• 意大利卡梅里诺大学学者FrancoRollo研究冰人奥兹”专家。

    Franco Rollo of the University of Camerino, Italy, has worked on Ötzi the iceman.


  • 描述一下冰人身上纹身它的含义吗?

    Can you describe the tattoos on the Iceman and their significance?


  • 研究者们现在确认这位史前冰人被谋杀的。

    Researchers now believe the prehistoric iceman was murdered.


  • 尸体剖检结果同时重新书写冰人最后时刻故事

    The autopsy results have also rewritten the story of the Iceman's final moments.


  • 冰人可能是在这个星球上行走过暴露最多的遇袭的

    The Iceman might be the most exposed and invaded person who ever walked the planet.


  • DNA分析揭示了一些基因变体使冰人处于动脉变硬危险

    The DNA analysis also revealed several genetic variants that placed the Iceman at high risk for hardening of the arteries.


  • 但是芬兰人惯有方式媒体表示仍然原来冰人

    But the Finn, whose love of partying is as well-documented as his monosyllabic approach to the media, said he will remain the same person.


  • 冰人公司系统设备产品广泛应用于工业生产的各个领域

    The ice making system equipment products of iceman Company are widely used in all field of industrial production.


  • 下葬?“冰人”奥兹也许不是登山旅行者1991年发现地方

    Buried? : Otzi the Iceman may not have died where hikers found him in 1991.


  • 相反发生死亡规定,在冰人打开腹部努力消除箭杆

    Rather, before death occurred and rigor mortis set in, the Iceman was turned on to his stomach in the effort to remove the arrow shaft.


  • 一些采冰人穿着萨米传统服装冰冻上锯出痕迹。他们唱道

    ICE HARVESTERS, dressed in traditional Sami clothing, score a frozen lake. They SING.


  • 第三个层面转入到自我矛盾冲突,天边外》冰人来兮》。

    On the third level, the irresolvable conflict between man and himself is examined through Beyond the Horizon and the Iceman Cometh.


  • 这个好的故事与证据相符——直到高斯·特纳冰人内脏做了细致的观察

    It was a good story that fit the evidence-until Gostner took a closer look at the Iceman's guts.


  • 下午一点一点点时,大家已经冰人进行了6个小时刺、样本采集

    It was a little after 1 p.m., and by that point the Iceman had already undergone six hours of poking, probing, gouging, and sample gathering.


  • 维格马德里小心地冰人身躯转移到定制盒子里,盒子的边缘是过毒的铝箔

    Egarter Vigl and Samadelli carefully transferred the body to a custom-made box lined with sterilized aluminum foil.


  • 科学家反而基于“奥地利窗口”——即以前的研究者过于热情而切开的切口深入冰人身体

    Instead, the scientists would enter the body through the "Austrian Windows" -their name for the overenthusiastic cuts made by the initial investigators.


  • 外科采集肌肉肺部小片,他们冰人骨盆上钻了一个采集骨组织进行DNA分析

    The surgical teams had taken snippets of muscle and lung. They had bored a hole in his pelvis to collect bone tissue for DNA analysis.


  • 北极地区向美国来了股强冷空气原本对抗印第安纳大火的消防队员们“冻成了冰人”。

    It's sent the blast of frigid air that glazed firefighters with ice as they worked to put out a blaze in Indiana.


  • 冰冻状态下冰人糖色的皮肤散发出高贵光芒令人联想起彩画上的一位中世纪的人物。

    In its frozen state, the Iceman's deep caramel skin had a dignified luster, reminiscent of a medieval figure painted in egg tempera.


  • 1991年冰人奥茨游客发现时,具保存完好的冰川木乃伊尸体最初被认为现代人尸体

    When the Iceman was discovered by tourists in 1991, the well-preserved body was first thought to be a modern corpse.


  • 此外伴随冰人”一起完成的武器草垫可以更好解释陪葬品和葬礼布,而不是登山装备

    Furthermore, the unfinished weapons and grass mat that accompanied the Iceman are better explained as grave goods and a funeral shroud than as mountaineering gear.


  • 今年48岁的荷兰人维姆·霍夫能够忍受常人致命低温因此称为“冰人”,一现象科学家无法解释

    Scientists can't really explain it, why Wim Hof, the 48-year-old Dutchman known as' iceman ', is able to withstand temperatures that could be fatal to the average person.


  • 那时希望已经训练足够的“制冰人”来继承工作帮助世界第三冰盖”摆脱变成河流的命运。

    By then he hopes he will have trained enough new "icemen" to continue his work and save the world's "third icecap" from being transformed into rivers.


  • 之前已知古老的皮鞋属于冰人Ötzi,它是19年前靠近意大利和匈牙利边境阿尔卑斯山脉发现的木乃伊。

    Previously, the oldest known leather shoe belonged to Ötzi the Iceman, a mummy found 19 years ago in the Alps near the Italian-Austrian border.


  • 第二天早上维格一种很好的喷雾消毒水通过冰冻接触清洁了冰人之后将高科技圆顶建筑上门

    The next morning he and Egarter Vigl spruced up the body with a fine spray of sterilized water, which froze on contact. Then they slid the Iceman back into his high-tech igloo and closed the door.


  • 有时候冰人雪车上,有大块冰掉中街道上,在那里有一星期一块很大翡翠引起所有过路人兴趣

    Sometimes one of those great cakes slips from the ice-man's sled into the village street, and lies there for a week like a great emerald, an object of interest to all passers.


  • 法拉利车队宣布将于今年9月与他再续签年合约,因此在2010年F1赛季期间这位“冰人可以手握方向盘法拉利车队效力

    Ferrari announced a one-year extension in September, so the Iceman will remain behind the wheel for the Ferrari team through the 2010 F1 season.


  • 现在他们冰人脑部里面进行窥视之前的CT影像中的神秘阴影是否是位于后脑壳内部的结块,血肿,如此便可表明脑部受到一击

    Now they were peeking inside his brain to see if a mysterious shadow on a previous CT image might be an internal clot, or hematoma, at the rear of the skull, indicating a blow to the head.


  • 居佛是位于许纳斯佗南端中世纪古堡,那儿新石器时代遗址,发现冰人凹陷处到居佛堡,海拔高度了2000公尺以上可是直线距离只有15公里

    A Neolithic site has been discovered at Juval, a medieval castle at the southern end of the Schnalstal, more than 2,000 meters lower but only 15 kilometers from the hollow as the crow flies.


  • 意大利卡梅里诺大学学者FrancoRollo研究冰人奥兹”的专家,“冰人奥兹”生活在公元前3300年,干尸于1991年阿尔卑斯山地区发现

    Franco Rollo of the University of Camerino, Italy, has worked on Ötzi the iceman (pictured), who died around 3300 BC and whose mummified remains were found in the Alps in 1991.


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