• 再次当选的条件极其有利。

    He is heavily favoured to win reelection.


  • 雷诺兹先生10260再次当选

    Mr. Reynolds was re-elected by 102 votes to 60.


  • 再次当选议员

    She was re-elected to parliament.


  • 他们目标设计出一种策略确保罗纳德·里根能够再次当选第二任期内再度入主白宫

    Their aim was to devise a strategy that would guarantee Ronald Reagan's resounding reelection to a second term in the White House.


  • 令人惊奇的是政府把税收提高这么再次当选了。

    It was surprising the government was re-elected, given that they had raised taxes so much.


  • 罗斯福成功地再次当选

    But Roosevelt was triumphantly re-elected.


  • 奇本来希望借助赢得欧盟成员国席位帮助自己明年春天选举再次当选

    Mr Tadic wanted to gain EU candidacy to help him win re-election in spring.


  • 约翰先生忙着同自己选民保持密切的接触,盘算着怎样才能再次当选

    Mr John is busy nursing his constituency and calculating how he can be reelected.


  • 结果可能是卡尔扎伊的再次当选对于美国要求来说只能说是更加痛苦,更加抵抗。

    The likelihood is still that Mr Karzai will be re-elected, only more embittered and more resistant to American demands.


  • 90学校委员会成员应该再次当选因为他们关心我们地区学校促进艺术教育质量

    The members of the town school board should not be reelected because they are not concerned about promoting high-quality education in the arts in our local schools.


  • 艾哈迈迪·内贾德一再再次当选辩解贬低他的对手他们的支持者做出的舞弊指控

    Mr. Ahmedinejad repeatedly defended his re-election, belittling charges of fraud by his opponents and their supporters.


  • 签署份致使汽油税飙升削减赤字议案一个错误如果再次当选的话,他将再次减税

    He also said that he had made a mistake in signing the deficit-reduction bill with its gas-tax hike and that, if reelected, he'd cut taxes again.


  • 叶利钦再次当选,而且北约将要投票接纳波兰匈牙利捷克共和国我们必须如何处理这事上达成一致意见。

    Yeltsin had been reelected and NATO was about to vote to admit Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic; we had to have an agreement on how to proceed.


  • 巴马访问欧洲与其谋求明年再次当选不无关系,要是能够激起爱尔兰波兰美国人祖先情感就好了。

    Mr Obama's trip to Europe was not unconnected with his own quest for re-election next year, if only by stirring the ancestral sensibilities of Americans of Irish and Polish descent.


  • 2008年,这个国家猛烈共和党78%得票率再次当选州长。 (2009年)以极高的支持率离职。

    He was re-elected in 2008 with 78% of the vote in one of the most fiercely Republican states in the nation, and left office with lofty approval ratings.


  • 名参议员他们家里带回“腌肉”,没有地区责任,他们唯一担心的是能否再次当选

    Two senators are allocated per state. They also need to bring home the bacon but they have no local obligations and only have to worry about being re-elected every six years.


  • 58%受访者中——包括21%自己的支持者另一民意测验中表示,他们希望2012年再次当选

    Some 58% of respondents, including 21% of his own supporters, told another poll that they did not want him to stand again in 2012.


  • 白宫杰奎琳.肯尼迪社会秘书莱迪特亚.鲍尓特立奇这么奥巴马家庭的社交,“我们面对事实:能再次当选是一件大好事

    Let’s face it: It’s very good for getting re-elected, ” Letitia Baldrige, the White House social secretary to Jacqueline Kennedy, said of the Obamassocializing.


  • 国会朋友这么说过:“关于结合软硬实力重要性没错,但要是一提实力,就别想再次当选了。”

    As a friend in Congress once told me, "You are right about the importance of combining soft power with hard power, but I cannot talk about soft power and hope to get re-elected."


  • 他们刚刚开始的爱情十一月份遇到了麻烦,那时候波诺麦克再次当选国会议员,而Jeandron,梅丽莎的候选人落选了

    Their fledgling relationship reached a crossroads in November, when Bono Mack was reelected to Congress and Jeandron, Melissa’s candidate, lost.


  • 2000年爆发技术泡沫之后过度金融刺激正是今天伤痛来源,而这或许就是为了布什2004年的再次当选

    The excessive monetary stimulus after the technology bubble burst in 2000, which is behind much of today's pain, was probably designed to get Mr Bush re-elected in 2004.


  • 2005年再次当选预计赢得第三大选,而2006年4月这次呼吁匆忙中的大选遭到反对派联合抵制事实上导致大选无效。

    He won again in 2005, and would presumably have won a third time, in the snap election he called in April 2006, had the opposition not boycotted the poll, in effect invalidating the vote.


  • 而且比尔·克林顿再次当选正是曼迪所想要的,恐怕可以说是事情了,民众有氧健身芭蕾舞反应强烈,她执教班级正在犹太社区中心

    Also, Bill Clinton had been reelected, which was what Mandy had wanted, and, perhaps most exciting, people were really responding to cardio ballet, the class she taught at the Jewish Community Center.


  • 但是委员会发现议会下议院院长荣育·迪亚·拜拉涉嫌买票时,各种担忧开始再次出现。

    However, the worries revived this week when the Election Commission found Yongyuth Tiyapairat, the speaker of the lower house of Parliament, guilty of vote-buying.


  • 但是委员会发现议会下议院院长荣育·迪亚·拜拉涉嫌买票时,各种担忧开始再次出现。

    However, the worries revived this week when the Election Commission found Yongyuth Tiyapairat, the speaker of the lower house of Parliament, guilty of vote-buying.


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