• 无论是决策会议篮球赛还是家庭郊游他们都会忍不住地抢占领头羊的位置拼命地紧紧抓住

    Whether it's a decision-making session, a basketball game, or a family outing, they can't help grabbing the lead dog position and clinging on to it for dear life.


  • 同时京东商城的决策者也周三召开决策会议开始大幅降价取消了假期

    Meanwhile executives at rival Jingdong Mall held a strategy meeting on Wednesday, slashed prices and canceled vacations.


  • IBM一次决策会议认识到了一点,当时我看似场争论中败下阵来

    I learned that once in attending a decision meeting within IBM, where I seemed to be losing the argument.


  • 今日欧洲央行决策会议可能会继续维持利率为1%不变因为通胀率目前为2.2%,高于基准水平

    Today's ECB policy meeting could see interest rates being left unchanged at 1% even as inflation is at 2.2%, more than the 2% benchmark.


  • 但是这种方法关键问题在于这种很少召开会议意味着产品A可能需要等待相当长的时间作出决策决定怎样构建产品。

    The key problem with this kind of approach, though, is that the infrequency of these meetings mean that product a might have to wait a long time to make a key decision about how to build that product.


  • 尽早开发人员那里得到估算这样产品负责人才能规划会议之前做出决策

    You need estimates from developers early so the PO can make decisions ahead of the planning meeting.


  • 温斯表示一场商务会议中与麦道夫结识,当时她担任慈善女性组织哈达莎」的财务,可参与组织中的投资决策

    Weinstein says she met him at a business meeting when she was chief financial officer for the charitable women's organization Hadassah, where she had a role in investment decisions.


  • 发现职业生涯中好的决策成功的关键有效率会议固然很好但是大多数决策邮件中产生的。现实就是这样。

    I've found in my career that getting decisions made is critical to being successful. Running an effective meeting is one skill, but most decisions get made on email.


  • 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)最高决策机构世界卫生大会今天结束第五十八届会议

    The World Health Assembly, the supreme decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), wrapped-up its fifty-eighth session today.


  • 会议组织者本周内对这些建议进行归纳,论坛形式在大会闭幕政策制订者决策就归纳后建议进行讨论

    These recommendations will be refined this week and discussed in a forum with policy - and decision-makers on the final day of the Congress.


  • 是否必要其他职责编码主要取决于用例实现会议做出系统架构风格设计决策

    Whether it is necessary to code responsibilities in other layers will be driven mainly by the system's architectural style and design decisions made during the use-case realization session.


  • 爱沙尼亚一位外交官说:“真正让人生气的是,他们不能介入一些重大决策会议”。

    “It really rankles that they can't get into important policy meetings,” says an Estonian diplomat.


  • 所以惊讶于媒体对于那次会议歪曲报道,好像操纵所有决策的人一样。

    So I was surprised to read the media's spin on the meeting, which made it sound almost as though I were running the entire show.


  • 里约会议汇集主要艾滋病研究人员、活动分子决策人员讨论艾滋病毒/艾滋病研究方面最近进展研究结果付诸实践的方式。

    The Rio conference brings together leading AIDS researchers, activists and policy makers to discuss recent advances in HIV/AIDS research and ways of translating research findings into practice.


  • 正像Scrum会议可以协调、巩固sprint做出所有决策一样,MetaScrum会议可以协调、巩固为多个sprint做出的所有决策

    Just as the Scrum meeting has consolidated all decision making for a Sprint, the MetaScrum meeting consolidates all decision making for multiple Sprints.


  • 关于Portlet消息传递这样主题决策应该留待每个Portlet全面设计会议研究。

    Decisions about topics such as portlet messaging should be left for the full design session for each portlet.


  • 2005年5月25日|日内瓦-世界卫生组织(世卫组织)最高决策机构世界卫生大会今天结束第五十八届会议

    May 2005 | Geneva - the World Health Assembly, the supreme decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), wrapped-up its fifty-eighth session today.


  • 2006年5月27日 |日内瓦-世界卫生组织(世卫组织)的最高决策机构 — 世界卫生大会今天结束了第五十九会议

    May 2006 | Geneva - The World Health Assembly (WHA), the supreme decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), wrapped-up its fifty-ninth session today.


  • 可行性成本LCO会议重要因素并且测试人员无疑可以决策贡献重要的数据

    Feasibility and cost are the important factors in the LCO meeting, and the tester can certainly contribute important data to this decision.


  • 任何一天都来自全球几十决策专家总部我们实地办事处召开会议,就重大粮食农业问题达成一致意见。

    On any given day, dozens of policy-makers and experts from around the globe convene at headquarters or in our field offices to forge agreements on major food and agriculture issues.


  • 如果这些会议炮制出来决策不会引发灾难,这种状态可能还能忍受

    That would probably have been tolerable if the decisions cooked up in those conference rooms weren't so disastrous.


  • 蜜月时间用来布鲁赛尔主持一个欧元政策决策会议意味着之后度蜜月时会有所期待

    I spent my 'honeymoon' chairing a meeting of Euro policy planners in Brussels and took it much later which meant that we had something to look forward to.


  • 提到了所在研究机构的“优秀人才交流计划,这是为期一天会议具体领域的最优秀的科研人员顶级决策者召集在一起

    She described her institute's 'best brain exchange' initiative: one-day meetings that bring together the best researchers and top decision-makers in a particular subject.


  • 伦敦财长会议上,特纳恳请决策继续各自国家争取实施更严格金融监管

    At the meeting in London, Mr. Geithner implored policy makers to continue fighting for tougher financial regulations in their own countries.


  • 伦敦财长会议上,特纳恳请决策继续各自国家争取实施更严格金融监管

    At the meeting in London, Mr. Geithner implored policy makers to continue fighting for tougher financial regulations in their own countries.


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