• 今年可以分文花,明年消费最终价值

    I could just not consume anything this year, and I could wait until next year and consume the terminal value.


  • 应收账款办理企业资金办理主要构成局部,关系企业现金流量再消费资金需求

    Accounts receivable management is an important part of fund management, related to the company's cash flow and financial needs of reproduction.


  • 美国信贷繁荣的时候,房产成了提款机人们抵押贷款发行股票,又刺激了他们消费

    In America houses turned into cash machines during the credit boom as people remortgaged to release equity and boost their spending.


  • 我们一些个案研究显示即使我们已经采取了这些简单步骤人们来说,不用大规模放弃西方消费生活方式减10%也是可以达到的目标。

    Even for those of us who have already taken these easy steps, the next 10%, as some of our case studies show, is within reach without wholesale renunciation of a western consumer lifestyle.


  • 没收来食品被埋起来被污染牛奶需要被稀释可接受放射水平消费

    Impounded food is buried, and tainted milk is diluted to acceptable levels of radioactivity and sold to consumers, she says.


  • 因此除了削减用于草坪维护洗车游泳池这样的不必要的用水消费实在不能减少哪些部分用水,即使水价上涨

    So beyond trimming nonessential USES like lawn maintenance, car washing, and swimming pools, consumers really can't reduce water consumption in proportion to rate increases.


  • 微软要是拖拉下去,”高德纳CarolinaMilanesi说道,“将会更多消费选择其他替代产品,而且这不局限平板电脑个人电脑也是同样的。”

    The longer they [Microsoft] leave it, ” says Carolina Milanesi of Gartner, “the more consumers will have found an alternative, and not just for tablets but for PCs too.”


  • 他们注意尽管经济持续扩张,但消费物价指数消费开支仍无起色(见图表)。央行希望看到二月中旬的关于去年第四季度的GDP数字后作定夺。

    Although the economy continues its expansion, the bank noted, consumer prices and spending had yet to impress (see chart).


  • 最后产品通过零售环节流通消费者手中,产品通常这一环节中还原单个产品。

    Finally, the flow of products through the retail chain to consumers, the product is usually further back in the chain for individual products.


  • 许多跨国公司继续大多数设在新兴市场国家而不这些产品出口”回国,因为当地的消费需求正在飞速增长。

    Many multinationals will continue to build most of their new factories in emerging markets, not to export stuff back home but because that is where demand is growing fastest.


  • 服务消费不用PC 旁边使用 PC 上的应用程序,或者购买针对特定智能手机PDA其他设备版本

    The service consumer no longer has to be at a PC, use an application from the PC, or purchase a specific version that's configured for smartphones, PDAs, and other devices.


  • 消费不会感到庆幸了,英镑贬值迫使商人国外寻找商机。

    There will be little consumer cheer and businesses will have to look abroad for growth, helped by the lower pound.


  • 华盛顿唱的财政颂歌简单先把几十亿消费了,然后付账

    THE mantra in Washington, DC, is simple: spend billions now, pay later.


  • 瑞士每年人均消费已经超过25仅次于英国位居第二,还他们怎么

    The Swiss already consume an average of more than 25 pounds of chocolate a year, placing them second only to the British, so how do you get them to eat more?


  • 华尔街分析师普遍认为消费者因此推迟购买iPhone手机,直到公司推出新版iPhone手机之后购买,大多数分析师预计苹果公司将今年9月推出新版iPhone手机。

    Wall Street experts widely believed that consumers would hold off on purchasing iPhones until the company unveiled a new version, which most expect it to do in September.


  • 建造热”降温时,原本建筑业带动消费反之消费促进(或翻译为"反哺"更好)建筑业的这种循环可能颠覆,结果是“过去的良性循环成为恶性循环。”

    When the building stops, he says, the cycle by which construction fuels consumption, and vice versa, could be inverted: “the virtuous cycle becomes a vicious one.”


  • 消费信贷业务2008年发生了70亿美金税前损失 — 如果这种态势持续几年将会将汇丰核心资本减少六分之一。

    This unit produced an underlying pre-tax loss of $7 billion in 2008--a couple more years like that would knock a sixth or so off HSBC’s core capital.


  • 消费不会接受培训,使原始设备制造商注意消费了解技术和平

    Consumers will not have to be retrained, giving OEMs peace of mind that consumers will understand new technology.


  • 一个项目考虑周边大城市关系交通路网状况地方文化文脉,以及对消费人群分析,控制好体量,最后确定项目的实质内容。

    When developing a project, we should think over its relationship with the surrounding urban areas, traffic, the local culture, climate, consumer analysis, scale, and most importantly substance.


  • 批评西方教会过于世俗消费主义观念过于顽固

    He has repeatedly criticized Western churches as too worldly and too entrenched in consumerism.


  • 消费扔掉买来东西买新的,生产者就越有利。

    The sooner a consumer throws away the object he has bought and buys another, the better for the producer.


  • 大多数病人经合理治疗后,通过特殊教育行为训练,有可能消费变成劳动者

    An overwhelming majority of patients can become labourers from consumers through special education and training of productive behavior.


  • 而后消费简单的点击“通过MasterPass购买选项不必重复输入数据

    Consumers can thereafter simply choose the "Buy with MasterPass" option, thus preventing the need for repeated data input.


  • 即使是高利率时代,在固定利率下,一旦降息,消费可以还贷重新按利率贷款,银行客户提供此类服务

    Even in the era of high interest rates in the fixed rate of interest once, consumers can re-start owing on the loan at the new rate loans, banks also provide such services to its customers.


  • 但是功能可能总是花样翻新伟大的功能,唠叨了几年消费啦,也觉得伟大了。

    But, function may not always in a new guise, you again great function, nagging years, consumer also listen to bother! Dont feel it great.


  • 公司公用事业市立电力公司合作,以便让软体能够判定何时才是消费他们车子充电的划算时间

    The two companies pledged to work with utilities and municipal power companies so the software can determine when the most affordable times will be for consumers to recharge their vehicles.


  • 不过幸好苹果订单消费最初偏好保持一致随着他们感兴趣程度的上升扩大投放市场的数量。

    Hopefully Apple's quantity orders are in line with consumers' initial preferences and will expand with their interest.


  • 不过幸好苹果订单消费最初偏好保持一致随着他们感兴趣程度的上升扩大投放市场的数量。

    Hopefully Apple's quantity orders are in line with consumers' initial preferences and will expand with their interest.


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