more resilient and prepared for success: We must learn to master our emotions, realizing that failure, disappointment - any adversity is purposeful.


  • 公司经营者会做准备其中一部分原因失败几率很高(大概需要时间才能重获新生)。

    Business ownership requires the wearing of many hats, which is part of the reason the failure rate for start-ups is high (about half survive for five years).


  • 持续交付思想指导下,QA对于接收到给定构建版本,只有两个选项:构建要么失败,要么送到交付准备服务器。

    Under the continuous delivery philosophy QA has only two options for handling a given build that it receives. The build can either be failed or be promoted to staging.


  • 主要给出了一建议对于准备其他面试也同样有效,就是努力放轻松做好自己,如果其他的地方失败了,那就转而多说些恭维的话。

    Her main piece of advice - it's the same advice you'd get for any interview - is try to relax, be yourself, and if all else fails, resort to flattery.


  • 计划了问题,有所准备通过在我的急流中分析其它失败的漂流作出响应:我在使用模式。

    My plan goes wrong, but I am prepared to respond through analyzing other troubled runs through my rapid: I am using antipatterns.


  • 随着孩子们陆续开学了,准备开学的购物看到到自己教育孩子理财成功失败的地方。

    A recent round of back-to-school shopping highlighted my successes and failures in teaching my children financial skills.


  • 或许是个失败者,但是如果失败了,我准备共同承担,你们也应该这样才对。

    He may be a loser, but if he loses, I’m going down with him.


  • 然后我们思绪停留在里面不能自拔,以至于有可能产生失败恐惧感准备不足感。

    Then we attach emotions to them. Most likely the fear of failure and not being enough.


  • 如果他们四五岁时已经准备失败,那么以后让他们回归这个教学系统非常了。

    If they are already failing by the age of four and a half or five, it's going to be quite difficult to get them back into the system again.


  • 小时候参加过选美学会如何接受失败伤心进入好莱坞做好了准备

    "Pageants teach you to lose and not be devastated," she has said. "It was great preparation for Hollywood."


  • 因此IBMESBQMwmbmi1启动活动实例处理所有请求wmbmi2上的实例作为备用实例,随时准备在活动实例失败接管

    Hence, IBMESBQM starts as an active instance on wmbmi1, processing all requests, and as a standby instance on wmbmi2, ready to take over if the active instance fails.


  • 除非北半球准备承担起相应减少二氧化碳的排放量,否则哥本哈根会议的失败将会重现

    A repeat of the failed Copenhagen summit is likely unless the global north is prepared to take its fair share of CO2 cuts


  • 如今美国,做好了更为充分准备,同样,未来危险可能通过表示胜利路接受失败然后撤回美国高墙之内来避免,超级大国在911之后很多失误,入侵伊拉克显然是最大的个。

    The United States is better prepared today. All the same, future danger cannot be averted simply by declaring victory (or accepting defeat) and retreating behind a Great Wall of America.


  • 孩子懂得失败并不代表没有能力仅仅准备工作不足表现

    Teach your child that a failure is not a reflection of ability; it is only a reflection of preparation methods.


  • 所以,这个时代生存,必须从早到晚准备迎接失败,你必须整日整月甚至整年的预备失败

    You must be willing to fail for days on end, for months on end and maybe even for years on end.


  • 很多试图采用迭代开发组织失败因为这些拥护者面对组织特有文化问题没有足够准备

    Many attempted adoptions of iterative development fail because the advocates do not adequately prepare to face the cultural issues that characterize the organization.


  • 很多试图采用迭代开发组织失败因为这些拥护者面对组织特有文化问题没有足够准备

    Many attempted adoptions of iterative development fail because the advocates do not adequately prepare to face the cultural issues that characterize the organization.


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