• XML保持语义检测问题对于防止XML文档的更新异常减少XML冗余信息的存储具有很大意义XML规范化理论关键问题之一。

    The problem of XML redundancy detection with semantics is very meaningful to prevent update anomalies and the key problem of XML normalization theory.


  • 重写阶段检测这些冗余简化语句

    The rewrite phase detects these and simplifies the statement.


  • 检测null指针null的解引用(dereference)冗余比较

    Detector: null pointer dereference and redundant comparisons to null.


  • 深入研究了基于解析冗余技术传感器故障检测分离辨识方法,并用实验评价该方法性能

    The method of detection, isolation and identification of sensor faults based on analytical redundancy is studied deeply. And the performance of the method using examples is evaluated.


  • 然后传感器图像提取融合检测结果中各候选区域多个图像特征作为进一步消除冗余信息证据

    Then extracts the multiple features of these target candidate areas in fusion detection result from the two sensor images as the evidence to eliminate redundant information.


  • 电厂传感器网络结构提供空间时间上的冗余或互补信息传感器故障检测分离提供依据。

    The network structure of power plant sensors provides complementary information, redundant in space or time, which may be used for detecting faults in sensors and isolating them.


  • 基于视频字幕检测增强根据字幕特殊性选择合理特征利用视频帧间冗余信息实现字幕的检测增强

    Caption Detection and Enhancement Choosing reasonable features according to the particularity of caption, and combining the redundant information of multiple video frame to detect and enhance caption.


  • 传统计算机设计系统安全监视功能存在日志数据冗余异常线索检测时延过长固有问题

    The redundant data in log files and the delay for detecting abnormal trails are the inherent problems existing in the traditional secure monitoring subsystem of a computer system.


  • 优点能进行没有冗余一致性的测试用例选择,在改变故障检测能力同时缩短测试时间

    Its advantage is that the testing time is reduced while the fault detection ability is not changed since non-redundant and consistent test cases are selected.


  • 本文介绍了模块级可重构计算机HIT -FTC2冗余管理技术,包括:故障检测,故障屏蔽,故障隔离系统重构故障恢复等技术。

    The redundancy management technique of modular-level reconfiguration computer system HIT-FTC2 is introduced: fault detection, fault masking, fault isolation, reconfiguration and fault recovery.


  • 故障反应能力、各类故障的灵敏度以及采用多模量时检测故障的度等方面变换进行了分析比较

    Analysis and comparisons are made for those transformations according to the sensitivity and redundancy to all types of fault.


  • 一个16位循环冗余代码检测所有单身双刃埃罗,99欧元检测。998%所有可能罗。

    A 16-bit cyclic redundancy code detects all single and double-bit erro and eures detection of 99.998% of all possible erro.


  • 设计一种基于光电池核废料沉淀罐沉淀界面位置检测装置采用分布式组态plc系统作为控制终端继电器控制回路作为冗余控制系统。

    A distributive configuration PLC system was used as control terminal of the detection device, while a relay loop as a redundancy control system.


  • 透彻了解不可检测故障、可检测故障测试以及电路冗余性三者之间关系,作了讨论

    Some discussion is given to provide some insight into the relationship among undetectable faults, tests for detectable single faults, and circuit redundancies.


  • 文中提出了冗余惯导系统配置方案,并对配置方案可靠性精度故障检测隔离等内容进行了分析论证

    The configuration of the redundancy system using four gyroscopes is presented in this paper, the reliability, accuracy, fault-detection and separation of the configuration is analyzed in detail.


  • 对于自由度陀螺构成的捷联惯性测量系统(RSIMS)来说,边缘向量检测EVT一种非常重要实用冗余管理算法

    The Edge Vector Test (EVT) is a very important and practical redundant management algorithm for Redundant Strapdown Inertial Measurement Sys-tems (RSIMS) composed of Two Degree of Freedom gyros.


  • 讨论时间序列几种非线性检测方法,将代理数据产生方法中的IAAFT方法冗余方法结合起来,对实测杂波数据进行非线性检测

    This paper discusses various methods of test of nonlinearity of time series. Real-life sea clutter data are tested with the IAAFT method combined with redundancy.


  • 对于网络存在节点瞬时故障,通过时间冗余检测方法降低故障诊断的虚

    Time redundancy is used to reduce faulty alarm rate for transient faults of nodes in WSNs.


  • 提出了差分检测遥控器投影分割按钮实时检测遥控器面板自动检测方法。

    Through image subtracted to get object, part projection to segment buttons and real time detection redundantly, and the face of remote control is automatically detected.


  • 计算机网络通信中,为了降低数据通信线路传输误码率,可以采用一种差错检测控制———循环冗余码校验(CRC)。

    In this paper, it studies one of the error-check controls of the communications of computers network-Cyclic Redundancy check (CRC).


  • 设计采用结构,给出故障检测软件程序框图

    Double mode redundancy structure can be used in the design. The author gives the software program diagram of fault checking.


  • 使用筛选算法生成检测规则,并不断地进行检测规则优化以剔除冗余检测规则,保留高效的检测规则。

    The intrusion detection system employs negative selection algorithm to create detectors, optimizes them continuously and maintains efficient memory detectors.


  • 利用多个传感器空间时间上冗余互补信息故障的检测分离提供诊断依据。

    The redundant or complementary information of multisensor in space or time is used to detect and isolate the fault sensors.


  • 故障检测技术仲裁切换技术DCS系统实现模块冗余关键,同时也是难题

    Technologies of fault detection, arbitration and switching are critical issues and difficulties for implementing module redundancy in DCS.


  • 结合FADS采用多个压点配置的特点,利用各传感器测量之间存在解析冗余关系设计方程实现对各个测压点故障传感器的有效检测

    The parity equation is designed based on redundancy relations among the measured values, and the FADS sensors fault detection is accomplished successfully by the parity equations.


  • 进一步本文方法中融合传统时间冗余方法的优点,提出了求解检测上界位置的离线快速算法,有效降低截止期错失

    Further improving approach is presented, and Deadline Miss Ratio can be effectively reduced by adopting traditional time redundancy techniques based on off-line checkpointing analysis.


  • 通道操作输入回路存在冗余重复输入回路中的接地故障急停按钮相邻成对触点间的短路故障都将被检测

    Two-channel operation: Redundancy in the input circuit. Earth faults in the Emergency Stop circuit and shorts across the emergency stop push button are also detected.


  • 这种方法比传统的知识自动检测融合方法粒度精度更高可以检测基于模糊子集精度的重复冗余矛盾、循环、交叉规则

    This method checks knowledge with a more fine granularity and higher precision, and could find out the same rules, redundant rules, contradict rules and other conflict rules;


  • 系统算术二进制表示算术相结合,提出了一种并行实现法器算法,这种算法不仅具有溢出检测功能,而且具有容错能力。

    An algorithm for the parallel realization of multiplier is presented in this paper by combining redundant Residue Number System (RRNS) with redundant binary represent.


  • 系统算术二进制表示算术相结合,提出了一种并行实现法器算法,这种算法不仅具有溢出检测功能,而且具有容错能力。

    An algorithm for the parallel realization of multiplier is presented in this paper by combining redundant Residue Number System (RRNS) with redundant binary represent.


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