• 全球继续暖,一些国家夏季气温再创新高

    The world continued to get warmer, with record summer heats recorded in several countries.


  • 由于最大茶叶出口国肯尼亚遭遇干旱,茶叶价格再创新高

    The price of tea hit another high because of drought in Kenya, the largest exporter.


  • 与此同时黄金价格再创新高美元继续疲软,尤其是日元的汇率。

    Meanwhile, gold surged to a record high, while the dollar stayed weak, especially against the Japanese yen.


  • 希望大家成功,也希望来年我们销售再创新高

    I wish you all the success in the world and hope that we can repeat our record-setting sales for another year.


  • 去年11月,行驶里程回到了2007年的水平今年可能再创新高

    As of last November, miles driven were back to 2007 levels, and a new record high is likely this year.


  • 美元贬值中东北非紧张局势影响,国际金银价格再创新高

    The prices of gold and silver have hit new record highs, driven by a weaker US dollar and continuing tensions in the Middle East and North Africa.


  • 小组近日于会上公布结论;而就几周前,英国大学落榜人数再创新高

    The conclusions - published to coincide with the group's annual conference - come weeks after record Numbers of students were rejected from university.


  • 一连串无约束的国有银行贷款的扶持下,过去一年某些地区楼价大幅飙升再创新高

    In the past year property prices have surged to new highs in some places, helped by a torrent of carefree lending from state-run Banks.


  • 种种迹象显示,今年再创新高,相较2007年,预售票目已经增加20%。

    All the signs are that this will be a record year for the Fringe, with advance ticket sales 20% up on 2007.


  • 伦敦纽约金价投资者抗通胀需求再创新高银价攀升至30年来最高点。

    Gold climbed to records in New York and London on investor demand for an alternative investment to currencies. Silver advanced to a 30-year high.


  • 去年哈佛大学申请人数再创新高,共有超过3万人申请不到2000个名额

    Applications to Harvard reached a new peak last year — more than 30, 000 applied for fewer than 2, 000 spots.


  • 美国研究人员发现,2010年全年鲨鱼主动攻击人类案例数量再创新高

    According to the Global Post, US researchers have found sharks launched 79 unprovoked attacks on humans in 2010. It marks the highest number in a decade.


  • 到了上世纪八十年代中期随着股市再创新高,裙子长度以往任何时候

    By the mid-Eighties, they were shorter than ever when shares reached new heights.


  • 支持我们善款金额参加人数必定再创新高彰显如新优异文化

    With your support, our Numbers of donations and participants must be record-breaking. Let's demonstrate the difference in nu SKIN's culture!


  • 欧元美元日元的比价再创新高,而失业率则降至1999年欧元正式启动以来最低点,为7%。

    The euro is at new highs against the dollar and the yen. Unemployment has fallen to 7%, the lowest since the euro started life in 1999.


  • 2004年世界半导体再创新高电子产业基础核心——半导体产业证明其言不谬

    In 2004, the global semiconductor industry will hit a new high, which is validated by the basis and kernel of electronic industry.


  • 官网资讯报道昨日螺纹钢大幅放量增仓上行再创新高最大的动力依然来自于成本推动

    LuHong high pressure boiler tube website information reported: yesterday rebar sharply peatlands ing uplink, hit a record high, the biggest motivation still from cost boost.


  • 摘要勃艮第著名伯恩济众院慈善拍卖会再创新高预示着产区葡萄酒销量将会上升。

    ABSTRACT: Burgundy's famous wine auction reaches new heights and signals an upswing in the region's fortunes.


  • 美元再度走软之际,原油黄金价格昨日再创新高,因投资者试图躲避第二信贷动荡冲击。

    Crude oil and gold prices surged to fresh highs yesterday amid renewed dollar weakness as investors sought refuge from a second wave of credit turmoil.


  • 本周汇价周初再创新高达到反弹目标白色阵线受阻回落图表三次失败短期有见顶迹象

    Week this week, the exchange rate reached a record high rebound goal blocked in the white front side down, the charts upside three signs of the failure o…


  • 今年和该市广告合作关系城市再创新高其中就包括麦克摩尔纪录片罗杰中充当阴森背景弗林特市。

    The state's advertising partnership extended to a record number of cities this year, including Flint, the grim setting for Mr Moore's documentary, “Roger & Me”.


  • 《防务内情》昨日报道五角大楼已经告知国会F-35战机的单机造价可能升至1亿5810万美元,再创新高

    Inside Defense (subscription only) reported yesterday that the Pentagon has advised Congress that F-35 costs could rise as high as $158.1 million per airframe, a record new high.


  • 荣幸获得这个能够得到同行肯定,对来说是个非常的荣誉。伟大一年给予力量再创新高

    It's an honor to receive this prize and I'm proud to get it from colleagues, it was the coronation of a great year and it gives me the strength to continue playing at the highest level.


  • 荣幸获得这个能够得到同行肯定,对来说是个非常的荣誉。伟大一年给予力量再创新高

    It's an honor to receive this prize and I'm proud to get it from colleagues, it was the coronation of a great year and it gives me the strength to continue playing at the highest level.


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