• 合作出版了《ScubaDivingSafety》一书,一系列潜水冒险小说短篇故事

    He also co-authored the book Scuba Diving Safety and has written a series of dive adventure novels and short stories.


  • 具有冒险小说特质

    It certainly has the qualities of a picaresque fiction.


  • 这部插图的冒险小说几乎自从出版后就列入中了。

    This illustrated adventure book has been making book lists almost since publication.


  • 这部插图冒险小说几乎自从出版后就一直雄踞各种图书榜单了

    This illustrated adventure book has been making book lists almost since publication.


  • 再见了,《壮志凌云》里的汤姆·克鲁斯再见了,比格勒斯,你这位英国冒险小说里的主人公

    Farewell Tom Cruise in "Top Gun". Goodbye Biggles, the British adventure-book hero.


  • 作家勒.凡尔纳出版了一部关于月球旅行冒险小说时,读者故事当成十足的幻想故事。

    When writer Jules Verne published an adventure novel about a trip to the moon, his readers thought the story was pure fantasy.


  • 鲁滨逊漂流记》格列佛游记》是18世纪英国两部最典型冒险小说英国文学史占有重要地位

    Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver's Travels, two typical adventure novels in the 18 ~ (th) century, have occupied very important positions in the English literary history.


  • 一位华盛顿医生警告已经遇到三个抱怨头疼孩子,他们头疼都是由于长期苦读长达870冒险小说过度疲惫而引起的。

    A Washington doctor warned that he has seen three children complain of headaches caused by the physical stress of relentlessly plowing through the epic 870-page adventure.


  • 位华盛顿医生警告已经遇到三个抱怨头疼孩子,他们头疼都是由于长期苦读长达870冒险小说过度疲惫而引起的。

    Washington doctor warned that he has seen three children complain of headaches caused by the physical stress of relentlessly plowing through the epic 870-page adventure.


  • 雪人种种传说成了20世纪中期冒险小说的常客,同时激发了很多当今的探险者:2008年一个日本探险队发现更多据称是雪人的足迹。

    The yeti was the subject of a rich vein of mid20th century adventure fiction and still spurs contemporary explorers: a 2008 Japanese expedition turned up more alleged yeti footprints.


  • 第八部也是最后一部根据J.K罗琳编写冒险小说改编而成的电影,全世界范围内吸金4.75亿美元。3D电影票收入占到了票房收入的43%。

    Worldwide, the eighth and last film based on novels about the adventures of a boy wizard by J.K. Rowling raked in $475m; 3D ticket sales accounted for 43% of the box-office receipts.


  • 小时候冒险故事艾萨克·阿西莫夫少年科幻小说幸运星金星海洋》让兴奋不已

    As a kid, I thrilled to tales of adventure and Isaac Asimov's juvenile science fiction novel, lucky star and the oceans of Venus.


  • 作为世界第二大图书出版商,出版图书仅落后史蒂芬·梅尔畅销的吸血鬼小说狡猾的高卢战士阿斯泰里克斯的冒险连环画。

    The world's second-biggest publisher of books, it is behind Stephenie Meyer's bestselling vampire novels and the comic-strip adventures of asterix, a cunning Gallic warrior.


  • 是个固执而且喜欢冒险希望自己小说一定影响做梦都成为恐怖作家

    The little hero is a stubborn and adventurous man, he hopes to one day oneself can have certain influence in the novel, his dream to become a horror writer.


  • 乍看起来,这种情况起来好像是直接来自廉价科幻小说情节。虽然造成灾难可能性很小,可是为什么要去冒险呢?

    On the face of it, that sounds like a scenario straight out of cheap science fiction. But even if the odds of calamity are small, why gamble?


  • 勒?凡尔纳小说中虚构的冒险菲力斯霍治可能我们想象的还走在时代的前列。

    Jules Verne's fictional adventurer Phileas Fogg may have been more ahead of his time than we thought.


  • 菲利普·弗朗西斯·诺兰中篇小说大决战——公元2419年》描述巴克·罗杰斯首次冒险历程,小说发表著名的《神奇故事》杂志上。

    Buck Rogers' first adventure was described in Philip Francis Nowlan's novella, Armageddon - 2419 A.D., published in that famous issue of Amazing Stories.


  • 1973年,怀特原始荒野作为背景,写出小说暴风》,之后,把爱丽莎冒险故事写成了小说树叶》。

    White used its primal wilderness as the setting for his 1973 novel The Eye of the Storm and again in A Fringe of Leaves, a fictionalized retel ling of Eliza's saga.


  • 那里25个奇特的岛屿每个岛屿都分别代表小时(包括第25小时),这是一个激动人心的幻想冒险故事,恐怖小说爱好者一定喜欢的。

    There are twenty-five unique islands, each representing an hour in the day (as well as a twenty-fifth hour) that provide an engaging fantasy adventure sure to be loved by any fan of the genre.


  • 两本小说获得成功后,村上成为名专职作家,著作等身,比如《寻冒险记》、《奇行状录》等。

    After the success of his first twobooks, Murakami became a full-time writer, producing a prolific body of workincluding “A Wild Sheep Chase” and “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.”


  • 内心浪漫狮子座喜欢读浪漫故事小说戏剧冒险故事

    Romantics at heart with a penchant for playing the drama queen, the Lion will keep entertained with romance, fiction, drama or adventure stories.


  • 麦尔维尔作品中采用通俗小说手法入手,尤其是具体作品采用讽刺冒险哥特城市暴露言情等通俗小说模式逐一论述。

    This article is to analyze the specific use of such popular fiction formulas as Satiric Adventure, Gothic, City Expose and Women's fictions in some of his serious novels.


  • 麦尔维尔作品中采用通俗小说手法入手,尤其是具体作品采用讽刺冒险哥特城市暴露言情等通俗小说模式逐一论述。

    This article is to analyze the specific use of such popular fiction formulas as Satiric Adventure, Gothic, City Expose and Women's fictions in some of his serious novels.


- 来自原声例句

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